Thursday, March 1, 2007

Question 116

Tell about the conditions surrounding your birth that you are aware of. How were you named?

Well my mother doesn't talk much about my birth.  For reason I do not wish public.  I know that I was almost delivered at home.  We lived up in Duluth MN, and I was born in Feb.  There had been a pretty bad snow storm and the ambulance couldn't seem to get through and down our road as it wasn't plowed yet.  Guess it was a good thing I wasn't in a big hurry to "get out".  That's really about the only story I heard of my birth.

As far as my name.  My father (bio) wanted me to be named after his mother (Mary) my mother hardly ever stood up to him but she did that day and not that Mary is a rotten name I wouldn't have been thrilled with it .. maybe because I wasn't that close to that grandmother.  In fact I wasn't allowed to call her grandma (no one was) we could only call her by her first name as she said she was too young to be a grandmother.  hmmm. Anyway so I really don't know how my mother picked my name or the spelling (as it is different) she said she wanted me to be different YAY MOM! Love having to always spell my first name for people and the responses "that's an odd way of spelling it"  Or the best one was in school when a teacher told me I spelled my name wrong on a paper.


If you wish to answer this question you can do it in the comment section or your own journal... be sure to link back.


Anonymous said...

A teacher told you that you'd spelled your own name incorrectly.   Sheesz, that teacher should have at least verified that first!
I was born in the fall, one of those glorious fall days (or so I imagine but I seem to recall my mother saying that it was like that).   Saturday afternoon while my mother was in labor, she could hear the university football team playing a game outside of her window.   Sometime, I really should look it up to see who won.   I was born 10 minutes AFTER the hour, too, and been trying to catch up the rest of my life.  lol   -- Robin

Anonymous said...

I was supposed to be a boy.  My parents already had 3 girls and daddy really wanted a son.  They even had a name picked out... a little friend of my oldest sister by the name of Jody.  My parents were naturally disappointed that I came out as I did but they decided to keep the name.
By the way, the little boy named Jody had been in an accident, getting hit by a milk truck.  He lived but as a child I wasn't too happy about being named after a little boy who had been run over by a milk truck.