Saturday, March 12, 2005

Question 21 ~ Trick or treat!

Did you celebrate Halloween as a child?  What costumes did you wear?

               Yes, we did.  I remember so many different costumes.  I was a princess for a few years in a row.  Of coarse I was a witch a lot.  I can't remember being to creative back then, we had a lot of those store bought ones with the plastic masks YUK.  I remember not being able to breath.  Of coarse I have gotten much more creative now, yes I still dress up.  I love Halloween!! 
One year I remember I was sick and couldn't go out .. I was very sad, but my sister being the loving sister (that at the time I didn't really believe she was) went out without me carrying two bags and telling everyone "my sister is sick can I get some candy for her."  She came home with candy for me.. and of coarse I was ungrateful because I was still upset about not going.  ohh I was a brat!

If you've recently joined the journal jar could you please email me with your link.  I am trying to make sure I get all the "new comers" linked!  Thanks

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! **


Anonymous said...

Sadly, being English we didn`t celebrate Halloween at all back then.  But it`s more commercial now and children dresss up and have pumpkin lanterns nowadays.  :-)   Sandra xxx

Anonymous said...

here's mine...

Anonymous said...

Yes we celebrated and I remember back then that it wasn't as structured as it is now.  Didn't matter what age you were or how long you were out trick or treating.  Now they have an age limit of 12 and under and only between the hours of 5 and 7 p.m.  I dressed as "Casper the friendly Ghost" once, also went as a hobo, and a punk rocker.  I also remember dressing in dad's oversized fatigues and went as a soldier (yes, and I'm a girl!  LOL).  Think I also went as a hippy and a gypsy a couple of years too.  Sheila

Anonymous said...

We still like to dress up for Halloween, this year I was a redneck, which I`m sure some would argue wasn`t much of a stretch! LOL........I remember having the old store bought costumes with the mask that had the little rubberband that had 1 staple holding it together. Then 5 minutes into it. it would snap and you`d have to tie the rubberband into the eye hole of the mask!!!! Ahh yes those were the days! http: //journals. MUSINGS/

Anonymous said...

love ya ,meg

Anonymous said...

I know the drill .........Diane

Anonymous said...

A little late, but here they are :)

Anonymous said...

Was reading some of the other costumes people dressed up as ...the oddest one I saw was a girl dressed up as "White Trash"   clear trash bag filled with all white trash   paper towels news paper etc....she had a little sign in front that said white trash ...I laughed ..original and different ............Diane

Anonymous said...

Answered the last two in my journal...

Anonymous said...

I did up tell I was ten.I went as a ghost and a gypsi..after that my mother had costume parties to go to .so I wasnt allowed to go anymore.
at 21 I started dresing up aging with my step son and step daughter .now I dress up with my children.
I dress up as an 80s rocker and they always have a diffrent costume..

Anonymous said...

The first time I went trick or treating, I must have been about 5.  Living in the country, we had to walk up long driveways bordered by woods and fields.  I think I dressed up as a hobo.  Anyway, my older brother was in the woods with his friends and stared throwing things at us.  Not knowing it was my brother, I was terrified.  We ran, my sister and I, and I fell down and lost some of my candy, but I didn't care.  People thought our house was haunted, so they never came to trick or treat, and we had all the treats my mom had on hand.  Back then, we didn't have to get our treats xrayed.  The most fun I had trick or treating, though, was taking my own sons.  I miss that a lot.

Anonymous said...

i love halloween- it is tied with christmas as my favorite holiday. i just love walking thru the crunchy leaves in the rain or snow or if you are lucky a perfect balmy night with a full moon. our costumes growing up usually consisted of raiding closets for old fashioned or unusual clothes and making it up from there. i have continued that into adulthood- i have a ton of decorations, fog machines, scary music- i have made glowing ghosts in trees, giant spiders with webs everywhere, attached string to our porch rocking chairs and then letting them rock mysteriously. my favorite trick- attach a white garbage bag to a leaf blower and plug it in just as the kids get to the door- scares the crap out of them- aren't i mean?! nah- the neighborhood loves to come to my house- we usually have over 100 kids and spend a ton on candy. this year i was a witch- great mask and wig and even had the green gnarly hands- my two year old niece wouldnt let me touch her all night- even after i took the mask off!! i get more excited than my kids when it comes to halloween- i love the costume parties, hayrides, bobbing for apples, carving pumpkins- all of it. it is so much fun!!!! people who know me just shake their heads at this weird woman- i wouldnt have it any other way!!!

Anonymous said...

Second to the Fourth, Halloween is the best!  So many stories.  So much fun! Costumes?  Some store bought but my mother also made a few for us.  Honestly, I remember what we did on the streets but I do not remember the costumes.  I guess it was of whatever was popular during the 1950's.  I remember when we would smash our own pumpkins in our street and get away with saying the kids on the next block did it.  The night one of our friends bit into an apple and cut his upper lip on a razor blade.  Yes, we weren't allowed to eat anything till we got home.  He was 5, you know. Kids do things fast.  We found out who put the razor in the apple and we egged, soaped, papered, whipped creamed and glued his house.  Glued his car door locks and house locks.  He was an old man who hated Halloween and he was the only one giving out apples.  My Mom found a razor in one of the apples he gave me.  We always had fun.  It was a night of light mischief and whatever happened happened.

Anonymous said...

Actually, we didn't do it that much.  One year, I was a pumpkin, hat and body.  One year I was a princess, foil for a crown, and blue jeans and a t-shirt for that.  One year, I was Britney Spears on Crack.  One year, I was Mimi, from 'Drew Carey', with the blue eyeshadow.  Then I started just going in plain clothes.

:o) Bubbles

Anonymous said...

Halloween was one of my faves! I had too many costumes to remember them all. I do remember dressing up as Shirley Temple one year, and of course a witch and those other Halloween "standards."

Anonymous said...

Loved Halloween!!! Best kids holiday!!!  I should have went as a rotten tooth but no, my mom being the undomesticated one that she is wouldn't buy nor make any of us any costumes we had to make our own so one year I went as her, lol horns, pitchfork tail and all, lol.

Anonymous said...

I love Halloween. That was such a sweet thing for your sister to do for you . My son actually did that for my daughter in 2003. He was only 2 1/2 or so and did it without anyone suggesting it. Everyone thought it was so cute that they ended up getting even more candy than they would have if they had both gone out. LOL
Anyway, here is the link to my entry.

Anonymous said...

I love halloween, it's great to be a kid, even a big kid!

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