Thursday, April 26, 2007

Question 128 ~ Spouse

How old were you and your spouse when you married?  What were your hopes and dreams?


Once again I could take the easy way out ... since I'm not married... but I won't.  Most of you know I've been married more then once.  (I once told a guy I had just met, when he asked me if I was married or ever married  "no not now, but heck I get married at the drop of the hat".. he took his hat off and dropped it on the floor..great memory)

Okay back to the answer I'm going to answer this about my first husband, here. I do this in a notebook too and copy most of it word for word.. but on questions like this I'd answer for all husbands LMAO!! Just so someday maybe my great grand children will read it and know all about me, the good the bad and the ugly :)

I was 18, he was 21.  I was so young I had little hearts in my eyes and big dreams.  Together forever... house.. 4 kids (two boys then two girls) a cat and a dog... a business together. We'd talk about all of that... we had big plans, wonderful dreams.. dreams that went away... however we are still friends.  I love him ..not in the same way... as I'm not "in love" with him.  But for a long time he was my world.  We still talk about our old dreams and laugh.  Some days I miss him being my husband... but then the reason we split up come into my head ... I know we both grew up and are totally different people now, had we waited to get married maybe we would have made it.  But then I wouldn't have the other husbands LMAO


Okay you know how to do this.. leave your answer in the comment section or your journal linking back ... or as a couple readers do, email it to me.  (your answers are wonderful you should post them here! but hey it's your choice

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I posted it.  :)