Sunday, February 10, 2008

Spot light...

It's  so I'm going to once again start doing my version of pimping... it's the Journal Jar Spot Light:

Today I'm spot lighting three journals that I read regularly. 

The first is NICOLE'S I've been reading her since she began.. or I first found her anyway.  She does most of Jland's assignments, Journal Jar questions, movie reviews (which I like a lot as I can usually tell if I should even bother with a movie)  And she writes about her life.. good and bad.  I enjoy her.. I've gotten to know her very well just through her journal.  It is on Myspace so if you have myspace and want to read you'll have to do a friend request.. but it's worth it. Some people don't have myspace for many reasons and that's okay .. but for those that do it's worth it.
Here is her link: (copy and paste)

The second one is SHARON'S.. she is a true friend.  Listens when you just need someone to talk to... she's been through a lot in her life and she is very open about it in her journal.  She also adds a lot of funny stuff in her journal.  There are times when I'm having a bad day and bam she puts in something that makes me laugh (not knowing I'm struggling.. it just works out that way.. with her and a couple of other who know who they are)  She is a very caring woman and worth reading and getting to know.. I just love this girl! 
Here is her link:
I'm A Survivor

The last one today is ANNA.  I just recently started reading her and I'm so glad I found her.. or she found me.. I'm not sure which came first.  She writes of her family.. being a mom.. everyday things in life..and it's serious but she has such a great sense of humor she can turn your everyday "mommy problems" into the funniest things.  I love reading her and can relate to so much she writes about. I love journals that I read and sit and nod my head thinking "I've so been there"  Then smile because she puts that twist of fun on it.  She's a doll!  I think anyone would love to read this one.. if you're a parent you'll find something in common if you're not a parent you may get a feel of what your own mother went through.. what I'm saying is what she writes is completely relatable. 
Here is her link:
Livin' la vida Mommy

I hope you all take a few moments to check out these journals.. you may find something you like in one or all of them.. you may find yourself wanting to keep going back for more. They are all different yet I seem so connected to them all. 

So there they are three favorite women of mine...Not just because of their journals but because they are truly wonderful people

Enjoy your day!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for pimping me! I love new readers!
~~~Make it a Great Day~~~

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the spotlight  :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the spotlight--
I'm so flattered that you thought of me. :)