If you could be a flower, what would you be and why?
I guess I would pick one of my favorite flowers the Lilac. They are purple which is my favorite color, they are beautiful, and they smell so pretty. If there is a lilac bush near by it's fragrance is all over, you can smell them for blocks. I've never had a lilac bush, even when we had our house. However, neighbors have and have always allowed me to pick them. Just a few on a kitchen table can make the whole house smell so sweet. Even though the lilac bloom is short the quality is great.
To me that means the length of my life isn't as important as the quality of it.
I would like to thank the people who joined me in this journal jar, it's great to be sharing this with you guys. You're making this more fun and I love your entries:
Glopsblink Here journal has always inspired me. she has some great graphics too
Nuts or Nougat? Penny1 (Rant) She can make me laugh and cry in the same entry. She's a very funny woman with a great heart
Diane's Journal Jar Diane. She's got some stories to tell!!
Reflections Kel (our drama queen) she always makes me look inside myself, such a great woman.
A Fatman's Blog I don't know him very well yet, but I'm sure with this we will get to know one another.
Fresh Cup...Move Down Penny2 - She always has some wonderful things to say. Her journal always makes me think!
My Life As Soap Opera Bruce, he has such a gift of writing. I really enjoy reading his journals, and his emails. He's always helped me when I've need it most.
I would also like to welcome and thank... Debbi and Scott (who didn't leave a links to their journals) hint hint, for joining in!
You can either write your answer here or in your own journal but please leave a link :)
If I were a flower I would be the dandilion. First of all, dandilions are the only flowers I seem to be able to grow. They're hearty, easy to grow (hehehe), they pretty much grown anywhere, they may be considered to be a weed but if you look closely you'll see that they really are a pretty and simple flower. And they're versatile - you can eat them! Yep, I'd be the marigold... they may be a nuisance, but they kind of grow on you after a while.... and grow and grow and grow...!
I like thinking of you as a lilac!!! Lilacpromise.....nice:) Penny
This is a tough one, i`ve been told that i`m self-centered in the past, so perhaps a venus flytrap? lol I guess that`s not so much a flower as a plant, which also shoots down choice number 2, a chia pet, cuz my hair isn`t quite as thick as it once was! Wow this IS a tough one.
If I were a flower...hmmmm, tough one. Probably a peony like the ones I have in my yard. They come back every year and have the most wonderful scent. The blooms are big and beautiful, but they are also delicate - one gust of wind tears them apart and puts the petals on the wind. Seeing the purple stems creep out of the ground is also my first indication of Spring and so far, nothing yet. :o( Sheila
Ok ...sick this morning so I'm alittle slow but I got it done..........Diane
Awwwwww....how sweet!! Thank you for thinking that of me! That absolutely made my day!!!! Hugs!!! Kel
Awww..... turning red! Thanks so much, although I can't see how I'm an inspiration to anybody. Anyway, it's done: http://journals.aol.com/glopsblink/ATreasureTroveofGoodies
And we'd be the same flower. :)
Here I am! Better late than never! LOL!
I got them all done tonight! Bring on the questions!
Thanks for sharing this great gift with us. I have enjoyed being part of it.
This is alot of fun, and it's bringing people together in a positive way. I'm happy you shared your idea with us. Thanks for the nice compliment too!
Hahhaha, Penny1 and Penny2....reminds me of Cat in the Hat..."thing1 and thing2"...she and I jokenly call each other, "The Other Penny!"
I would have to be a lily. Delicate and classy looking ! Not at all like me haha !
Sandra x
This journal jar thing is addictive. If I were to be a flower, I would pick a wild honeysuckle. They grow everywhere, smell great, and you can't seem to get rid of them. No matter how much you chop them, or spray them. They are truly little survivors..
If you could be a flower, what would you be and why?
A daisy! They are so bright and friendly although, I am not so bright and friendly at all times, they just make me smile. But then again, I like tulips white ones at that. Then I like purple sterling roses, the traditional red is that just 'traditional!'
I'm liking this...wish I found it before. *sigh*
:o) Bubbles
here's mine
http://journals.aol.com/bigfy528/MyLittleJournalJar/.....Here's My Entry ~~~ !
i would be a hibiscious. they come in many colors and shapes. they are loved by butterflies and humming birds. their substance is sweet and nurshing to all the feed on nector. they are a plant that is full of beauty and always giving. admiried by many but very fragile.
Without a doubt I would be a stargazer lily. They are bright and colorful and smell wonderful. Their fragrance is sweet and sensual, and their petals are silky soft.
Here is my answer! :-)
When I was a teenager and by the way as screwed up or more as any teenager.. I wrote a poem about 4 white roses. I think to me they symbolize not only innocence but of a loss of and there is something so fragile about them. I would be one just for those reasons. But the thing about roses they will come back each year resilence is also part of what they are whether they are grown in an hothouse or wild in a yard. So I may be fragile but I will keep on coming back
I think I would be a Daisy. Here is link to my Journal Jar.
I would have to say a Diabolique Iris for the reason it is a beautiful breathtaking flower that delicate look is deceptive. I can't for legal reason copy the description/picture of one but the most amazing website to order them from is Paradise Garden. They also have other beautiful flowers, plants.
OK...So I am way behind on this, and I am going to put in more than one entry a lot of times to try and catch up to everyone. It's all good. Anyway.....here's my entry.
Here you go.
I'm on a roll so here's #3
Here it is:
~Miss O
I love lilacs :) they smell so fresh and clean.
I'm going to try to stay up and go back and eventually get caught up!
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