Saturday, July 30, 2005

Question 77 ~ When we were....

What was your favorite thing to do with your family when you were young?

At first I really thought, with my scattered and incomplete memories I wouldn't really be able to come up with much.  Then as I sat here thinking back, lots of things came into my mind. Of coarse that surprised me.  Maybe this journal jar plus having to go over stuff with my family is helping bring back some of those memories I blocked.  I had to block the bad, I think the good just got in the way and ended up hidden too.

I remember a few things we did as a family, which I have to say we didn't often do that much all together.  It was mainly my sister and I playing together.  But we did play games together every so often as a family.  I remember one monopoly game lasting days, we would have to quit for the night and go back and start again the next day.  I don't know who many days I just remember it being the never ending game.  It was fun.  We played cards also.  I didn't know many games and my favorite was war, so my sister mainly got stuck playing that with me. 
I loved when we would go to carnivals (hmm no wonder I ended up working and "playing" there in my adult life lol)  My mother never liked to go on rides but that was okay, after all we needed someone to hold all our crap right? haha 

I also liked when we went on picnics, we did that more as we got older but I remember a few fun ones, where my father didn't interfere too much. 

My favorite thing of all was when we would all gather in the kitchen and make home made pizzas. Preview My brother had learned how to make them in school (a class I think he took to meet girls lol)  but it became sort of tradition.  It was so much fun all laughing and having fun and then of coarse eating great pizza. I now do that with my own children, and it's so much fun.  We used to do it every Halloween, but then it was rushed so we did it on Christmas Eve... normally it was just me and the kids on that night (big family thing was Christmas Day) But eventually that changed and we now do it whenever the mood hits us.  It's a wonderful bonding experience then and now.  There wasn't much laughing when I was young.  Partly because of my behavior but mostly because of my bio-father.  So thinking back to this laughter makes me smile.  I think I'll try and dig deeper to the good times.

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **

Tomorrow will be the journal jar spotlight and I will link the new members at that time also. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Question 76 ~ Personality traits

What personality traits do you admire the most?

One half hour before it's "legal" Thursday lol.. I'm getting the question in as promised whew.  Well, guess if you're on the East coast I'm late.

My answer:  Honesty, loyalty, Truthfulness (nope not exactly the same as honesty to me) Loving unconditionally. Not being judgmental. I think most important to me is being yourself... not allowing other's to change who you are.

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **

New member links tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Sorry I didn't post in the last couple of days, haven't been feeling well.  I'll be back up and running tomorrow.  I ....


Sunday, July 24, 2005


My 2 Cents
Just One Girls Head Noise|

Today I'm spotlighting a couple of journals.  No question as people can probably use another day to get caught up.

So if you're are caught up you could check out these journals.

I've been reading 
My 2 Cents and  Just One Girls Head Noise since I started journaling. I just started reading  DIAMONDS ON THE SOLES OF HER SHOES .

All three of these journals are great and about life.  They each bring so much to my life.

is going through a lot right now and needs a lot of support, JAVEN is a wonderful caring woman whom I've come to be very good friends with.  MARSHA, although I don't know her very well yet, I am getting to know she is a great woman with a wonderful sense of humor.  All these women have come to mean a lot to me, through their journals and emails.  What a wonderful thing the internet is,  I wouldn't have gotten to know so many fantastic people.

I hope you stop by and check these journals out.. you might like them as much as I do.

Have a great night....


Saturday, July 23, 2005

Today is....


Today seems like the perfect day to do a catch up day.  We have a few people that just joined us and a few that have been trying to catch up for a while.  So I'll use today to try and get to everyone's new journals and the ones I haven't been able to get to yet.

Hope you enjoy your day.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Question 75 ~ Sing it loud!

Tell the words of a song from your childhood and describe any memories it holds for you.

When I first pulled this question out, I couldn't think of anything.  Then I remembered a song my mother used to sing to me.  One of the few loving moments of my childhood.  I couldn't really remember the words though or if it was a real song.  So of coarse I had to call my mother.  I asked her she said she couldn't remember it.  I wasn't sure if she couldn't remember singing any song or just the song.  I told her I remember something about "where are you going" She did remember singing this song to me, but couldn't remember what the song was or the words.
She eventually called me back and told it this story.
The song went something like
"Where are you going my little one.. pretty one.. Where have you been?"  She said she started singing that song to me before I could really talk and I would go la la la la after she paused (see I was already musically inclined :)  Then she said I eventually started singing the song with her.  I looked lyrics up and I can't find anything that went as she said... there is a song that has some of the words in it called "Turn around"  She said she sort of made the song up as she went along, so she probably put more then one song together.  It's a happy memory.. it gives me a warm feeling.  It also frustrates me because I can't remember the words..
Once again this journal jar has started another nice conversation with my mother, We don't have a lot of them lately.  So I cherish the ones we do.  We ended up talking for a long time about when I was little.  Then I remembered I had to ask her about the Grandparents working question.  So I'm off to add to that entry now, since I never did finish it.
Preview     Preview    Preview      Preview      Preview    

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us knowthat also! **

We have a couple new Journal jar members... YAY!!
Hope you guys find this entertaining, enlightening and fun! 
Kelly aka winonagal29 at: Hart and Soul
Brittany aka Cherrywish100 at: Brittany's Journal Jar
Tricia aka AJsProudParents at:
-*-Tricia's Journal Jar-*-

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Question 74 ~ Christmas Tree

Describe getting a Christmas tree with your family.  How did you decorate it?  When did you put it up?

