Monday, February 14, 2005

Question 2 - Games children play

What games did you play in your house or neighborhood?

The neighbor kids and I would get together all the time and play games like Red Rover, red light green light, flash light tag, a lot of freeze tag, and of coarse hide and seek. We had a lot of kids in my neighborhood and would take over the whole street at times.  I remember one time hiding under a picnic table with a friend -why we always hid together I don't really know - but we would see people's feet walking by us and hold our breath.  It was dark out which made if harder to find us.  When they would walk away we would giggle about hiding in the best place.  Well, we were under there a long time and we finally noticed no one had been around for a while.  Well, they had all went home, and just forgot about us.  I guess you could say we won that game, but no one really knew!
 At home my brothers and sister and I would play monopoly a lot those games would last for days.   We'd leave the board set up and get back to it later.  We also played Yhatzee.  Now, one of my older brothers "taught" my sister and me some pretty funky rules.  We were young at the time and looked up to him... so we believed his "rules".  Us girls had to play in the score board order.. 1's, 2's, 3's then 4's and so one.  On the other hand he could play all over his card (the way you are supposed to play)  and if we got yhatzee out of turn?  Well, the rule WAS we had to give it to him and we had to cross ours out.  He always won!  One day finally one of my other brother's decided to play with us.  We found out very fast the REAL rules.

This was a nice memory, however, I think I'm going to give my brother a call!! :)

** you can write your answer here or in your journal but link it please :)


Anonymous said...

ok i did mine.......Diane

Anonymous said...

This got to confusing trying to keep in regular journal I started a new one please disreguard earler post here is new journal addy ........Diane

Anonymous said...

Me, my older sister, and the boy down the hill would get together and play throw rocks at the hornets nest, wasp nest, any kind of bee nest, and then run so they would chase us.  We also played hide and seek in the woods, and we always had hiding places in the weeds.  Talk about time we played tarzan on a poison ivy vine.  Seems I was the only one allergic to poison ivy.  Now, remember, this is rural wv circa 1961.  We more or less had to make up our games.

Anonymous said...

Hey promise, my sister and i used to play hardcore yhatzee using all 6 rows for 1 game, thankfully, she didn`t use FUNKY rules!!!! lol freeze tag was also big in the neighborhood, and kickball, haven`t thought of that in a long time.......thanks for the memories!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

As a kid one of my favorite games was hopscotch and dodgeball! We could have a couple dozen kids playing dodgeball in the street, and it could get pretty violent after a while, but skinned knees and elbows... and even the occasional shiner, were worn with honor!  When we got older, the game to play was volley ball.  And once again, injuries were badges of honor!  There was a time when I had a sprained thumb for the entire summer from playing volleyball!

Anonymous said...

Talk about great memories!!!!

Anonymous said...

Childhood was always a wonderful time.

I remember playing in the fields near our home and climbing trees and building `camps` and hideaways in the woods !  We all used to ptend that we had runaway from home and lived in these camps telling ghost stories until we all got so scared we would all run home for our tea !

Sandra x

Anonymous said...

Mostly all the children's games.  We didn't exactly live in a neighborhood, but my brother and I had nintendo and plenty of boardgames that we use to play, and now with 'Trouble' we play Uno, Monopoly, Yahtzee, Sorry, and Mousetrap.

:o) Bubbles

Anonymous said...

