Sunday, December 17, 2006


As most of you know I don't post questions on weekends... I do journal "spotlights"

I was a little behind on getting permissions so I only have one this weekend.  Just because I procrastinate too much lol.

This weekend I'm spot lighting a wonderful journal....


well I'm sure many of you already know about this one but if you don't it's so worth checking out.

I've known these two women since I began here and they are both the sweetest most caring women I've ever "met"  They have their own journals but for Christmas they both are doing this journal.  I've enjoyed it, learned a lot from it and I find it very special.  Almost as special as the two that write it.

Val and Krissy's: Joy To The World! 

It's a fun journal yet teaches a lot of things that I didn't know.  So I hope you all enjoy it as much as I have. 


If you'd like your journal "pimped" here send me an email or comment with your link.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a good idea. I read the journal once and enjoyed it.