Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Question 95 ~ Graduation

Tell about your graduation.

Well I didn't graduate high school.  I quit the end of my 11th grade.  I don't feel I missed much since I had already went to senior prom etc etc.  I did go then and get my GED at night school. 

We did have a sort of a graduation there, no graduation gown but the cap and tassel.  There were about 200 of us.  They do the GED ceremonies twice a year.

I remember I wore this really pretty white dress, my family all came (which was unusual for something involving me at the time) I was pretty much the black sheep and no one thought I'd bother to finish my education when I dropped out.  Maybe, just maybe that was my driving force.


** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **


Anonymous said...

I'm like you Promise. I dropped out of school then went back later and got my GED. I didn't go to the ceremony either.

Anonymous said...

I posted it over at my new journal on myspace...only friends over there can read it though.

Anonymous said...

I'm up :)
