Thursday, June 1, 2006

Question 97 ~ Writing....

Do you like to write letters?  Are you a good writer? Who do you correspond with?
Wow, Guess today's question is a three part question.  I do enjoy writing letters most of the time.  There are times when I get behind and it seems like so much has happened and I don't feel like writing all that much so I put it off.  Also sometimes it seems I have so little to say then I suddenly realize that the person that wrote me wrote me three months ago and you'd think I'd have something worthwhile to write about.  I guess at those times, because I enjoy writing poetry and journaling I just don't want my passion to turn into a chore.

As for if I'm a good writer or not.. I'd say my poems are good, I like them, been told they are great (although some people don't get them).  It took me many years to even allow anyone to see them... I just pour my thoughts, heart and soul into them and for so long I didn't want people to know that part of me.. I would never imagined a few years ago, that I would actually have a lot of my poems on the internet for the world to see.  Seems I've come a long way.

I write a few people, an old friend from school, a girl I used to live with, and I have two pen pals whom I've never met.  One is a solider, the other I got off a pen pal site.  Those are usually the letters that pile up and I have to answer three or four at a time. So for me when I'm in the mood I love it... otherwise I just don't bother. 

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **


Anonymous said...

I love to write letters; however, because of physical problems, my handwriting is terrible.  So, I now either email, or send cards. mary anne~

Anonymous said...

Good question. Hvae a good weekend. I will answer in my journal.


Anonymous said...

I played along...

Anonymous said...

I didn't play but I just wanted to pop in and say HI !!!!!!!!!!
it's been so long since I've seen or heard from you. I miss you hope things are going ok Promise

Love & Hugs Diane