Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Question 79 ~ Another favorite...

Tell about a favorite Aunt.

I loved all my aunts, I have faint memories of my aunt Jenny.  She died when I was a kid.  My Aunt Dorothy would probably be my favorite since I got to know her most.  She was a bold, vociferous, funny, loving .. in your face kind of woman.  She said what she meant and meant what she said.  Some people found her to be harsh.  She told me things other's were afraid to say. Like "you're acting like a spoiled brat"
She had breast cancer and had a double mastectomy.  Once at a family reunion she jumped up to catch a ball and her false breast fell out.  Without missing a beat she scooped down and picked it up and said "See I don't only drop balls"  She had a way about her, nothing was going to beat her.  In the end we lost her to cancer.  It was such a loss to me. At her funeral I ran into the minister and he asked who she was to me, I said proudly my aunt.  He said "Then you know she's up in heaven right now.." Then he added "running the place"  The next Christmas I was writing Christmas cards and came across her on the list.  My heart broke all over again.  I don't think I ever told her what she meant to me.  Now  at times, I look up to the sky, KNOWING she knows how I'm feeling and just smile.  I know she's up there taking care of me.

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **


Anonymous said...

You always find the answers that I have a hard time wit h lol
My favroit aunt . well she was just like me . actully looked like me to but was older. she was quite ,been thru alot was bieng abused by her husband and started drinking , she got a divorce. and was happie for the first time . and got hit by a car . It always just seems so unfair . Make s you afraid to be completly happie. all the unhappy people in my famlie are still alive. woerd hu ?  

Anonymous said...

i dont have a favorite aunt they act like snakes always talk about a family member behind they back and even if its their own sister.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My favorite aunt is my mom's sister Jolene.  She has never married but never let that stop her from living life.  She has been a nurse for close to 40 years.  She has traveled the world and lived in Mexico and Thailand.  Just in the last two years she has lost a ton of weight and looks great.

Anonymous said...

~Colleen :)

Anonymous said...

I really only remember one Aunt and her name was Aunt Love.  At the time I didn't even know what an Aunt was.  I remember her as being older and one of the things I most remember about her was that her hair was so grey and she always wore it tied back.  I remember visiting her sometimes too.


Anonymous said...
