Saturday, June 11, 2005

Question 63 ~ Doctor doctor!!

How do you feel about Doctors and why?

PreviewAt this time I am totally sick of doctors.  I have mixed feelings about them.  Sometimes I think a lot of them are not caring and just there for the money.  Some are not that way, but it seems to be few and far between.  I know without my doctors right now... I probably wouldn't be here, for sure my quality of life would be worse.  So I am glad for having them.  Just think they should listen a little bit more. 
When they are in the room for 10 minutes with you and have their hand on the door knob for the last 5, it's hard to think they have your best interest at heart.
I remember my doctor when I was a kid, he was great.  Too bad he is not longer practicing medicine.


** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **
to Rachel aka sangriablue3151 at:  Rachel's Warm Fuzzies


Anonymous said...

Well, I've got a lot of doctors and for my diabetes alone, I have been through many but I absolutely love the one I have now.  He always runs late, but he is thorough in his exams so I'm always sure to take something to read or crochet while I wait.  He is also one that I can talk to about anything.  Seeing him is like seeing a friend who happens to be a doctor and a good doctor at that.  He is the only one I know who properly takes care of my skin lesions from my hidradenitis.  Everyone else, including a surgeon, seem too afraid to cut and if they aren't opened enough then the lesions come back.  I am thinking about changing cardiologists though.  He comes in looks at my test results and leaves and says "see you in a year".  This last time, he wanted me to schedule a yearly appointment but didn't even order any blood work, so why does he want to see me?  The beautiful thing is that doctors aren't Gods.  We pay them.  They can be fired and I wouldn't hesitate to fire one who was unnecessarily crappy towards me or who didn't want to listen to me.  There will always be another doctor out there to take that one's place.  Sheila

Anonymous said...

yuk!  OK.....dig for beter questions!

Anonymous said...

Im with you ,I dont care fir dictirs at all.HOw about the 1 hour wieght before they see you ?

Anonymous said...

Some are good some are bad.  I think the most important thing you can do is ask questions, do research and always call to check on tests or procedures you have had done and don't wait for them to call you. If you feel uncomfortable about a diagnosis, never hesitate to get a second opinion. With the work load and the restrictions medical personel have now due to the government regulations you have to stay informed and remember Dr's make mistakes.  I have more problems with the doctor's receptionists and nurses than the doctors.

Anonymous said...

I dont have a problem with doctors. I just have a problem "going" to see doctors. LOL....  I just hate going unless it is serious.
But I do think that the doctots get paid too much and they get too much credit, when it seems that its the nurses that do most of the work. Nurses are underpaid and never get the credit they deserve.

Anonymous said...

cant stand em why because the hospital is my second home and no one should have to refer to it as that.

Anonymous said...

    I'm still dealing with my husband's long term illness. I feel much the same way you do. We need them desparately, but some of them make me wonder where their real interest is at.

Anonymous said...

some  are  good  and some  arenot good.      i  thank  sometimes   doctors  dont  what  to  tell  the  people  .what  wrong with  them.

Anonymous said...

In my experience both personally and professionally, I find that doctors can generally fall into two catagories.  Those who really want to help others and those just in it for the prestige and power, which are the worst.  I try and go have a consultation with any new doctor just to feel them out, I explain to the receptionist that I am not ill but I am interviewing doctors, which is a good thing to do. In regards to firing the doctor when you feel they aren't paying proper attention to you, yes you can do that but first I would try and request an extended visit because the majority of visits are classified as intermediate visits and thus not allowing enough time for them to address any issues you may have.  So request an extended visit and explain why. When you go in speak with the doctor about how you are feeling and then depending on how he reacts that is when I would make the decision on whether to fire him or be happy you cleared the air and you now know that you can always request a larger time peroid for your office visit.  Brandy

Anonymous said...

A word of advice - trust your gut!!!  My rant on Doctors from recent experience

Anonymous said...

I like this question, come and read my ideas on it at

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ive worked in the healthcare field since i was 16- that was 19 yrs ago- so ive come across many doctors. there are a few really good ones- that truly care, but a lot of them are burned out and make it just a job, dont want to be bothered anymore. surgeons are typically the worst- they have the most awful bedside manners- so arrogant- remember they were the nerds in their classes growing up!!! when i first became a nurse- dr's intimidated me, i put them on a pedestal- but no more- they make lots of mistakes and they have the same personal problems as the rest of us, they are never around for their spouses and live with tons of stress- there has been more than once that i have hung up on a dr if he cant talk to me with some respect!!! make sure you talk to someone in healthcare before you link up with a dr- a nurse will be able to tell you if the dr is good or not, and a good dr has to have the whole package- good bedside manner, smart as well as humble- dont settle for anything less and go to the dr regularly- not just when you are really sick- an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!!!

Anonymous said...

I strongly dislike doctors. They don't pay attention to the patients. They just rush you through and move on to the next one so that they can make more money. It's like cattle being shoved through the slaughter house. It's rediculous. I avoid doctors as much as possible!

I didn't do an entry for this one, so here is a link to my journal.

Anonymous said...

I do hate it when a doctor doesn't listen.