Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Question 80

Describe the perfect spring day and activities done on that day.

I had a really really long day, so I'm going to come back and answer this tomorrow when I post tomorrow question.  I just don't want to skip many more days.

So if you want to see what I have to say about this stop back by.  Otherwise you know what to do, but in case you don't.  Put your answer in the comment section or in your journal and leave the link so we can read your answer.

Have a good night....

This answer posted 8/11:

Here in MN the winters seem to be getting longer and longer.  Fall is 3 days then winter is FOREVER!  So when spring comes I love it.  It also doesn't last long .. them summer hits. I have a feeling soon we will have two seasons, winter and summer.  But for now Spring IS my favorite time of year.  The first day the weather gets springish, I open all my windows and clean!  I love spring cleaning (I know I know!) but it's like a fresh start to life where everything is shiny, clean, and that stale smell of winter is gone!
After cleaning, it's time to go for a nice long walk.  Oh I love that first spring walk.  Just being outside without a heavy coat and those ugly boots (really my boots are cute but by the end of winter I hate them) I love seeing the birds celebrating the weather, going up to the lake and seeing most of the ice gone, knowing soon I can swim.  The smell of spring is wonderful... but then comes the rain and I go to sleep lol.  So my perfect spring day is mostly the cleaning and airing out. And knowing the winter depression is lifting. I'm an odd one!


Anonymous said...

My perfect spring day was a long time ago in oregon .
I was camping by the lake with my boyfriend . and still in my teens . it was me and him . It had rained lightly that  night and the morning was warm and smelled so good I woke up before him and went swimming in the lake it was so peacefull  

Anonymous said...

A picnic in the park, on a blanket, by the river, as the warm sun shines down upon the two of us. The sound of nature all around.

Anonymous said...

Sorry my answer isn't more inspired.  There really aren't seasons in Florida!

Anonymous said...

It's got to be time to...

Anonymous said...