Friday, September 16, 2005

question 93 ~ Advice

What is your advice to those younger than yourself?

Live each day to it's fullest.  Do not take people, places or experiences for granted.  Love the people you love even when they get on your nerves, to the fullest. Don't ever be ashamed to hug your parents.  If your mother is making you crazy, it's not your fault, just try and find even the tiniest of good in her and love that part of her.  If you don't like someone, either get to know them better, you just may find they could turn out to be your best friend... or just don't waste your time with them, life is too short.  Don't SMOKE.. it's not cool, it doesn't taste good, it WILL KILL YOU.  Always think before you do something.  Love is an emotion, it takes time to grow.  Physical attraction is not love.  If a man hits you once he will probably do it again and again so run.  I can't say that about women because I've never been in that situation but it's probably true too.  Always be honest.. you're going to have to eventually anyway, so why not be that way from the start.  Try to forgive, holding on to resentments only hurts yourself the person you are mad at has probably forgotten it and it's only taking up your own time.

But most importantly believe in yourself, trust your gut.  You can either be your best cheerleader in life or your own worst enemy.  Never tell yourself I could have done better, just do it better next time.... Life is just practice, mistakes happen, shake your head like an etch-er-sketch and go on.  Enjoy your time on Earth but know there HAS to be better things to come.

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **

If you are new to the journal jar and I haven't linked your journal please email me with your journal link at  THANK YOU!


Anonymous said...

Don't quit school! And forgive your parents!


Anonymous said...

My advice to others younger than me would be, Get a good education before you have kids. Don't rush through life. If something sounds too good to be true, DON'T DO IT!!! LOL Brandie

Anonymous said...

Wow, you just about covered it all Ms Promise. I'd add, don't take anything for granted, even the smaller things. This reminds me of when I was in the Hospital, in Isolation. I had a big window that looked out over the park and I wanted to go outside so bad for some fresh air, but I couldn't for almost 3 months. That'll make you appreciate life a little more.

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

wow thats really good advice.. it helped :-) but omg u know what i so loved that usaid lol

"Life is just practice, mistakes happen, shake your head like an etch-er-sketch and go on."

thats so true and funny!! im so going to use that if u dont mind lol


Anonymous said...

That was great advice. Have a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

My advise...
xoxo ~Myra

Anonymous said...

My Advice:
- Have pride in yourself and your abilities
- Have self respect enough to care about yourself, and others around you
- Understand that bad things DO happen to GOOD people.
- Realize that it is not important what happens to you, but rather how you deal
  with it.
- "That which does not kill you, Makes you stronger"
- Beleive that you are special, just because you are YOU. And God doesnt make
- Do the right thing, not because the boss wants it, the customer wants it, or your
 parents want it...............
 Do it because its important to you. Do the right things, because it is the right
 thing. Because if you are only doing it for others and their opinion of you ?
 Will you still do it when they are not watching ?
 If you do it for YOURSELF........  You are always there to watch.

Anonymous said...

just one word:  believe

here's the rest of the words...


Anonymous said...

Wow, what great advice you gave. I'm going to follow it. This is a Great Journal now, I'm going back to it. God Bless You Always.

                                          Your Fellow Journalist,


Anonymous said...

Keep it simple.