This one brought back some nice memories for me.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I love the Jar!  We lived on a cul-d-sac.  It was more like a 3/4 circle. We literally had the entire neighborhood to ourselves.  Aside from riding bikes freely,  we had 30 houses in order to play in and around.  Ring a leveo, hide and seek, stick ball, baseball, swimming in anyones pool.  We were only allowed to play on my fathers lawn.  Yet, he had the greenest and thickest lawn in the block.  Everyone thought he had placed sod, but he actually had seeded the lawn himself with the same seed that they used for sod.  HAHA.  Its called Farmingdale mix and it was formulated for Long Island soil.  Anyway,  Halloween was great.  We would steal our own pumpkins and smash them, then blame it on the other block.  We were mischievious, not evil.  They did it to us!  We had our own neighborhood baseball team. We played other blocks.  Used whatever for the bases.  Anyone who knew how to play baal, could join.  Boys and girls.  We would slay down our front lawn in the snow.  It was a fun neighborhood.  For the 1950's, it was not father knows best.  My mom and a few of the others, would make cookies, cake, pies kool aide(huhhh)  for all of us.  It was like the movie Pleasantville but in the color end of it.

Anonymous said...

here ya go....

Anonymous said...'s My Entry ~~~ !

Anonymous said...

This turned into a longer entry than I planned....

Anonymous said...

All of us kids in the neighborhood played typical kid games like kickball, hide and seek, freeze tag, red light green light, and red rover. On hot summer days, we hooked up the sprinklers and sprayed each other. I had a Slip n' Slide, which I loved, and one of those little plastic kiddie pools. There was a big corn field in my back yard, and we loved running through it and making paths. So many great memories of being a kid!...

Anonymous said...

Here's my contribution:

Anonymous said...

Ok!  Here's my answer to question #2!

Anonymous said...

    When I was little, everyone on our whole block would come out to play on Saturday night. Our parents would sit on our porches and watch as we played 'Kick the Can.' The entire block would be in bounds. Someone was it and would count. Everyone else would hide. We'd watch and move as the it person tried to find someone. Then when the it person was far enough away, we all run out to the middle of the street and kick the can that was sitting up right waiting for us. That person would come running and we'd head toward 'ghoul'. That was a tree where everyone was safe. If the it person couldn't find anyone, he yell 'Ollie, Ollie, Ocean Free!" Then we would all run for ghoul. If the it person tagged someone before getting to the tree, it was their turn to be it. Because our parents were out with us, we stayed out to curfew, which was 11:30 on Saturdays.
    I tried to teach my own kids and their friends. My kids wanted to play, but the others in the neighborhood weren't interested.

Anonymous said...

The one game I remember most is tag.  We would run around the neighborhood until our faces were bright red and we couldn't catch our breath.  Kickball was another favorite.  My brother and I would also make tents out of anything not bolted down. We would ake blankets,curtains, whatever we could and put them over the fence, secure them with bricks and we were in heaven.  We also had a pool so we would spend a whole lot of time in that.  Good memories... makes me smile and cry to remember.  Hate to sound stupid but how do you leave a link.  Any help would be appreciated.

Anonymous said...

I loved your answer.  Your brother reminds me of my son, who, at a very young age, would try to make up his own rules to games like Rummy and Checkers when playing with his grandmother!  I'm enjoying your Journal.  Below is a link to my Question #2.


Anonymous said...

I loved your answer.  Your brother reminds me of my son, who, at a very young age, would try to make up his own rules to games like Rummy and Checkers when playing with his grandmother!  I'm enjoying your Journal.  Below is a link to my Question #2.


Anonymous said...

Well, we moved so much that we never spent much time in any one neighborhood until I was around 8 and at that time there were no little girls in the area just boys who had bicycle games like racing, ramping, crazy stunts, break a neck type mess and not to mention crawfishing.  It only got fun when dirt bikes, 4-wheelers, etc came into the picture, lol.  Of course I played right along with them for a year and then thank God I met some other girls, yeah, lol.  At home we played a lot of air hockey, board games and Atari, lol.  Pacman, Frogger, Donkey Kong.  We also played a lot of card games like poker, blackjack, spades.  Good times, good times.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Here you go.

Anonymous said...

here it is  

Anonymous said...

Here it is.
~Miss O

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the memories!  Here's mine.....

Anonymous said...

slowly but surely getting them done :)


Anonymous said...

wow, just found your journal, and started a journal of my own, going to take a while, but i will enjoy it

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...