PreviewWhen I was young I really don't remember where we got our Christmas trees or how.  I think a few times my brother's actually went out and cut them down somewhere.  Yet, it's not a clear memory.  I do remember my Mom being a perfectionist when it came to decorating it.  Me and my sister weren't allowed to touch most of the decorations.  She would save a few of the plastic or crappie ones for us to put on at the end. 
When we starting using an artificial tree I know she put it up just after Thanksgiving.  I do remember some years with the real trees she would do it Christmas Eve day or Christmas Eve. 
I really wish I had better memories ... Sometimes days after I write an entry memories do come to me and I add them to the paper copy of this journal jar.  That doesn't happen very often though.

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **

Welcome to Meagan aka playettemeg918 at
~*Life Of Meagan*~

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Question 73 ~ Ages

What was your favorite age so far and why?

This is a hard question.  I always seem to think that my last year was always the best... maybe because I am not liking getting older.  So what once was seems to always be better.  If I had to pick an age I'd say 21.  I already had my first child, but I still felt childlike myself.  I was in-between not exactly a grownup yet not a child.  Guess most people don't like that.. for me I could still do childish things and people would say "well she's only 21" at the same time when I wanted to I could act like an adult.  It was a fun year.  All my early twenties were.  My favorite saying is "I'm old enough to know better, but young enough to still do it"

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **

To our new participants....
Bernadette aka quartrlyfecrysis at:
...And then some
Cassie aka Sexyg002 at:Cassie's Journal Jar
Kathi aka kdwsunshine at: Kathi's Journal Jar
Jamilyn aka Jamie24601 at: Quiz Me:  Jamilyn's Quiz Central
hope you enjoy the journal jar and get as much out of it as I have.  It's a learning experience so far.

Also welcome back to Kell!! Reflections

Welcome graphic comes from a graphic group I am in.. If you are interested in joining that group email me or the owner of the group

Monday, July 18, 2005

question 72 ~ School dayz

Describe a typical day in high school.

I don't think I had a typical day.  I skipped a lot and when I was there, it was more about being social then learning.  I had a "good time" in high school, just didn't get good grades.

When I would show up, I would go get there about 1/2 hour before school started so I could plan my evening.  I paid little attention in class and often go into trouble.  I think my school file was really fat with dress code violations.  I spent a lot of time in ISS (in school suspension)  It was in high school that my Bipolar became worse.  I began to get high before school just to try and be calmer...  Somehow I got through it all.  I don't have "if I could go back I'd do this different" feelings I firmly believe I had to go through what I did to be me now.

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Look at these!!!

So today is Spotlight day!

I am spotlighting (pimping if you will) a couple of journals.

Most of you probably read
Dorn's journal, but I figure if I can share it with even a couple of people that don't that would be great.  I've read Dorn's
journal since I came to J-land.  She is an amazing woman!  She writes about her real life stuff, shares her day to day things, yet they don't seem day to day because she is so funny.  I always have a smile on my face after reading her journal.  She also has a gift at writing.  I love the way she writes.  So if you haven't been to her journal stop by, but be prepared to be there for a while, once you start reading her entries it's hard to stop.  Here's her link:


I am a HUGE big brother fan so when I found this journal I was soooo happy.  Jackie's  journal is all about Big Brother.  She gives us reports on the live feeds (which I love because I can't get the live feeds) Sometimes she posts the cam shots which is cool.  Jackie takes a lot of time and effort to make sure BB6 fans are up to date on what's going on in the house.  She also has some great links to other BB6 sites.  So if you are a Big Brother fan, or just curious about what goes on in the house when they aren't on TV stop by:  'Big Brother 6' Live Feed Reports and More   
I love that journal

Thanks for allowing me to pimp these journals, and thanks to you both for writing your journals, I look forward to every entry you both write.

I hope you like them as much as I do.


'Big Brother 6' Live Feed Reports and More

Friday, July 15, 2005

Question 71 ~ Here comes the bride

Describe your wedding.  Who was n it?  What did everyone wear?
I have been married more then once.  I did however only have one "big" church wedding so I think I'll answer this question about that one .. and only that one.

