Saturday, April 30, 2005

Some people are way behind so....


Click Here to go to the very first question you can follow the links from there to catch up.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Question 43 ~ Childhood slaves :)

Were you ever responsible for any chores?  What were they?

Preview I did a lot of chores when I was at home.  Me and my sister had to my dinner I think twice a week each.  I remember trying to be creative, but my cooking talents hadn't developed yet back then. I remember making pancakes one Sunday and the outsides looked great, the insides were not even done yet YUK.  I used to be so mad about having to cook, however, now I'm glad she had us do that because I know how to cook and people say I'm very good at it.  Also we had to take turns doing the dishes every other night.  I still hate washing dishes. 
We also had to clean the house...For a while there was a time my Mom came up with this idea.. where she got it I don't know.  Whoever got the house done first.. or did the most on the house got the bigger allowance.  I was NOT a morning person and liked to sleep in on the weekends.  So my sister would get up early and get the house finished.  Guess who didn't get much of an allowance every week.  Of coarse I complained constantly because I was doing the other chores I was supposed to do, and I couldn't help it if my sister had no life YADA YADA YADA and went to bed early (sorry sis!!) lol.  So she ended up stopping that deal.  We went back to sharing the work and our allowances went back to normal.  Looking back we did a lot of work around the house.  Cleaning, cooking, dishes, yard work.  When my sister move out though things sort of changed, and I really only did the dishes and help clean a little on weekends, but I did have to do my own laundry (sometimes)  I guess when I became the only child I became spoiled .. only for a short time though.  The whip began to crack again the more I started to take advantage of it.  Oh well, it was sweet for a bit.
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! **

Big welcome to our newest memeber:
Lori aka Scotthlori at:  
Discovering Me Hope you enjoy it here!

Thursday, April 28, 2005

question 42 ~ getting together w/family

Tell about Family reunions:

 Preview We didn't start having family reunions for a long time.  Then finally my mother started to put one together about 7 years ago. After being at my aunts funeral and running into the caretaker of the apartment complex I lived in, we both walked up to each other and said "what are you doing here?" and saying at the same time.. This is my aunt's funeral"  turned out we were cousins and didn't know it.  It was odd because we were all having to introduce ourselves to each other (cousins and that).  We had them for about 3 years.  They were fun.  We'd meet at the park for rolls and coffee, I never showed up until later... but the older people did to save the spots (which I found odd since we reserved them anyway)  We'd have adult games, and kids games.. sack races, three legged races, egg tosses (usually kids paired up with their parents so we could actually egg our parents lol)  it was a lot of fun. We'd swim and play volley ball, by the end of the evening we'd be pretty much grouped off, some playing cards, other's laying in on blankets and talking some dancing.. a lot of us a little tipsy.  It was good while it lasted... But it ended up where one or two people had to do all the work and we stopped having them. 
I have family day now about once every two month but just immediate family.  I don't put any demands on people (which my mother does try to interfere in that lol) .. I do cards, have movie/pizza, game nights, bowling, softball is coming up, and we are planning on going to the twins game in June... it's sort of a come if you want thing no pressure. Little mini family reunions. I started this after my brother died because I want my family to stay close.  And have some fun, and always remember each other without the big old drama of the holidays only.  Guess I got off track here...

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! **

Welcome to Veronica aka bbluekittie at: knittin' kittin' our newest participant

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Question 41 ~ Favorite....

What is your favorite scripture and why?
I thought I would change up the ? for anyone
   who isn't very religious or would just rather 
   answer a different questions: You can answer
   either or both if you wish.

What is your favorite inspirational saying and why?

I have two favorite scriptures although I'm not very religious anymore, I feel I'm more spiritual .. and to me there is a difference.

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
Hebrew 13:5-6
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.  So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.
These are my favorites because they give me comfort and I think they sort of speak for themselves where that is concerned.

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! **

Monday, April 25, 2005

Question 40 ~ Lets eat!

Where do you eat out and what do you order?

Well, I don't have just one place I like to eat.  It usually depends on my mood.  I will crave seafood, and depending on what, like if it's shrimp there is this great place downtown called the Criteria (sp?) that I love.  If it's crab legs then it's Joe's crab shack.  If I want a streak, I love going to this place called the steak house, or cattle company.  So it's always different depending on what I'm hungry for.  Also if someone asks me out and wants something different or wants to take me to a certain place then the choice is that persons.  I know some people that have one place they always go to, that's just not who I am.  I like to go where my stomach wants to go. I don't eat out much anymore for many different reason. 

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! **

Lori aka Helmswondermom at Dusty Pages
Brandie aka articwulf58368 at Better Than Before
Barbara aka bhbner2him at Life & Faith in Caneyhead
Hope you enjoy the journal jar...

Friday, April 22, 2005

Question 39 ~ Movies

What do you think about movies and why?

I love movies, most movies.  I enjoy going to movies, but I usually wait for them to come out on DVD.. It's hard for me to concentrate at the movie theater. I really love the movie theater popcorn though.. that's one reason to go out to the movies lol.
Some movies amaze me, how they do the special affects, some movies scare me so I can never watch them alone. Some have me walking away with my head shaking... but there is always talent involved in any movie.... (except that movie "that darn cat" lol) Movies can take me away from my reality so I like that.  I like to watch documentaries also, keeps me learning.  I just don't seem to have as much time as I used to.  I have one of those online movie accounts, I've had the same three movies sitting here waiting for me to watch.  Good thing there isn't a late charge. 

