What was your favorite thing to do with your family when you were young?
At first I really thought, with my scattered and incomplete memories I wouldn't really be able to come up with much. Then as I sat here thinking back, lots of things came into my mind. Of coarse that surprised me. Maybe this journal jar plus having to go over stuff with my family is helping bring back some of those memories I blocked. I had to block the bad, I think the good just got in the way and ended up hidden too.
I remember a few things we did as a family, which I have to say we didn't often do that much all together. It was mainly my sister and I playing together. But we did play games together every so often as a family. I remember one monopoly game lasting days, we would have to quit for the night and go back and start again the next day. I don't know who many days I just remember it being the never ending game. It was fun. We played cards also. I didn't know many games and my favorite was war, so my sister mainly got stuck playing that with me.
I loved when we would go to carnivals (hmm no wonder I ended up working and "playing" there in my adult life lol) My mother never liked to go on rides but that was okay, after all we needed someone to hold all our crap right? haha
I also liked when we went on picnics, we did that more as we got older but I remember a few fun ones, where my father didn't interfere too much.
My favorite thing of all was when we would all gather in the kitchen and make home made pizzas. My brother had learned how to make them in school (a class I think he took to meet girls lol) but it became sort of tradition. It was so much fun all laughing and having fun and then of coarse eating great pizza. I now do that with my own children, and it's so much fun. We used to do it every Halloween, but then it was rushed so we did it on Christmas Eve... normally it was just me and the kids on that night (big family thing was Christmas Day) But eventually that changed and we now do it whenever the mood hits us. It's a wonderful bonding experience then and now. There wasn't much laughing when I was young. Partly because of my behavior but mostly because of my bio-father. So thinking back to this laughter makes me smile. I think I'll try and dig deeper to the good times.
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **
Tomorrow will be the journal jar spotlight and I will link the new members at that time also.