Friday, April 27, 2007

No question today.... for personal reasons.  So lets make today a

and since I don't post on weekends everyone will have three days to catch up!
Take care,


Thursday, April 26, 2007

Question 128 ~ Spouse

How old were you and your spouse when you married?  What were your hopes and dreams?


Once again I could take the easy way out ... since I'm not married... but I won't.  Most of you know I've been married more then once.  (I once told a guy I had just met, when he asked me if I was married or ever married  "no not now, but heck I get married at the drop of the hat".. he took his hat off and dropped it on the floor..great memory)

Okay back to the answer I'm going to answer this about my first husband, here. I do this in a notebook too and copy most of it word for word.. but on questions like this I'd answer for all husbands LMAO!! Just so someday maybe my great grand children will read it and know all about me, the good the bad and the ugly :)

I was 18, he was 21.  I was so young I had little hearts in my eyes and big dreams.  Together forever... house.. 4 kids (two boys then two girls) a cat and a dog... a business together. We'd talk about all of that... we had big plans, wonderful dreams.. dreams that went away... however we are still friends.  I love him ..not in the same way... as I'm not "in love" with him.  But for a long time he was my world.  We still talk about our old dreams and laugh.  Some days I miss him being my husband... but then the reason we split up come into my head ... I know we both grew up and are totally different people now, had we waited to get married maybe we would have made it.  But then I wouldn't have the other husbands LMAO


Okay you know how to do this.. leave your answer in the comment section or your journal linking back ... or as a couple readers do, email it to me.  (your answers are wonderful you should post them here! but hey it's your choice

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Question 127 ~ feel good question

What makes you feel good?

So many answers to this one. But I'm going to keep it short for now (as hell broke loose at my home last other journal has the story and picture)

What makes me feel good, my family, love, real friendship.. you know the ones that you can count on to be there for you  and they know they can count on your right back. 

My kitty Mak... don't think I could get some days without him.. and he is a cat with a sense of humor.

My children... I love them no matter what.  My kids keep me strong, I keep them loved and cared for.  My kids are my rock. And I hope I am their's.

I could go on and on.. the sun.. spring... having no plans (lazy days no demands), warm bubble baths...Music, flowers..Good question for me today... I need to look at what makes me happy and what I'm thankful for. Some days I swear this jar knows what questions to put in my fingers.

And lastly a warm bowl of mashed potatoes! Yep curled up in my bed watching a "chick" movie eating mashed potatoes. 


Well if you'd like to answer this question.. you know how this works by now right? ;)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Cleaning up the journal jar...

I have a few journal on the side bar that no longer exist or haven't posted in a long time.. So if you are on there and don't want your journal linked there let me know either in the comments or email me

If you have a journal jar going or you answer the questions in your journal and you're not linked and would like to be also let me know.

Thought I'd do a little "spring cleaning"


Question 126 ~ Education

Did you receive an education other than in school?

I didn't really understand this question at first.  I thought does it mean college.. but that's school.  lol Blonde moment there!

I would have to say I get some sort of education every day.

There was a time I lived on the streets.. I was young and learned a lot the hard way. I also learned there is no shame in where you've been or came from as long as you've come up.. bettered yourself.   I've also learned things from my parents, sister, aunts, and other family members. Love, acceptance, understanding... and seeing there are three sides to every story.. one person's, the other person's and somewhere in there the whole truth.

I think I learned best from a few new friends... they taught me honesty, forgiveness, and understanding.  They taught me to look at myself.. to see who I am and what I really wanted to be.  I learned the hard way most of my life and this was no different... I learned not to "go with the crowd" to stand up for what I feel is right... to speak up when I feel something is wrong.  To not hang on to someone else's thinking.. to be my own person and to allow myself to have my own opinions .. that opinions are not right or wrong.. they are just simply that opinions.  I've learned so many things from so many people.  Life isn't black and white... People will hurt you and you can learn from that.  Guess what I'm saying is education in school is reading, writing and math... out of school it's how we live.. who we are.. how we define ourselves.  You just can't learn that from a book.. you have to experience it. And sometimes it's painful.  But in the end... I feel if I learned something from it, it was worth the pain.


You can answer this in the comment section or your own journals please link back though... I am looking forward to reading other people's interpretation of this question.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Question 125 - In laws

How did you first meet your in laws?

At first I was going to just say I'm no longer married ... but I thought about the first time I met my first husband's family.  I was very young when I got married ... seems a long long time ago. They had invited me over for a picnic and they had BBQ ribs and corn on the cob. I don't know about you... but I don't like eating messy foods in front of people let alone the first time I meet someone.  Maybe it was a test lol.  Yes I had BBQ sauce on my face and in my hair.  I was a mess.  I laughed at myself and we all laughed ... turned out the loved me. 


If you're not married you can tell about how you met your S.O's family...

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Not your normal journal jar entry

I don't do questions on the weekends.. But I wanted to wish Diama (cherry2sweet2eat) from  Just Getting It off My Chest!a

Hope it's a good one!!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Question 124 ~ Vacations

(Sorry I missed the last few days, been a little under the weather and spent a lot of time in bed... then there was the big bad Dr appointment lol)

Where do you like to go on vacation? why?

