** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! **
And we have new members!! Everyday our journal jar family is growing! So....
Judypearllove at Moments of Judy Pearl
Hellzhotlilangl at The Road I've Traveled...HAPPINESS OR BUST
Have a great day everyone!
I love vaccuming, okay well not actual love, but it's not a hard task.
I despise putting away dishes, putting away laundry, hanging curtains, washing silverware, making beds, cleaning the fridge, dusting, oh I could go on for hours...I won't even get started on the bathroom....
Journal is still private, but I will be sure to let you know when it's not!
In a word.... IRONING..... AAAAHHHH! :-) Sandra xxx
OK got mine done .......Diane
Here is my entry! http://journals.aol.com/beckieramos/BeckiesBrightBeginnings
Have a great day!
My thoughts...
Ok I know you said leave a link but Scence I cant figure that out ill post it here like I always do.lol
this subject just made me cringed tonight .
after working all day and my boyfriend bieng home I walk in and the house is a wreck.
I made dinner ,cleaned the kitchen,did dishes and threw a load of landry in.
It is only 9:00 pm but I am so beat.
My favroite chore would be :::::::::vaccuming i got to say .It doesant take much effort
My worst would be laundry scence my washer and dryer is always going when I am home..
Myfavorite is vacuming. I just love it. crazy I know.
Least Favorite ?? Cleaning The Toilet.....
I dislike dishes the most!!!! One chore I don't mind is sweeping and mopping. I liked the way the house smelled when I was done. Sheila
I actually don't mind cleaning the rooms, you know, floors walls, tubs, etc. Nice to have a clean place to come home to.
Laundry, now there is the worst job I know. I used to deal with it by buying more clothes, LOL, but that's an expensive solution. Laundry, #1 on the hate list.
I have posted my answers in my journal.
The one I hate the most is taking out the trash!! Dont know why . Just dont like it
My two most hated chores are washing the dishes and the laundry. My favorite? Get real! I HATE housework!
well i havent ironed anything since 1995!!!! so i guess that would be it- if the wrinkles dont come out in the dryer- than that is as good as it is gonna gets. as far as cleaning- dont kill me- i think it as a great stress reliever- and i do enjoy it- it is sometimes hard to get motivated to start, but i always have a great sense of accomplishment and pride when its done
I only like the first part of household cleaning. I don't mind washing dishes but hate drying and putting away. Throwing clothes in the washer and dryer is fine.. but sometimes never get them out of the laundry basket. Grocercy shopping I manage to get done sporadically but hate putting the groceries away. Washing dishes is relaxing to me... so that would be my favorite. I HATE dusting
I do enjoy cooking, which is something that I`m just really starting to discover. I can`t lie though, cleaning is a real motivational struggle, my wife keeps an immaculate house and I "try to keep up". I can`t stand a filthy house , but I do just wish I could pull a bewitched and make it be clean by wrinkling my nose!
I am learning to cook and bake, so I enjoy that. Having a dishwasher is great--no hand washing! Yay! And now that I have my own clothes washer and dryer, I don't mind doing laundry. (I absolutely HATED going to the laundromat!) I guess my least favorite chore is sweeping/mopping. I have hardwood floors, and no matter how often I sweep and mop, they are always covered with dog/cat fur, dirt, sand, and crumbs from my 3 year old's snacks...
Mine would have to be....laundry! I don't know why, it isn't very hard to do...just hate it. Great journal! Robin
I hate laundry, especially putting clothes away. I'm having a real hard time coming up with housework I like, but the closest I can come to is ironing. Which I never do..lol..
O' how that would be laundry!!!!! I cannot, cannot stand it. It is the worst chore ever. I hate separating all the clothes, Spray & Washing the stains, folding, putting away, the whole damn lot. I do have an obsession with vacuuming and windex??? Craziness. I polish my counters until they sparkle!!!! ha
Love laundry, hate making beds!
here ya go...
Annie =)
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