Wednesday, August 10, 2005

To my Readers....

I need a little help with a project I'm working on.

I'm making a Journal jar for an anniversary gift.  It's there first anniversary and that's the "paper" anniversary so I thought it would be a good idea.  I haven't decided yet if I'm going to by to journals for them each to answer the questions or just one and they can do it together.

Anyway, I doubt I can come up with 365 questions about their first year of marriage, so I thought maybe I'd do a weekly one. Anyway, I have 29 questions already.  So if anyone has a thoughts or questions to put in please either leave it in the comments or you can email me.

Here are the questions I have so far.
What was your wedding day like?
Did anything out of the ordinary happen on your wedding day?
Tell about your honeymoon?
Describe a special event that happened during this first year.
What was your first fight about? How did you resolve it?
What's the biggest change in your relationship since the wedding?
What is the one thing that has changed the most about your husband/wife?
What is the biggest change you have seen in yourself?
Tell about the home you lived in when you first got married?
What was the greatest joy? the greatest sorrow?
What one thing did you expect to change since being married but it didn't?
What do you two do together now (hobbies, games, etc) for fun that you didn't do before getting married?
Do you spend more or less time together since getting married? How do you feel about that?
Who did most of the cooking in the first year?
Did you start any traditions?  What were they?
What was your most embarrassing moment?
Any memories associated with music?
Describe your typical Sundays?
What was the first purchase you made together as a married couple?
What was the worse wedding present?
Who was the worse behaved of your reception guests? Tell about it.
Where there any serious illnesses or injuries?
How did you become engaged?
Tell about any interesting or important visitors to your home
Tell about a frustrating experience you had with a car
What was the biggest compromise you had to make?
What was the color of your first home as man and wife?


Anonymous said...

humm let me think...I may repeat some of your questions but I will try
What attracted you to your husband and or wife...
What was your first car together..
what was your gifts to each other on your first christmas as a married couple
What did you eat on your frist thanksgiving together..
What friends did you lose or gain after you got married..
what kind of relationship do you have with your inlaws and how has that changed since you married..
what city do you live in since you got married
Well I didnt do so well myself maybe this can trigger your thinker
Donna In TEXAS

Anonymous said...

I have 2 books, maybe 3, well not books, but journals with these kinds of questions in them!  LOL!  Let me find them and I will email you a bunch of questions tomorrow!  Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Who is your favorite in-law?
Who's the best grocery shopper--husband or wife?
What is your spouse's favorite holiday?
What is your spouses' favorite childhood memory?
What did you do on your first month anniversary?

Anonymous said...

does it have to be a question? i was thinking along the lines of spending a few minutes a lone, holding heads, hugging, kissing, talking, going for a walk, for a drive, etc.

Anonymous said...

What a great gift idea!! I would definitely get them a journal to write in would have to be a large one , so they could both write individually if they wanted to.
Robyn :)

Anonymous said...

What plans do you have for your relationship in the future?
Do you plan to have any children?
Are there traditions or memories that you would like to share with your children?
Is there something that you would like to do in the future as a married couple?
Think of how you grew up. What strengths did your parents show that you would like to show as well?
Name one trait that you find special about your spouse.

Anonymous said...

What was the one dish you never want your wife to prepare again?  (LOL)
Where do you want to live after retirement? ( I never asked my DH this question and I kinda wish I did because I really don't want to move to where he wants to move to when he retires)
Do you think you will be  good parents?
Can you agree on how you are going to raise your children?
How do you handle jealousy?

Just a few...hope this helps!


Anonymous said...

What was the one dish you never want your wife to prepare again?  (LOL)
Where do you want to live after retirement? ( I never asked my DH this question and I kinda wish I did because I really don't want to move to where he wants to move to when he retires)
Do you think you will be  good parents?
Can you agree on how you are going to raise your children?
How do you handle jealousy?

Just a few...hope this helps!


Anonymous said...

How about:

Q: Did you make any plans on having children?

Q: First argument with the In-Laws, and how was it resolved?

Q: Where did you go on your first date after you were married?  Did it seem as romantic as before you were married?

Q: For women:  What was the frist document you had to sign your married name on?

Q: Who has take out the garbage duty,  and why?


Anonymous said...

Very good idea ok here some questions not sure if they will help or if you might have already thought of them but thought I would put them anyway.

1. How did you two first meet?

2. What was your first date like?

3. When did you first meet your inlaws and what was that like?

ok thats all I can think of right now but if I come up with some more I will let u know well anyway good luck with this

Anonymous said...

Here's a question that troubles me, and one of the reasons that I'm about to get dismarried (yes, it's a made up word but it's mine and I love it) is:
What attracted you to your spouse initially?  Has that changed?