Thursday, March 15, 2007

Question 118 ~ Siblings

Tell something special about each of your brothers and sisters:

Well I have four brothers and two sisters.... only one sister is from the same mom and dad. (Also a step brother and sister which I  won't write about my step sister and brother since I hardly knew them as they lived in New York) I have sort of a mixed up family.  Two of my brothers are from a different dad/same mom.. and the other two are from a different dad but same mom.  My other sister is from same dad/different mom.  Now I consider them all my true siblings.  I don't like "half brother" step sister stuff like that.  Family is family be it total blood line or by marriage.. so here goes. (this will probably be a longest entry I've made here)

The oldest brother E: He died a few years ago due to complications during surgery.  He moved away from our family and lived pretty far up north.  So I didn't get to spend much time with him towards the end of his life.  He was my hero, always understanding always defending me. We seemed to always know what the other was feeling before words were ever spoken. Sometimes when something would be going awful in my life he would call and say "what's wrong"  We once said we were the black sheep of our family.  True in a way.  We loved each other very much... there are still days I pick up the phone to call him... only to remember and hang it up.  I love and miss you E.. forever in my heart RIP

Then there is my brother B.  He grew up with his mother but spent a lot of time with us. We lost touch for many years, then one day I was visiting Frankie's dad at a treatment center and there was my brother.... oddly enough he had been the one that always answered the phone when I called there and him and I (not yet knowing who we were) would talk longer then I would take to Frankie's dad.  He said he felt a connection.  Well there sure was.  He was a typical big brother... no one was good enough for his baby sister and he let everyone know that.  He had a hard fight with his addiction.. and I know he tried very hard.  Last time I spoke with him he had walked out of rehab and I haven't heard from him since.

My brother K... he is an inspiration to me.  He owns his own business and works night and day to keep that thing going.  He waiting until he was in his 30's to get married (which always seemed odd to us since he had a few girlfriends that seemed perfect for him) however talking to him just the other day he said he waited to get married because he married for life.  He treats his wife with respect and shows her love and support no matter what she wants to do.  He is a very good husband.  We haven't always been close.. we sort of have our on and off again relationship. He has at times step up to my oldest brother's role... like when we were playing games at Christmas and I would make a stupid guess or the worse pictionary my word was California and I drew Florida (now in my defense my friend guessed it right) I said "omg I'm so stupid" My brother actually gets upset when I say stuff like that.  He always tells me I do not give myself enough credit and I am smarter then I believe.  He fights ME about ME! Gotta love a guy like that.

The youngest of my brothers R.  I knew him very little he was sort of the problem child.  Born and raised by my father's first wife.  He got into drugs and I was not allowed to be around him.  He got clean about 6 years ago, got married and had a baby.  He turned from a heroin addict into a happy, healthy loving family man.  For that I am so proud of him.  I haven't spoke with him for a long time either... I know he's doing well, but he sort of needed to escape his family (his mom) to better himself. I miss him but I am glad he's doing well.

My sister G: She was a beautiful woman.  She had a baby when she was young (I was very young) She was smart, funny, so alive.  I have so many funny memories of her.  She died in a motorcycle accident shortly after she had her baby. I was 7 years old. When she was 16 I believe, she got a half of a heart on her wrist, she made me promise I would get the other half when I was old enough.  I did... recently I had it covered in a way you can still she the half of heart (as I will always be the other half of her heart and her mine) but I got tired of people asking "what's the J stand for" or "is that a fish hook?"  So there is a unicorn there now. She's still with me... the heart stands out and the unicorn to me means magic and that is what my sister was magic.  She would light up a room, make a sad girl laugh (me).  Everyone she came in contact with she brightened their lives.  I love you Gloria! RIP

Now we get to my older sister P.  She is my best friend.  She is the holder of my secrets as I am hers. She doesn't judge people, her heart, mind and door are always open to everyone.  She is a very giving and caring person.  She teaches me by example.. shows me how to be a better person.  Helps me when my mother is driving me crazy... I've always looked up to her (she once told me she looks up to me) so I guess we feel the same about each other.  We had a tough childhood but together we made it through.  I lean on her.. she leans back.. I think we hold one another up.  She's the only person on this earth I trust 100%. Her kids are my kids.. my kids are hers.  Love you HonE! ;)

Well that's about all I think my siblings are all very special.  Some close to me, some gone now... but they all made me who I am today.. I give them credit for always being by my side... for always knowing the right things to say when no words can really  comfort. ... So to all of you Thank you for being great brothers and sisters... Yes I'm the baby of the family!


Okay you know how this goes, either write your answer here or in your own journals but make sure you link back so we can read your answers too.  (I will try to be more consistent with this but so much personal stuff has been going on)


to Christy who is new to the journal jar.  Check out her journal jar at: Christy's Journal Jar I hope you enjoy this as much as I and many others have! And thanks Kelly for bringing her to us! :)


Anonymous said...

Well one of my brothers has been through a very rough time and he has managed to come out of it with his peace of mind and sanity.  I won't go into details but going through something like what he did - a lot of people in that same situation would have given up (and some have!)

Today he is feeling quite good and proud of himself and we get together and talk often.


Anonymous said...

Well I have a younger brother that I grew up with whom is my 1/2 brother. He was born to my mom and "step"dad. I don't believe in the whole 1/2 thing either...My "step"dad was MY DAD and he adopted me legally.
I have 3 other siblings by my bilogical dad-another younger brother, and 2 younger sisters. I am the first born, and only really know my brother that I grew up with. I have met my other siblings 2x.

Anonymous said...

I posted mine....