I was young just out of high school and moved in with him.  He had asked me to marry him and we were engaged and set the date for July.  However, I got pregnant so we moved the wedding to March.  My sister was my maid of honor, his sisters were the bridesmaids.  At the time I liked blue (I do not anymore, no it has nothing to do with the marriage being hell)  So they wore blue.  I look back at the pictures and wonder why I went with those dresses YUK. HAHA  My mother (who is a very controlling woman) planned most of it.  When I said something I wanted it just couldn't be done.  We fought about the colors, the dresses, the food, the band.  She of coarse got her way.  I remember meeting with the caterer and my mom wanted baked potatoes and these meatballs.. I was upset.  Baked potatoes wrapped in tin foil TACKY!!  The meatballs were something I really couldn't care less about.  When we had our final meeting with her, I can't remember what it was my mother and I were fighting about then but she got her way.  On the way home she said "well at least you got your meatballs" OY VEY!!  Anyway, I remember the morning of the wedding (I had spent the night at my mother's) and the neighbor came over to bring me a gift.. lamps she didn't want to bring to the church.  She asked me "are you nervous"?  My mother says very loudly "HER?? ME!!!"  The lady said "oh are you getting married too?"  HAHA  That is my mother's favorite saying "YOU?? ME!!"  So I should have known then what problems I would have with my mother.  She made the day revolve around her.  Which I just tried to ignore.  It was a nice wedding, would have been better if I wasn't the bride and had all that pressure on me.  But the pictures looked nice.

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **



                                      Tag made by: Kell (thank you!!)

I just wanted to do a welcome entry.  I've been sort of letting the new comer's list add up and figured I'd make a separate entry for them.

So welcome to all of you, I hope you enjoy the journal jar.  I will try and be more consistent with the questions, my life as been so full lately.  It's a good/bad sort of thing.

Celeste aka gdireneoe at:  the dailies
Ashley aka ncarolinasangel at:  ~!~My Thoughts & Feelings~!~

Anna aka catannamals at:  Anna Avenue

Deb aka debbted at:  Sassys Second Word

Tessa aka callnti at:  Single Mom of Two Munchkins

Maria aka curyvyanglintexas at:  Heartfelt Expressions

asianchick9990 at:  Almost Definately Me

Adrienne aka Southpolex91 ~ No journal link

I have enjoyed all of these journals.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Question 70 ~ Vacations

Where do you like to vacation and why?

My favorite (mini) vacations are just staying in hotels. lol I love staying in hotels, not having to make the bed, not much to do just going to the pool, hot tubs etc.  Just hanging out.  No cooking, cleaning or phones (well there is a phone but not many people call when I'm gone)  Doesn't matter where I go (which hotel which city).  Now the little hotel getaways are tied with any lake.  I love being at the lake... swimming, bonfires, watching the sun set, even fishing.  My favorite time is in the morning before people are up and about, sitting on the dock, looking at the lake drinking my coffee and listening to the loons.  I've enjoyed New York and Vegas even California, but those kinds of vacations are always hustle and chaos.  I love the peacefulness camping much better.  I don't feel like I need a vacation after getting back.

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

To my readers

I am so sorry I have been away.  LOTS of stuff going on with me right now.  I was going to post a question EVERYDAY this week.  But My crazy life has once again interfered.  The rest of my week looks less full. So Tomorrow I will make it up to you, we'll have a question, a journal spotlight, and I'll link you all to the new comers.  I'm going to make tomorrow my computer day.. to heck with the rest! ;)  I have so much JJ reading to catch up ... So until tomorrow, please have a good day.  And say a little prayer that these Dr's of mine KNOW what they are doing!!

                    from Kell

Thursday, July 7, 2005

Question 69

Did you have a bicycle and what was it like?   Tell about riding it.  Where did you go?

Preview I loved my bike, I got a new one when I was 8 maybe 9. I don't remember much about what it actually looked like.  Other then it was new.  Not one my sister had had.  I loved riding .. I would just go for hours.  Wind in my hair, freedom.
I don't even remember what happened to that one.  But when I was in jr. high school I had gotten another new one .. woohoo a ten speed.  I remember the day we went to buy it. I was not the best teenager.  Partied, hung with people I wasn't supposed to, so it really surprised me when my mom said they were buying me a new bike.  Funny how this one memory stands out in my mind.  We were at the store looking at the bikes when my mom discovered the hickey I had been hiding for days.  She yells in the store, loud enough for everyone to hear.  "What is that on your neck"  I was so embarrassed.  They did buy me the bike .. which of coarse meant I could go hang out with Hickey boy... but it meant more then just that to me.. It meant once again I was free.  I could once again go for long rides, just to feel the wind.

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **

Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Question 68

Do you like to go to the symphony, the opera, the theater?  What have you seen and enjoyed the most as far as productions go?

Well, I have never been to the opera (never will go either)  or the symphony ... although I'm more open to that.  I've seen a couple plays.  I enjoyed all I attended.  In all honesty I really enjoy my niece's high school plays the best.  Maybe because they are budding actors/actresses.  I love to watch her perform.  She's talented already.  She amazes me.  So although those aren't big productions.  They are the ones I like the best.
Now if we talk  concerts I'm all over that!

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **

We have a few new people and I'll post a welcome and links later. 

Hope you all had a happy fourth!

Friday, July 1, 2005


Afternoon everyone...

The journal jar will be closed for the holiday weekend.  A lot of people will be out of town and I have lots to do, so I thought I'd post again on the 5th.  We also have a few new members that are trying very hard to catch up. 

Have a safe and fun fourth.

