Thursday, December 21, 2006

Question 108 Fourth of July

Tell about Fourth of July traditions in your family while growing up.  Were you ever in a parade?

Well a 4th of July question at Christmas time... I won't put questions back though... I'll lose them lol but anyway.

When I was "growing up" not even sure I'm done doing that yet, we used to always have picnics.  We'd either go to a park or a beach or sometimes it would be in our back yard.  The one thing I remember is there were never enough deviled eggs ... and this has always been the case even now.  So next Fourth of July I will make a whole bunch so no one complains (you know who you are! lol)  My brothers always came up with fireworks that we would shoot off before we actually went to the public ones.  There are many times we'd rent a cabin at a lake over the fourth weekend.  Always a good time then.  So many memories of that.  One time our cousin had bought a HUGE rocket along with a bunch of other "illegal" fire works. Well he nailed the rocket part to the dock thinking fire works just shot out of the rocket. Nope the rocket shot up in the air and it took part of the dock with it.  Good times fun times.  
As far as a parade,  nope at least not a fourth of July parade .. other parades but since it didn't ask that and maybe there is a question in the jar about that I won't get into it. Today I will stay on topic lol. 


You know how this goes, if you want to answer in your own journal please post a link back.. or use the comment section I look forward to your answers. If you're new to the Journal jar please let me know that and leave a link to your journal no matter where you answer the question.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your Fourth sounds as traditional as mine. Good answer.