Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Question 127 ~ feel good question

What makes you feel good?

So many answers to this one. But I'm going to keep it short for now (as hell broke loose at my home last other journal has the story and picture)

What makes me feel good, my family, love, real friendship.. you know the ones that you can count on to be there for you  and they know they can count on your right back. 

My kitty Mak... don't think I could get some days without him.. and he is a cat with a sense of humor.

My children... I love them no matter what.  My kids keep me strong, I keep them loved and cared for.  My kids are my rock. And I hope I am their's.

I could go on and on.. the sun.. spring... having no plans (lazy days no demands), warm bubble baths...Music, flowers..Good question for me today... I need to look at what makes me happy and what I'm thankful for. Some days I swear this jar knows what questions to put in my fingers.

And lastly a warm bowl of mashed potatoes! Yep curled up in my bed watching a "chick" movie eating mashed potatoes. 


Well if you'd like to answer this question.. you know how this works by now right? ;)


Anonymous said...

Lots of things.  Being with my family, reading, writing, playing tennis, hanging with my friends, going out to eat at nice restaurants, going to the beach...I could go on but I won't!

Anonymous said...

What makes me feel good?

A nice, hot cup of tea
Fighting with my cat who thinks she's still a kitten
having all of my bills paid
getting paid
listening to a nice piece of music
talking with friends

And what makes me feel good the most is not having stress


Anonymous said...

I posted it.  :)