Friday, February 8, 2008

Question 133 ~ Fear

What are you frightened of and why?

Well I figured I'd pull a thought provoking question out today... was I wrong LOL.

What am I frightened of?  Hmm I'd like to say nothing because most of the things I fear aren't rational. I've lived a life full of bad stuff (and good) but I made it through all the bad so of all the horrors in my past how can one be frightened of anything.  Well I am. 

I'm afraid of fire.. I always think I smell smoke.. when I used to smoke I would empty my ash trays in a coffee can then the next day transfer them to yet another coffee can before they could go into the garbage.  When I was little my Bio. father (not the one I usually speak of) fell asleep drunk with a cigarette in his hand. I was already in bed.  I remember it was during the time when I was to be protected (from knowing just about anything that went on around my home)  So what I remember most is my brother calmly picking me up out of bed and saying "we're going to go have a sleep over at the neighbors"  I was half asleep so I didn't question why would he be waking me for a sleep over... I remember then he grabbed my two favorite stuffed animals and outside we went... I was over her shoulder and when I looked back at our house all I could see in the basement windows was flames.  I was also involved in another fire at an apartment complex I lived at. It was in the unit above me but next door.  The fire went fast and the hall way upstairs was engulfed in flames.  It was very scary.  I always think that would be the worse way to die.. being burned to death.. painful and slow. I've since learned otherwise.. there IS a worse way to go.

I'm also frightened by anything that crawls (besides ants and babies) spiders freak me out... any creepy crawly bug.

I used to watch America's Most Wanted and there was the BK killer and I was frightened of the dark, outside and my closet when he was on the loose.  Naturally I have my friend to blame for that.. we'd have late night phone calls and I would say something like I hear noises outside... he'd say "it's BK!" (We watch AMW together over the phone so he knew that man freaked me out.

I guess the most thing that frightens me is death... not so much death but dying.  Will there be pain? Will I feel lonely? Is there anything after it. Yep fear of what comes next after this life... cuz' there has to be something!

Okay this was a horrible question to answer.. brought bad thoughts into my happy mind today!!  Normally I try and find some humor in these types of questions but my mind is completely drawing a blank... So I'll end with this:

"Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light."

                                                  ~Dorothy Thompson


So you know what to do.. you can answer the question in the comment section or in your own journals.. but be sure to stop back and link your entry here.


Anonymous said...

My biggest fear?  I would say it's fear that I have nothing left to give, that I haven't made my mark on this world.  I know it's not true - that it's irrational and yet . . . Penny

Anonymous said...

I am posting these and catching up now.  :)