Tuesday, April 5, 2005

Question 31 ~ Military

Did you serve in the military?  Where and when? Share an experience.

This may be a short answer for me.  No, I was never in any sort of military branch.  I have had family in the military, and oh I have strong opinions on war.  Since we are in war time and I have lost a few friends to this war, and as the days go by it is appearing to become a senseless war.  I mean WHAT are we over there for?  Is there a point?  I guess I'm not clear on what's going on.  I guess I wish we could just leave these other's to fight their own battles.  Yet I do understand that we don't want the war on our land.  But, personally I'm tired of having our men and women die for other countries, then we spend billions of dollars to rebuild that country while many of our people are homeless and hungry ... and a lot of those are people who have fought in previous wars.  :::: jumping off soap box now::::: Guess this was about military and not just wars.  I do have high admiration for our men and women in the military,I respect them to the fulliest, they are wonderful people who I thank God for daily.. they keep our country safe.  This I know.  I just wish it didn't have to come to war.  Sigh.  Nope this wasn't such a simple answer now was it?  hmm, I wouldn't want to be in the military, I'd cry! And I'm obviously too opinionated! And a big chicken!!

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! **

to Pixiedustnme at In my opinion, and Yes I have an opinion on EVERYTHING and nbladylions at Ashley Rene' 

Have a great day everyone....


Anonymous said...

I did not serve in the military, yet I have been in the military all of my life.  I was born into it, my father was a submariner... he served in the Navy on submarines and sub-tenders (ships that work with the submarines).  I married an Army aviation guy and when he retired after 21 years I received an Honorable Discharge certificate from his unit.  Now I am watching the Army groom my oldest son for battle, with of his siblings contemplating their future with the military as well.  I find it an honorable service to the country, but what a sad trend that so many of our young people become committed to the security and defense of our country.  When I was growing up, war was just a word from the history books.  Now it is just another day.

Anonymous said...

This one's for my Dad.

Anonymous said...

I have never served in the military but my dad was in the air force for 20 plus years. I was born on an air force base and grew up hearing many military related stories.

Anonymous said...

I have never been in the war...I have always felt that we should have been going after the person who caused 911, but...instead we go after Sadaam(sp?) instead, get him and then give him back to his country...makes no sense. I can see why they can't just leave though. They have to make sure that country is in order or things will never get better. They must finish what they started. These Men and Women are doing this because they want to and we should have their back no matter what. They have given up a lot for us to have freedom.

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo - I love this question!  (ummmm - can you tell I served?  lol) http://journals.aol.com/pixiedustnme/Inmyopinion/entries/891

Anonymous said...

no- never been in the military- have had many family and friends that served in different branches both in peace and war time. i must say, i cant imagine what it must feel like to lose a son or daughter while they are serving their country. i too have very strong opinions about the conflicts/wars that the u.s. gets involved in. i certainly dont agree with the current administration and our involvement in iraq right now- it seems like many lives are being lost for a questionable cause. although i dont support the president, i certainly support the men and women in the military and pray for their safe and speedy return to their families.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the late reply ........Diane

Anonymous said...

never been in the militarie either,
lived on an army base for a year in germany .
but I was little.
I have a so called dad there in germany now but I think they proubably kicked them out by now hes a slush

Anonymous said...

I've only done questions 1 thru 10 so far, but at least I got started (finally!!)!

Here's the link, and again, I want to tell you what a fabulous idea this is!!



Anonymous said...

I have very stong opinions about the war in Iraq.
Here is my link:
i hope it works...

Anonymous said...

I personally did not serve in the military, but my husband was in the Army. There is a bumper sticker that says "Army wife: The toughest job in the military!" I can agree with that... My husband was in the infantry (101st Airborne) and fought in Afghanistan and Iraq. He spent 9 years in the Marine Corp before I knew him, and he wanted to finish out his career in the Army. Unfortunately, he was severely wounded in combat in Baghdad. He was medically discharged and is now permanently disabled.

Anonymous said...

In a few short words, no I have never served in any branch of the military nor has my husband; however, both of our fathers did and all of our grandfathers did so we have a lot of pride in those boys and men who chose that life, thank God for them.

Anonymous said...


I jumped up on my soapbox for this entry too. If I offended anyone with it.....well, just read it and if you are offended, you can tell me all about it, but this is one case where I won't apologize. I have very strong feelings on this issue, and I am not backing down for anyone!!!!

Rest in peace PFC. Brandon R. Sapp
Killed in action in Iraq August 15, 2004

Anonymous said...

No experience in the military, but I honor those who have made the decision to serve our country.  This came at such a good time for me, as I am making this entry just days after Memorial Day, this one my most powerful.  Saw Nightline in which the showed...

Anonymous said...

No, not I.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

here's mine

Annie =)

Anonymous said...
