Sunday, June 12, 2005

Question 64 back to childhood

What was your favorite Sunday activity as a child?

As I have said before I don't have much memory of my childhood.  I'm figuring eventually the reason for that will come out in an answer or two for this thing.  I have fragmented memories at best.

So what I can remember about Sunday's as a child... I know it was wrestling night (we watched wrestling)  I loved that!  We sometimes got to eat in the living room which was forbidden normally.  If we were good in church we would get to stop off at the store and get a candy bar.
I think my best memory is the rides to DQ with the top down on our convertible.  My sister and I would get blueberry shakes just so on the way home we could watch the blueberries blow off our spoons! 
I would say those are good enough memories.  I have learned to treasure the few I have.  Sometimes when a new one comes back to me (good ones that is) I get so thrilled.  I have  a notebook just for that. 

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **

Be sure to check back later, I will be spotlighting a journal.  Is it yours? hehe


Anonymous said...

The only memories I have of Sundays as a child was going to church with my grandfather.  Sometimes my grandmother would go with us.  He would usually take me and a cousin or two and Sunday school would be held before the adult services started.  Of course, after Sunday school was finished, we would have to sit through the "boring" adult services.  I remember my grandfather giving us each a stick of "Juicy Fruit" gum to try to keep us quiet and I remember my cousin and I peeling the foil from the gum wrappers and trying to see who could get the entire foil off without it splitting.  Sometimes I would fall asleep during the service.  After church, we'd go back to our grandparent's house and Mamaw would have a big Sunday dinner cooked up.  Silly memories, I know, but I cherish them as well as the Bible that my grandfather gave me when I was about 7 or 8.  Hugs, Sheila

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well I can tell you one of the things I HATED doing on Sundays as a child and that was when my father made my brothers and I go to churh!  I hated it so much!  You had to get dressed up and for some reason I always remember it being hot and me having to wear so much clothing.  What made it even worse was that he made us go but he didn't go himself!


Anonymous said...

Favorite Sunday Activity?  Hum....that's hard.  Usually enjoyed Sunday School quite a bit.  And the house usually smelled of fried chicken after that was a real good meal.  Liked to lay up beside my Daddy and watch the Sunday Football.  I can remember when people like Johnny Unitas and Bart Starr played even though I shouldn't be old enough to, because of this.  When it wasn't football season sometimes we'd all get in the car and go for a Sunday drive.....there was no destination....just drive around places you hadn't been in a while and see what was new.  Occasionally we might stop by someone's house if we passed it and they were outside.  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

Going to church definitely and then having a great day afterwards.  My mom didn't take us, we rode a bus just so that we could go and it was a blast.  I know on the days I went to Sunday school and church I felt much better and had a much positive day; however on the days I missed my day did not seem as happy and carefree as they would have been had I gone.  I find that as an adult I still feel that way. When I make it to church on Sunday morning, the rest of my day is gravy but if I miss, there are usually some irritating speed bumps along the way of the day.  Sundays are usually very laid back around here, church, home, lunch, Sunday paper, messy house, little nap and then dinner and then clean up a little, lol.  Brandy

Anonymous said...

Anyone remember the WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEY on tv?

Anonymous said...

Dang I dont think I have an answer for this,sundays never stood out for me!

Anonymous said...

I come from a big family. So when I was a child, Sundays were the big family dinner. My Mom and Dad wouldnt spend all day preparing the meal. My married sisters would come over with their husbands and their kids, who because my older sisters were actually old enough to be my mom, their kids were the same age as me. My neices and nephews were my age. They still had to call me "Uncle".....  So my mother, father, married sisters would spend the day cooking. The kids would play inside or outside. The husbands would play horseshoes, billairds, etc. Then we would all gather for the family meal. After the meal the kids still living at home and the neices and nephews would clear the table and do the dishes and clean the kitchen up. We had to EARN our keep..... LOL  Then after everyone left for their own homes, MOM and Dad would watch Bonanza (Western) on television.

Anonymous said...

#'s 63, 64 and other stuff at:
Peace and Love,

Anonymous said...

In my family Sunday's always started with church. Of course the more adolesant I got the more sighing and eye rolling I did when having to go to mass, but when I remember it now I am thankful that I had that faithfulness and family togetherness once a week at least. My relationship with the church has gone awry since, and I haven't figured out why as of yet, but I will always believe in God and see the church as a place of comfort because it was such a steady positive constant in my life growing up.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is my first visit to The Journal Jar...HMMM favorite sunday memories...definately parents used to drag me and my little brother to mass every sunday (it was like pulling teeth) but i'm glad they did make us go...we did however play games in church i remember playing rock, paper, scissors and instead of either rock, paper or scissors i remember giving the bird! HA!  Great spot for that one huh?! At least i've grown up a lot now from those "childhood experiences" lol
<3 emily

Anonymous said...

this one is a tie- i loved sunday dinners with my grandparents after church- the house always smelled so good and it was a good time to listen to stories, go for a walk, watch a movie, look at pictures, or take a nap. sunday nights we always had popcorn for supper and watched the wonderful world of disney sunday night family movie- listen- i have read many of your entries and comments, so i know that my childhood is the exception and not the rule. i feel really blessed to have grown up the way that i did. but the one thing i admire about many of you who did not grow up the way i did--- the fact that you have made these incredible changes now that you are grown in your own families- you have not repeated the cycle- you have learned and changed and grown to be better people and parents. i think that is awesome, because there are many people that just continue the cycle as grown adults and do the same thing to their kids that was done to them.

Anonymous said...

OH GOODY! We're going to Grandma's house! LOL
Here is my entry.

Anonymous said...

I am new to the journal jar.    I, too, have fragmented memories of childhood.  I don't remember a set routine other than church.  In high school I was volunteering as a junior naturalist at the local science museum.  I guess that was how I got out of going to church.  I attend now, but sure didn't then.  It was also my day to see my boyfriend as we worked together.  I sure wish I could remember more.

Anonymous said...

Sunday dinner at our house.