Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Question 112

What do you consider to be the greatest thing you have done in life.

Hard one... as first thing that popped into my head was my children.  Giving birth no, many many women to that.  Raising them.  Well, partly... I haven't been raising them alone.  But that's all I can think.  I think my Frankie ... having his disabilities and not ever ever giving up on him as other's have is something I consider a great thing.  But it's him that keeps me going.  So sometimes I think he is just the greatest thing in my life.. not something I've done.  It's very hard raising a child with so many different disabilities... it's no doubt the most difficult thing I've had to do.  But I have gotten 10 times as much in return.  He loves me.

So maybe it's just plain being the best mother I can be.  (and I am a mother to many lately, which I won't go into since that's a very long story)

I guess it would be easier to answer if I didn't compare "great" to things other's have accomplished.... Like Mother Teresa or people like that. I think I live an ordinary life and do ordinary things. Surviving an abusive relationship and getting out and getting the kids away from that monster was probably not ordinary.. and that does take strength and guts.  So that's something, but once again, I had to .. so it isn't something "great I've done".  One day I will do something worth saying "hey I did that!" lol

Your turn! You can leave your answer in the comment section or write about it in your journal.. please link back though so we can read it.  Also if you are new to the Journal jar let me know and please leave your journal link.


Anonymous said...

I think that getting out of an abusive relationship is one of the most courageous things you can do in life. Good for you. Being a good Mum is also a great achievement. Often it is the ordinary things in life that are the most worthwhile. I have achieved many things, academically and in an earlier career. But raising my two children, and continuing to do so to the best of my ability, is the thing I am most proud of. Making them happy and well-adjusted is hard and demanding, but well worth the effort.

Anonymous said...

I think that my answer is that I haven't lost my sanity!

My mother died last year and to be perfectly honest I don't know how I made it through the entire period!  It makes me think of that poem "Footsteps In The Sand" because God MUST have been by my side during that period!

Planning a funeral isn't pleasant and unfortunately I had to do this for both of my parents.  

Since that time people will ask me questions when they face similar circumstances and when they ask me how I got through it I can't really give them an answer.   They think that I handled the circumstances so well but I barely remember going through the motions.

So I think the greatest accomplishment that I have done is bring some dignity to my parents' memory.


Anonymous said...

I posted mine....