Thursday, August 25, 2005

Question 83 ~ Life Lesson

What is the greatest lesson in life you find to be true?

Today I was going to have a completely different answer to this question when I first pulled it.  But I just deleted the whole entry.  The first one was on being honest no matter what. 
But I just got back from a funeral.  And I learned a very important lesson from this.  Never turn your back on someone.  Never think they don't offer you anything, never take life for granted... yours or someone else's.  Don't think because someone annoys you that the rest of them didn't mean anything to you.  Because when they are gone, you may just find they meant more to you then you realize.  When they die you may suddenly remember little things they called about that helped you through a time in your life where you may not have had the courage to stand tall or even make it through.  You may remember something they did for you that at that moment meant nothing, but thinking back meant so much.  Never telling that person ... well it's too late to actually tell his physical body now, but I know he knows.  My last conversation with him was "if you want to be friends and just friends that's fine, but if you keep hitting on me, asking me out or touching me when I don't want to be touched I don't even want to speak to you or have you speak to me again ... so it's friends or nothing"  That was the last thing I said to him.. then I turned and walked away.  He came up to me about 15 minutes later and said "Friends it is then"  I said "hmmmkay"  Not really believing him.  My lesson is, always treat that moment like you may never see that person again, it MAY be your last moment with that person.  Don't leave things unsaid, don't stop believing in second chances.
RIP Pete!  I did care! And in my own screwed up way, I did love and care for you. 

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **


Anonymous said...

Woo...I'm first!


Anonymous said...

I believe that there are many life lessons that are equally important.  Honesty is one.  Not taking people or things for granted is another.  Telling people that you love them so that you have no regrets when they die is still another.  Finally, following your heart.  Blessings to you!  Sheila

PS  I'm very sorry about the loss of your friend.

Anonymous said...

    Okay, if there is one thing I've learned and probably have to relearn again and again, it is that it only takes a moment to change an entire lifetime. Like you said about losing a friend and the last thing you said to him. But also you never know when someone will get sick, lose a job or win the lottery. Take each moment as it comes and learn to appreciate it for what it is.

Anonymous said...

Your lesson is one I had to learn extremely early in life!  And I think learning that early on reshaped me in many ways.  But there is another that I learned about 10 years ago......with God you can do anything, but apart from Him you can do nothing!  You may be busy, and you may "do" things, but they will have no real significance or lasting value.  :)  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

you never kno what u have til its gone when i lost my brother it opened my eyes to how much i really loved that boy

Anonymous said...

One lesson that I have found to be quite surprising is that you are always learning.  No matter how much you know or think you know you can be surprised by the tiniest bit of information.  For a time I took this as a bad thing because there never seemed to an end.  But now I know that it is a process of life to always be learning.


Anonymous said...

"Dont Let Go Off True Love"
Once you have found the perfect Love and Perfect Lover, Dont let them go.
True Love and Soul Mates do not come along everyday.
When it does, or rather when he/she does............................
Keep them at all costs.

Anonymous said...

Here is what I have learned.  Took me a couple days to think about this one, but here it is!  ~Colleen :)

Anonymous said...

I'm up!

Anonymous said...

Here it is.

Anonymous said...

Here it is: