Monday, November 20, 2006

Question 104 ~ Water

On a personal note... before I get to the question. I want everyone to know that I never put a question I draw from the jar back.  However, last week my father had a stroke.  I will be spending as much time with my parents as need be.  (without over doing it, thanks Brandy for the reminder!) Anyway, my first thought was to put this on hold for awhile until things got better.  I am not sure things will get better with my father plus this may keep my mind off of it.  So I will keep going.  However, for the time being until I know things are okay with him if there is a father question I probably will be putting it back into the jar.  (For most of you that have been with me for awhile you know this is my step dad  and father questions are always tough as my bio-father was a jerk long history of abuse) But I can't bring myself to answer questions about either of them right now.  I am brought to tears when I see him as he is so altered from the stroke.  So we may have a lot of father questions later on in a row :)  Hope you all understand. 

Now for today's question:

Tell about your experiences on or near water:

(and I did pull this one lol)  Well, I don't know of any experiences I've really had on or near water that would be worth writing about... I have swam since I was a kid.. love being at the lake.  The beach is my favorite little get away place.  I live in MN so wintertime I don't go to the beach well that's no surprise! I used to spend a lot of time just reading or writing in "my spot" by the lake near my house.  It is peaceful and secluded.  
             Preview   (my little ones enjoying my private spot!)  

Just as I wrote about the MN winter.. I guess this would qualify for on water. ... My dad (here we go ugh) took me ice fishing for the first time when I was pregnant.  Naturally being pregnant I felt like I weighed a ton.  We were on this very large lake that had lots of waves (I didn't know with all that ice on top the waves would still be flowing) but they were and when they did the ice would make this horrible sound.  I screamed like a little girl, kept telling my dad I would fall in.  He kept telling me I was NOT going to but the way that ice sounded plus the fact I felt I was the heaviest thing on that lake, I just knew I would fall in.  We didn't last long out there before my whining got to him and we left.  I have since went ice fishing, but not standing out on the lake.. in an ice house.. This memory does make me sad.. as I hope to someday go ice fishing (even though I'm not a fan of it) again with my dad.

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **


Preview I have to give a big welcome to the journal jar to Devilletteinme... who's been working very very hard the last few days answering the questions staring from the first one.  Check her out at: The Devilette's Journal Jar I'm looking forward to getting to know her and I hope you all do too 


Anonymous said...

Well I love being "on" the water and not "in" the water if that makes sense, lol.   We went to the ocean when I was 12, my first time since I was a baby.  They had major jelly fish alerts out that we were unaware of so off I go into the water and yep got the jelly fish treatment not once but twice, had to be pulled from the water, etc.  It was not fun, not fun at all.  Never got back into the ocean for the remainder of the two weeks we were there.  I love swimming in swimming pools, don't care for lakes (too many things in there bumping against my legs, lol).  However I love to jet ski, OMG I'm effin' insane on a jet ski.  When we went to Arkansas this past summer, we rented a party barge and a friend of ours brought out the jet ski's and I was a friggin' mad woman.  The kids refused to ride with me, well Britt did but the rest wouldn't come near me.  

Anonymous said...

I am new to the journal jar:)   First off, I do hope and pray that your dad's condition improves.   BTDT, and, it can (improve I mean).  And, yes, remember balance:)
I have many water memories.   For some reason, I'm remembering right now one of my Santa Barbara water memories.  I lived there for 2 summers in the early 80's.   My boyfriend was a surfer, amongst other things, and very tall.   Surfboards should be proportioned for the height of the surfer, a bit like skis should be.   Skiing is easier:)   Warm, deep waters there on the Pacific.   It was still fun, sun shining, and good.   I'd eat breakfast on my porch overlooking the Ocean every morning, seeing the Channel Islands in the distance.
-- Robin  

Anonymous said...

I have to say that i hope your dad gets better.  I know just how confusing having a stepfather and a biological father can be. I speak from personal experiance.  And having lost both I can completely understand the confusion.

I have to say I have tons of water memories.   Camping with my dad (step but closer than the real thing could ever have been.), fishing with him or just spending the day at the lake.  But everyday that I have ever spent at the lake results in the same thing.  Always have had a total blast.  Never wanting to actually get out of the calming water.  (perhaps being a water sign is the reason for my love of water.)  But usually end up the color of a boiled lobster.  We all know that water is very reflective and I have to say standing in it for hours on end is never a good idea.  But still don't want to get out and I pay for that later.  Burnt beyond a crisp but happy as it is possible for a little girl with skin the color of fruit puch to be.