Describe getting a Christmas tree with your family. How did you decorate it? When did you put it up?When I was young I really don't remember where we got our Christmas trees or how. I think a few times my brother's actually went out and cut them down somewhere. Yet, it's not a clear memory. I do remember my Mom being a perfectionist when it came to decorating it. Me and my sister weren't allowed to touch most of the decorations. She would save a few of the plastic or crappie ones for us to put on at the end.
When we starting using an artificial tree I know she put it up just after Thanksgiving. I do remember some years with the real trees she would do it Christmas Eve day or Christmas Eve.
I really wish I had better memories ... Sometimes days after I write an entry memories do come to me and I add them to the paper copy of this journal jar. That doesn't happen very often though.
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **
Welcome to Meagan aka playettemeg918 at ~*Life Of Meagan*~
Christmas is my favorite time of year. Its really a great time to bond with my mom as we put up the tree and rest of decorations. Its a really a nice time.
I liked this question, here's my answer. ~Colleen :)
I have wonderful memories of decorating our Christmas tree at home. My Dad made this huge stand and painted it all white. It had a picket fence that ran around the entire perimeter. My Mom had white, sparkly material she put underneath the tree, and little cardboard houses. Some years we had a real tree, and some years we had a fake. The fake was made of silver foil, had red balls on it and a spot light that changed colors reflecting off the tree. It was a big deal when I was really small to decorate as a family. My Dad used to hold me up so I could put the star on the top. We had hot chocolate and that. I've tried to do the same for my kids, but they weren't interested. Instead, I've made a point of buying each child a special ornament each year. I'd put it in their stockings on Christmas morning. When they were little, I didn't think they cared. Now, they check with me every year just to be sure I got them something. The drop hints at the ones they like, or even make orders. And each year they point out which ones are theirs.
We never had real trees, my mom always wanted artificial ones. One year she wanted this silver tree that had a color wheel that would shine differnt colors on the tree. Not very festive..............
me and my brother liked the white christmas trees so my mother brought them and i never got to decorate except for putting candy canes on and since manuel was as tall as the tree he got to do everything i remember gettin put on punishment because i made a big deal outta it right before christmas! we usually put it up 2 days before christmas.
fa la la la la
We always have a fake christmas tree, but we always try to put all the decorations on it. ONE LOVE: MD
I will be starting mine with Today's Question when you post is the link to My Journal Jar Journal....
When I was very young my family (all six of us kids and my parents) would pile into the family car and we'd drive way up into the mountains to cut down a tree. Every year my mom would cover her eyes as the car climbed higher and higher and the road narrowed until you couldn't even see ground out the driver's side window, just blue sky and snow covered mountains in the distance. We always picked out a huge tree and my dad would have to cut the top off just to fit it in the house. Then after my parents had strung the lights my mom began the ritual of carefully unpacking the ornaments and handing them out one by one, always with the admonition "be careful, don't drop it".
Here it is!
Have a grat weekend everyone!
~Miss O
Getting the tree in my family was a huge deal! I remember that I felt as if christmas was truely close when we finally got our tree. My Dad, Mom and the rest of us would pack into the car about two weeks before Christmas day. We go to the same christmas tree farm everyyear, and my brother and I got to take turns each year picking out the tree we liked best. ( I always liked the big fat ones, where as he opted for the tall skinny ones).
We'd get the tree home and I'd agonize for a day because the tree would sit in the garage for 24 hours before we put it up. Something about getting the spiders out or something. The majical night would arrive. After dinner Dad would go downstairs and get the decorations for the tree, Mom would put on our favorite carols and we'd begin. Each of us had our own speacial ornaments we got to put on. As the night progressed there would be breaks taken as my brother and I sang into the light strings and mom made popcorn or other snacks to keep us going. After we were finished my brother and I would turn off all the lights and just stare at the tree.
Over the next few days we'd play silly games, like hide the ornament, or what ornament am I thinking of. But no matter, every night we would turn off all the lights and just stare. I think that, to this day, is still one of my most vivid memories of christmas. The colors that the tree would emit across the room as the rest of the house was dark. It makes me happy just thinking about it.
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i rember when i had a wite tree it was beautiful tree but it wasent with my family it with my boyfired we but it up to eather and we take it down together we love are white tree.
If you're old enough you might remember the ....
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