Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Question 33

What political party comes closest to representing your own view?  How do you feel about politics?

As my grandmother used to say OY-Vey.  Now why this question!! lol.  For me there isn't ONE political party that comes even close to my own views.  I think politics have gotten way out of control.  They are stepping where they have no right and they aren't taking care of what needs to be.  I don't even understand most of it.  There is one thing I wish they WOULD pass into a law.  If someone says something during their campaign to get elected it should be a low that he has to follow through with it... otherwise, some sort of punishment.  If it's sever enough he should be just taken out of office, for example if he keeps NONE of his campaign promises.  I don't know I think if there were a law like that... they would think twice before just saying what they THINK we want to hear.
Other then that I'm sort of ignorant to politics. I vote, but lately it's hard to even know who to vote for with all the crap they pull.  So to wrap this up, I dislike politics. 
I'm really looking forward to everyone else's views on this though.

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! **

I'd like to welcome the following to the journal jar, I hope you enjoy this as much as we all are.  Thanks for joining:
Kristina at
Bottle Rocket
Celeste at Celeste's Journal Jar
Rose at Rose's Journal
Beckieramos at  Beckie's Bright Beginnings (who's been with us for awhile but somehow I missed ... thanks for the reminder hun!)
Also welcome to Alsovine94 (no journal link yet)


Anonymous said...

I couldn`t agree more, I think politics is definitely out of hand. Unfortunately even if someone gets started in politics with all the right intentions, that there is so much red tape involved that it`s hard for that person to stay the course. I don`t have any particular party affiliation, I just try to vote for the one I think would be best for the job. I once heard a joke that said vote for the lesser of two evils, unfortunately we often get stuck with the evil of two lessers! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I have been a registered Democrat since I first registered to vote when I was 18. I am really disgusted with the Democratic party right now, though. I feel they have caved in to the taunting and sleazy tricks of the Right. It angers me that there has become such a stigma associated with the "L" word -- I am a Liberal and damn proud of it!

Anonymous said...

They are short but done .............Diane

Anonymous said...

Phew! THAT question brought out a lot of surpressed feelings! Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

i agree- what a yucky question!!!! overall i think most all politicians can be bought too easily by big money. i tend to vote for more democrats than republicans, but i do try to look at the person more than the party. i hate that both parties make big issues their personal crusades. life is not black and white, but a whole lotta gray. it just seems like politicians can twist the truth on any issue to make themselves or their party look better, put others down, or even justify war. if you really want to make a difference, forget politics, roll up your sleeves and get into the trenches in your community- actions speak louder than words.

Anonymous said...

I used to be a strict republican. But I had a freind I met last year who was a
democrat. We were able to discuss politics maturely. This helped me to see that it is not the party you look at, but the person.
Just like anything in life, there is good and bad is everything.

Anonymous said...

I am playing catch up with the questions. This one is hard. I must think about it.

Anonymous said...

no answer to this one.Im not to happy with the goverment,but that is a diffrent storie.lol
had to put somthing in here or i would feel like i missed it .
you have a great night
hope your doing well

Anonymous said...

This is a subject I really need space to answer.

Anonymous said...

im 17 and me i dont have a political party and dont plan on it. politics is lie'rs they all are bush hasnt done anything personally cept his crusade on tryna cut medicade-cherry

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna have to take a pass on this one today, even I am not feeling quite sarcastic enough to answer this one.  I lean more conservative, I am from the south and all, have four freakin kids, etc but there are also some liberal points of view that I can agree with also so basically I try and go with my gut and vote whichever way I feel they aren't going to "put it to me" too hard and furious be it liberal or conservative.  I think each party has some great people in it that want to do really great things but the sad part is the corrupt and nasty a$#es will probably get to em' and corrupt them too so I feel government is pretty much a lost cause right now.  They have infringed and interfered in my life and rights way too much and now apparently it is within their power to decide that I have a right to die, whether I want to or not and should they chose that I die, I don't have any say in the matter.  Personally I feel it is their right to die and might right to help em' out however my services can be renedered, lol.  Also them taking away the death penalty for underage kids who commit horrific crimes because "they lack the knowledge" to know better??? What a bunch of b.s. even my 6 year old knows its wrong to take a life, hello???  Is anyone there?  Yes, I am all for the death penalty if it is deserved; however, I think in certain cases they should just put said criminal in one room with victims family (such as all the sex offenders/murders) and whoever comes out, comes out.  I hardly think it is fair on the victims family to have to support the sick bastards for the rest of their lives when we could just extinguish them as they did another and be done.  Enough of that, I might go off on a major rant there, lol.

Anonymous said...

I am a...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

here's my answer...

Annie =)

Anonymous said...
