Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Question 126 ~ Education

Did you receive an education other than in school?

I didn't really understand this question at first.  I thought does it mean college.. but that's school.  lol Blonde moment there!

I would have to say I get some sort of education every day.

There was a time I lived on the streets.. I was young and learned a lot the hard way. I also learned there is no shame in where you've been or came from as long as you've come up.. bettered yourself.   I've also learned things from my parents, sister, aunts, and other family members. Love, acceptance, understanding... and seeing there are three sides to every story.. one person's, the other person's and somewhere in there the whole truth.

I think I learned best from a few new friends... they taught me honesty, forgiveness, and understanding.  They taught me to look at myself.. to see who I am and what I really wanted to be.  I learned the hard way most of my life and this was no different... I learned not to "go with the crowd" to stand up for what I feel is right... to speak up when I feel something is wrong.  To not hang on to someone else's thinking.. to be my own person and to allow myself to have my own opinions .. that opinions are not right or wrong.. they are just simply that opinions.  I've learned so many things from so many people.  Life isn't black and white... People will hurt you and you can learn from that.  Guess what I'm saying is education in school is reading, writing and math... out of school it's how we live.. who we are.. how we define ourselves.  You just can't learn that from a book.. you have to experience it. And sometimes it's painful.  But in the end... I feel if I learned something from it, it was worth the pain.


You can answer this in the comment section or your own journals please link back though... I am looking forward to reading other people's interpretation of this question.


Anonymous said...

Great question



Anonymous said...

I posted this one too...