Well I love going up to the North Shore (Duluth) Those of you who have never been to MN or even heard of the North Shore... it's beautiful when the fall colors start to change.  That's sort of a mini vacation though.  I don't get many "real" vacations anymore. Although we are planning one for this summer, yep I real vacation to Florida... I won't have to pay for it so that's the extra extra bonus!. And I really want to swim with the dolphins (that is on my "before I die list") be nice to cross one thing off lmao!

But I guess my favorite place to go is either to a hotel (anywhere out of town) and just enjoy reading, relaxing, the pool, no cooking or cleaning... although I always tidy up the room and the people that are with me say "that's what the housekeepers are for" but I'll always be me.


 Or I like to go camping. See one extreme to the next. No phone, no luxuries of home.. just roughing it. Cooking over an open fire.. bathing in the lake or river... no make up .. caring what my hair looks like.. just having fun. At night sitting around the fire and just talking....  Those really are my best "vacations". 

If you wanna write about where you like to go on vacation you can do it in the comments or in your own journals (but please link back) or yes you can email me the answers although it's more fun for everyone to read. Also if you're just starting let me know


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Question 123 ~ Food

What are your food preferences and how did they come about?

Well I don't have many food preferences... when money is tight you buy what you can.  My "comfort" food is mashed potatoes... I don't know why.  It's just soothing.

Now for preferences one of them is Pizza (home made are the best). It used to be a tradition (mine) to make them on Christmas eve.  But when I was living at home my brothers would make them at least every other weekend.. it was one of the few times we could eat in the living room.  My oldest brother took cooking in school so that was his specialty.  I think that's where that came from.


My other "Preference" or I should say something I just love is lobster... now I hardly have that anymore.  That too came from when I was a child. My mom would cook up lobster tails on one Saturday night a month and we'd get little cups of butter and once again we could eat in the living room and watch movies.  I remember it was always such a big deal to eat in the living room.  Didn't matter if it was pizza night, lobster night or popcorn... eating in the living room, heck even drinking in there was forbidden.  I have to say I hate those Red Lobster commercials when it's "Lobster fest" makes me crave it.  I had a boyfriend once that used to bring me out for lobster often... I don't think I've had it since then.



So that's the story of my food... what's your's?
You can leave it in the comment section or in your own journals make sure you link back so we all can see. 

To everyone who has stuck around and kept going with me on this, even when it was on and off and no one really knew when I'd post the next question!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Question 122 ~ Sounds of childhood

Describe a "sound" from your childhood. What was it? When did you hear it? What does it bring to mind?

At first I couldn't think of any... I think I was over thinking this question. So I stopped thinking and sat here pretty much mindless... read a few journals and came back.  Car engines revving up.  That's the sound... When I hear it some evenings now I think of my childhood... I think of the smell of our garage or back yard and the noise (sometimes cuss words lol) My brother's working on cars.  They were always working on their cars or their friend's cars.  Sometimes I would go out and watch ... hand them tools.. always asking questions.  Until they got annoyed with me.  You'd think I'd know a little something about cars from that.. but I don't.

So every time I hear someone revving up their car I think of my brothers and their greasy group of friends. And I mean that in a good way.

What's your childhood "sound"?

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Question 121 ~ Mistakes

What was the biggest mistake you've ever made?

This is sort of a hard question for me... I feel that all mistakes that I have made have been learning experiences and just had to be.  Sort of my no regrets thing.  If I hadn't made the mistakes I've made my life may have turned out differently and I believe it is how it's supposed to me.  Having said that... and looking back as ALL the mistakes I've made (and I've made many) I think the one mistake I would not do again knowing what I know now is move here.  I wasn't completely happy where I was at and wanted to move closer to my family.. but since I moved here we have had nothing but problems.  This town is full of trouble.  I have taken 10 steps back in my life here.  Not speaking health .... just in my personal life.  So if I could do it over again I wouldn't move here nor would I stay where I was.  Although there is regret to moving here, I know there is a reason for my moving here (haven't figured that out yet) and I know there is lesson to be learned.  It's been a long rough road here... one I'm ready to end.  I'm giving my notice at the end of the month and getting out of this town. Not sure where I'll be going and I know some of my problems will be coming with me... you can't run from them all. But I know that there will be more peace somewhere else... I'd love to get into the what's and why's of it all.. but since this is a public journal I just don't feel comfortable doing that. 


Okay so it does seem that there isn't many people participating in this journal anymore but I'm going to keep on saying this.... you can answer this question in the comment section or in your own journal and link back.  I have gotten a few answers in emails which is fine if that is how you'd like to do it too... although then it's just you and me :) 

Have a great day! 

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Question 120 ~ special date

After an interruption I'm back... sorry it's been so long....

Tell about a special date you had with a boy/girlfriend:

I have had a few that came to mind when I pulled this question.  I guess the one that stands out most in my memories is New Year's eve with J and our friends.. we went to Las Vegas for three days.  I had the best time there... we hung out with our friends part of the time and other times we spent it alone.  So it was a mixture of romance and fun.  We saw a few shows, gambled very little (I am not the gambling type lol) and spend a lot of time in the hot tub in our room.  There was a large fire works show right after midnight... the memory of that vacation/date will always be a great one. The one thing I couldn't believe the prize of the food from room service! YIKES! But money wasn't an issue with him .. me I never would have paid that much for food.

Even though our relationship ended that year... I will always love and care about him and all the special dates
and memories we shared. 


As always you can answer this question here in the comments or in your own journal.. make sure you link though so everyone can read about YOUR special date.