Monday, January 8, 2007


Sorry no spotlight or no Friday question.  Had company over this weekend and I am also not feeling so great.  So today I'm just going to make today  a



For those who are fairly new if they want to go through and asker any of the old questions.

I would like to say

To Michele glad to see you here! Here is her Journal link: These are my Thoughts

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Question 114 ~ Sundays

Describe your Sunday's growing up?

(we haven't done this before LOL)

Well... fat paper, no mail.. done!  LOL kidding

Well when my mom was with her one boyfriend (the guy before my step dad) he would make us go to church.. my mother always ended up sick on Sunday mornings so she didn't have to go.  But he would stop and get us dairy queen or stop at the candy store on the way back so we went for the treats (I won't lie) I didn't get into that whole thing until I got older. 

We'd always watch football.. Still a tradition for me.  That was about the only day my mom would cook without us all helping... She'd make a huge dinner and we'd eat and usually just lay around.  It was sort of a kick back day after Church.  These days Sunday's are never getting out of my pj's and football!  :)


So you know what to do... either answer this in the comments or your own journal (link back please) if you're new let me know that too.

Have a good day!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Question 113

Tell about your civic or political involvement.

Sorry but I am going to have answer this question tomorrow when I post tomorrow's.  I have a horrible headache and am not even thinking right.  So I would just type mumbo jumbo!

okay it's the next day.. headache is gone.  I hate politics .. it's all lies and bullcrap.  I don't think anyone ever speaks the truth and if they do they turn around and take it back.  I was so sick of the election crap... no one was saying what they were FOR or AGAINST just slamming their opponents.  Yes I voted... not that I think my vote matters because (well I am confused where this is concerned) before all our votes had been counted here (I think like 30% was in) they already announced the winner ... so what is that about?? Anyway, I think there should be a new law pasted that if you say you're going to do something during your campaign to be elected you HAVE to do it. 
The war... well I've lost a few friends and a family member I don't know how I feel about that part.  I think we need to get our guys out of there. This is NOT our war.  I used to think if it wasn't over there it would be happening on US soil.  I don't know... I think Mr Bush has it wrong... I think Mr. Bush has confused us all with his own confusion and lies.  I support our troops don't get me wrong.  I thank God for them... I just wish it would be over .. and they could come home safely.  Okay off my crazy box and I will do today's question (hoping it's not a thinking question lol)


But please feel free to answer it yourselves... you all know by now how we work this.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Question 112

What do you consider to be the greatest thing you have done in life.

Hard one... as first thing that popped into my head was my children.  Giving birth no, many many women to that.  Raising them.  Well, partly... I haven't been raising them alone.  But that's all I can think.  I think my Frankie ... having his disabilities and not ever ever giving up on him as other's have is something I consider a great thing.  But it's him that keeps me going.  So sometimes I think he is just the greatest thing in my life.. not something I've done.  It's very hard raising a child with so many different disabilities... it's no doubt the most difficult thing I've had to do.  But I have gotten 10 times as much in return.  He loves me.

So maybe it's just plain being the best mother I can be.  (and I am a mother to many lately, which I won't go into since that's a very long story)

I guess it would be easier to answer if I didn't compare "great" to things other's have accomplished.... Like Mother Teresa or people like that. I think I live an ordinary life and do ordinary things. Surviving an abusive relationship and getting out and getting the kids away from that monster was probably not ordinary.. and that does take strength and guts.  So that's something, but once again, I had to .. so it isn't something "great I've done".  One day I will do something worth saying "hey I did that!" lol

Your turn! You can leave your answer in the comment section or write about it in your journal.. please link back though so we can read it.  Also if you are new to the Journal jar let me know and please leave your journal link.