Thursday, December 14, 2006

Question ~ 107 ~

Describe your favorite outfit as a child, as a youth, and as an adult:

Goodie ... this question seems like an odd one.  I do not really remember if I did have a favorite outfit as a child.  I pretty much wore whatever my mother laid out for me to were.  I know I had these pj's with little gray kittens on them.. my sister and I had matching ones.  I think my mom made them.  I loved wearing them ... and whenever I could I would put them on.  Sometimes just the bottoms and a t-shirt. 

I hated most of the clothes my mother bought me as a teen... and if we wanted something we liked (at least until I was the last one at home..then I got what I wanted) we would have to buy it ourselves.  I like to wear skimpy clothes... I am not sure if it was to piss my mother off or I just liked them.  I had this silk red shirt with lace in the front ... I got in trouble for wearing it to school.. I got in a lot of trouble for my clothing in school.  LOL

As an adult, I don't know if I have a favorite outfit. I have a favorite dress that I love to wear in the summer, I have a favorite dress I just got recently as a present, it's short on one side then slants down to about just below my's strap less, black and has a lot of sparkles.  If I am able to go out New Year's Eve that's what I'm wearing.  Other then that I don't have really anything that is that GOTTA wear thing.  I have a tank top I like it says "MILF" on it.. and when it was given to me I didn't even know what MILF meant LMAO.... So I guess I'm just a jeans and t shirt kind of girl... although most of my favorite clothes are either t shirts with sayings or silk or lace.  Sort of extremes. 


** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **

PS. For those that emailed me your answers that's okay if that's what you want, I understand but really I don't think YOU will be bothered by the person that was bothering me.  If you are I will put this private and just add the people that want to be here. Luv, Promise



Anonymous said...

Let's see as a child, okay I had this brown suede skirt, brown knee high Givency boots with a white silk top (with ruffles no doubt) and a little brown purse that also said Givency on it.  That was my favorite outfit.  I cannot tell you how any pics my mom has of me in that outfit.  As a youth, I was very "athletically" involved so most of my outfits were uniforms, lol.  Though I did have a pair of jeans that were black leather on the front, denim on the back with a white button up shirt that was long sleeved yet had cutouts on the shoulders, loved that outfit.  Now wow, I'm a jeans and tank top kind of girl or sweats with a tank top, lol.  I don't get dressed up except on Sundays.

Anonymous said...

There are these photos of me as a child wearing a yellow sweater.  I don't remember it too much but my mother said that I wore that sweater ALL the time - including even during the summertime!

In my teen years I particularly remember going through this stint where I used to wear clothes that I did some sewing on and I remember in particular these blue pair of pants that I sewed a white hem to.  I wore them to school and got teased no end!  I was a pants and sneaker teen back then - though I do remember going through a short phase when I used to always wear shorts - but that didn't last long!

As an adult I dress for comfort now.  I wear sweat pants and either sweatshirts or big t-shirts.  I'm always doing work around and outside the house so I dress for comfort.  Don't get me wrong though because I do have some "girly" clothes just in case of an emergency - LOL!


Anonymous said...

When I was younger I had this cowboy shirt as I call it and it had blue flowers on it and the snaps were blue and and blue jeans...then I got older and started being more girly.  When i was in the military I had this out fit that I bought at the was sooo cute I loved it and can still remember it.  It was the cutest thing I had ever had.  Now I love this old pair of jeans that have holes in them..they are so cozy and comfortable!  Hugs and have a great weekend!  TerryAnn