Monday, September 12, 2005

question 90 ~ Traits

What were your mother's best traits and which ones do you share with her?

Hard hard question, since I'm having such problems with my mother now.  I should correct that, I've always had problems with my mother, I am just now coming to realize them.  I was always told it was my fault but I am growing up and taking a look at things.  Owning my stuff and letting the rest go to her where they belong.

Okay I should answer this question.  My mothers <choke> good traits.  I know she has some, somewhere they got buried deep.  She is a fighter... keeps fighting and doesn't give up.  That is one thing I got from her.  (I'm trying to stay positive here which is hard).  She has an amazing imagination, she's a smart woman and she loves animals, I know a person that loves animals can't be all that bad.  Even if she has such a rotten side (okay okay I know best traits hummm..  She is a great cook, Is cooking a trait? ahhh this is a hard question for me, since MotherWar 5 hit.  I wish I had some neat stuff to say about her but I just don't.  She does care about others in her own way as long as it doesn't get IN her way.  She loves her husband, when he is doing what she wants him to do.  I'm sounding so bitter.  There I get my bitterness from my mother there is a trait I get from her. LMAO.  So there you have it Promise's bitter entry of mother traits.  Maybe someday I can come back and change my views here (I'm an optimistic woman with heart!)  During the typing of this entry someone posing as my mother called... I'm having a bad day, one of those "I wish bedtime would hurry up and get here" kind of days, she was a nice woman lol. So I'd like to add can sometimes be a loving person to the list of traits.  We had a good conversation.  The WHOLE thing did NOT revolve around her. She actually made me feel I wasn't totally crazy and never once did she call me worthless.  Hmmm. I wonder who that was that called me (hahaha).

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new tothe journal jar please let us know that also! **


Anonymous said...

This is gonna be a thinking question for me lol..


Anonymous said...

Traits from my mother: I am strong like her. I kinda look like her. I am kind until you piss me off like her. Guess thats about it, I take more traits like my father. Brandie

Anonymous said...

Did I hear sarcasime????????lol
I havnt spoke to my mother in um lets see three years I guess .
I cant seem to find one good trait to her .well she drinks well,and smokes pot very well but yea That is all I can think of .
I wish I could say I didnt get anything from her . I know I can say I didnt get anything good from her ,I do fallow one of her bad traights now and have to quit doing it agine and that is the drinking thank god its only been a few months of it so there is hope it wont last . Just a faze .

Anonymous said...

I'm behind this week, but I'm here!


Anonymous said...

Here's mine
~miss o

Anonymous said...