Friday, July 15, 2005

Question 71 ~ Here comes the bride

Describe your wedding.  Who was n it?  What did everyone wear?
I have been married more then once.  I did however only have one "big" church wedding so I think I'll answer this question about that one .. and only that one.

I was young just out of high school and moved in with him.  He had asked me to marry him and we were engaged and set the date for July.  However, I got pregnant so we moved the wedding to March.  My sister was my maid of honor, his sisters were the bridesmaids.  At the time I liked blue (I do not anymore, no it has nothing to do with the marriage being hell)  So they wore blue.  I look back at the pictures and wonder why I went with those dresses YUK. HAHA  My mother (who is a very controlling woman) planned most of it.  When I said something I wanted it just couldn't be done.  We fought about the colors, the dresses, the food, the band.  She of coarse got her way.  I remember meeting with the caterer and my mom wanted baked potatoes and these meatballs.. I was upset.  Baked potatoes wrapped in tin foil TACKY!!  The meatballs were something I really couldn't care less about.  When we had our final meeting with her, I can't remember what it was my mother and I were fighting about then but she got her way.  On the way home she said "well at least you got your meatballs" OY VEY!!  Anyway, I remember the morning of the wedding (I had spent the night at my mother's) and the neighbor came over to bring me a gift.. lamps she didn't want to bring to the church.  She asked me "are you nervous"?  My mother says very loudly "HER?? ME!!!"  The lady said "oh are you getting married too?"  HAHA  That is my mother's favorite saying "YOU?? ME!!"  So I should have known then what problems I would have with my mother.  She made the day revolve around her.  Which I just tried to ignore.  It was a nice wedding, would have been better if I wasn't the bride and had all that pressure on me.  But the pictures looked nice.

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **


Anonymous said...

I can't answer this question because I've never been married. Nor have I been engaged before. I don't even have a current boyfriend. Maybe some day I'll be able to come back and answer it. lol  ~Colleen :)

Anonymous said...

Ta da da da, ta da da da.....


Anonymous said...

My first wedding was just a little thing at city hall.  The marriage was doomed from the start.  I thought it would be just me and two friends and my husband his sister and a friend.  He invited his entire family.  So there I was with just my friends and him with about 10 people.  My family didn't approve so they didn't want to come to the wedding.  

My second wedding was a little better.  We had a western wedding at a park, with about 20 people.  We both wore cowboy hats.  He was in black pants and dress shirt and I was in a long white skirt and white western type blouse.  I didn't want to wear white but my mother had her say in that by telling me "Everyone does it anymore!"  She even had the sales woman agreeing with her.  I was ambushed.

After the quick ceremony by a Baptist minister, we all had a picnic type meal under a pavilion catered by Lee's Famous Recipe Chicken - my husband managed at the time.  My sister stood up for me, his brother for him, and we had his girls and my niece dress in denim skirts, white blouses, tights and boots.

Funny but it rained cats and dogs until I left the house to go to the park.  It stayed nice and sunny for the ceremony and dinner.  I was the last one to leave and as I got in my car and shut the door, it started to rain again.  I definitely took it as a good sign.  Take care, Sheila

Anonymous said...

man yours sounded as controled as mine was. lets see ,been married once I was 22 .I knew him all of 6 mnths.1st mistake ,I was given an altamtume that I marrie him and not work or continue working and leave,2 nd mistake,
We had a church wedding it was full of people mostley his friends and famlie ,At the time I got there I was already convienced that it should be stoped,but my mother wouldnt here of it and blocked the bathroom door .
I was so upset that I started smoking in the church bathroom I just couldnt take it . then the music started and off I went ,after watching my best friend (brides maid) fall all the way up the isal and up the steps . she was as high as a kite. theres anouther clue on turn around and run .lol
then I got the music recorded wrong so they play a full lenth song twice . god I was dying .ny soon to be step son . decide he was board (and on vidio) and decided the best man was pissing him off(he was three) he took the ring pillow and as hard as he could he hit the best man right were it hurts the most . his face was beat
the dresses were in pink , but mine was white . and got plasterd aty the reception . 6 months later it was divorce court with baby on the way !

Anonymous said...

Promise you are not a wedding planner I cannot tell you how many girls had me run interference with their Mothers or MotherInLaws! It was a diplomatic act of walking on eggshells without them breaking! Most of the time I did succeed in getting what the bride wanted without her taking the blame for it...of course, I could use my expertise to gently insist that this was the way of things not the Mother's way...whew! Of my own first wedding I did write a piece about I have to go find back....Sandi

Anonymous said...

I'm back...I found's the direct link....Sandi

Anonymous said...

    Weddings should be a wonderful time for the bride, it should be all she had ever dreamed about. The joke is it isn't. My wedding was a joke. My family interferred, my in-laws interferred. I spent more time in tears because of the interferance and the games, than I did enjoying organizing the event. My sister insisted that she should be my maid of honor and not my best friend. My sister-in-law decided that since my husband asked her daughter to stand up and not her, that she wouldn't put out money for a dress for her. The dresses I wanted was $40. The dresses we wound up with were $17 and off the wrack at Goldblatts. That same sister-in-law called my best friend every hour on the hour until my friend backed out of the wedding all together. The flowers were wrong, the photographer was wrong, the food was bad and the guy with the accordian and beat box was hoaky. Everyone had a complaint. The only bright spot that I remember fondly now is that my mother decided to make my wedding dress. It was beautiful. The day went off fairly well. Bill and I left just before my brother, the bartender, my brother-in-law and my father got into a huge fight. It should have been one of those weddings that made the news because everyone nearly wound up in jail. My eldest brother, the one with no sense of humor or socail skills, saved the day when he offered to either pay for the damage the others caused, or break every window in the place. I'm glad the marriage lasted. I'd hate to think I'd have to ask any of them for help after a divorce.

Anonymous said...

Here's my psuedo-answer.    C.

Anonymous said...

im 17 but heres my dream wedding "i was marrying some handsome guy with honey eyes and a smile that would light up the world his skin color mocha mhm and so handsome..everyone was there rap stars and everything lmao"

Anonymous said...

Can't answer the question. Lol

Anonymous said...

hmmm, gee i don't think ive ever thought about my wedding...probably cuz im aboutta be 15! lol. well now that i think about it...i'd want it to be in a really beautiful place maybe in europe or something...and my guy would be tall dark and handsome, and totally into me! I know an easy cliche but hey its my dream right?

Anonymous said...

 Trying to play catch up here! lol

Anonymous said...

I've never had a wedding. I was married in the county courthouse and it was hot that day so my husband and I were in tank tops. We do have several pictures because his parents and one of his brothers came with us. I'd always wanted to get married without telling anyone and surprise them all so I was irritated that my husband insisted on telling his mother. Oh well, we wouldn't have the pictures if he hadn't told them and I love showing them to people because they're so funny. It looks like we didn't even bother to brush our hair! I don't remember why we looked so scruffy.

Anonymous said...

I'm back from traveling so I finally got to complete this, thanks for letting me share my special day, complete with pictures!

Anonymous said...

I love remembering my wedding.