Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Question 113

Tell about your civic or political involvement.

Sorry but I am going to have answer this question tomorrow when I post tomorrow's.  I have a horrible headache and am not even thinking right.  So I would just type mumbo jumbo!

okay it's the next day.. headache is gone.  I hate politics .. it's all lies and bullcrap.  I don't think anyone ever speaks the truth and if they do they turn around and take it back.  I was so sick of the election crap... no one was saying what they were FOR or AGAINST just slamming their opponents.  Yes I voted... not that I think my vote matters because (well I am confused where this is concerned) before all our votes had been counted here (I think like 30% was in) they already announced the winner ... so what is that about?? Anyway, I think there should be a new law pasted that if you say you're going to do something during your campaign to be elected you HAVE to do it. 
The war... well I've lost a few friends and a family member I don't know how I feel about that part.  I think we need to get our guys out of there. This is NOT our war.  I used to think if it wasn't over there it would be happening on US soil.  I don't know... I think Mr Bush has it wrong... I think Mr. Bush has confused us all with his own confusion and lies.  I support our troops don't get me wrong.  I thank God for them... I just wish it would be over .. and they could come home safely.  Okay off my crazy box and I will do today's question (hoping it's not a thinking question lol)


But please feel free to answer it yourselves... you all know by now how we work this.


Anonymous said...

I hope your headache gets better. I am a conscientious objector actively seeking to end the war in Iraq. Some people don't like me for that reason but I worry about my country more than I do individual reactions.

Anonymous said...

I vote and until just recently that was the extent of my political involvement.  It changed when Gabe joined the military.  Now I'm more vocal about my opinions.  And yes, I have a blog (hehehehe)