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! **

Welcome to
gotomaria at: 
The Little Things

and Elisa aka happinessdreams at My Journey...
Hope you enjoy the jar!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

For Tomorrow

graphic by: Awen Graphix

I have to take Thrusday off, I am not sure if I'll be on the computer at all tomorrow so I'm posting this now.  If I'm not on I'll see you all on Friday (I hope)
Don't you just love the tag Kel made for our journal jar!  Once again great job hun!! 

Luv ya all and I hope you have a good day.

Question 38 ~ Happy Birthday!

Tell about any of your family traditions for birthdays.

We never really had birthday traditions.  They just sort of happened.  If we had money we had a party, if my "bio" dad was around usually birthdays turned into crap.  After my mom married my "step" dad we usually had some sort of celebration.  There was always cake,  of coarse.  My mom made the best cakes.  For each of our first birthdays, the birthday boy/girl got to attack the cake... there are pictures of each of us doing that, and that tradition did carry over.  I think that's something a lot of families do.  I guess I don't remember a lot of birthdays which is sad.  I remember bad birthdays... but I don't really want to go back there today.
Now for birthday's my parents take me to a casino every year, not ON my birthday but sometime in the month, my sister usually takes me out for Chinese, my brother and his wife take me where ever I want to go (with in reason)  and other friends will do various things.  I like to throw in surprise parties here and there for family members' not just on the milestone birthdays when they expect it.  I'd like to talk about my sister's birthday coming up (no, no surprise party for her) but she reads this.. so I can't hehe.   We just don't have any traditions. other then we get a year older.. however... I am subtracting after next year!!!

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! **

We have a couple new participants
Welcome to
Donna aka Lacaza3 at:
sweeping the cobwebs of my mind
Colleen aka Melonlady1724 at: Colleen's Journal Jar

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Question 37 ~ smells

What are some of your favorite smells?


PreviewMy three favorite smells are lilacs, fresh coffee (heck even the coffee isle in the store) and vanilla.  Other smells I like are fresh cut grass, cotton candy, clean sheets that were hung outside, spring mornings (this morning smelled so good!).  My ex... he smelled like home.  I'm sure there are other smells that I like but these are the ones on the top of my head!  Especially the coffee! Preview

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! **


The Journal jar is growing and growing so lets welcome our new memebers and check out their journals:  

Kira aka Keynyin at

Dreamynetta at

Mary aka Hunbea4him at

Rach aka smprfipisis1114 at

Jackie aka upseted at

Jaime aka Chasenkids at:

Heather aka hsauls at:

and last but not least...

Kate aka Phoenix5790 can't find her link yet.

Thanks all for joining.  We have a great group here, everyone makes this journal what it is!!

Monday, April 18, 2005


Sorry everyone I wasn't feeling very well today.... then I had to work on this computer again GRRR.  I'll post a question tomorrow for sure.  And we have a lot of New memebers!! YAY!!



Sunday, April 17, 2005

Catch up

Hey everyone... I know we probably don't really need a catch up day since I just had one, but I wanted to show off this graphic Kel made! Thanks so much for it... I love it! 
You can check out her other graphics at: 
Awen Graphix

Thanks everyone and enjoy your Sunday.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Question 36 ~ school

Did you have a favorite subject in school?  One you dreaded?

   I didn't like school much, I guess I felt I had better things to do at the time.  My mother told me "you're going to regret this." When I enter college I had to admit she was right, even though I hate admitting she is ever right :).

My favorite class was my creative writing English class in 10th grade.  I enjoyed that class, even looked forward to going to it, I never once skipped it and I actually got A's in that class... which was so new for me!  I was expressing myself and getting good grades for it.  That was when I became passionate about writing.  I had always written poems, but never thought they were anything but scribbles.  Here in that class they meant something, and my teacher thought they were good.  I began to realize putting my feelings down in poems was worthwhile, although it was hard for me to share them, it opened me up.  My writing was worthwhile, and that made me believe so was I.
The subject I dreaded was History.  Now I'm not completely sure it was the subject or the teacher... either way it turned me off to history completely.  The teacher did not care for me at all, had told me I wouldn't amount to anything.  We clashed constantly.  It made even trying harder, and of coarse I felt, not worth my time.  I remember one time, we were to write these final book reports that would count as 40% of our grade.  I was failing I had to do something!!  We were to get a book on someone we felt was important to history and bring it to class and he would approve it.  I got a book on Rosa Parks. I had it approved and went to work.  I worked my butt off.  I gave up every weekend, all the parties, dates etc.  I need to get my grade up and here was my chance.  I did a great job on it, if I do say so myself.  I even illustrated it.  When we got them back he just sort of flopped it on my desk, it had a BIG F covering the front page.  I flipped it open and he hadn't written a thing in there... he hadn't even read it.  I said "what the hell?!"  He said "you never had your book approved by me!"  I have to say probably because I actually worked on this I was madder then ever.  I said "you Fing liar!!"  Of coarse I was sent to the office, I held out the report to him and said "read it!"  he took that pointer thing he always used and slapped it out of my hand.. hitting my hand.  That was the day I gave up on History class, that was the day my teacher got punched (not by me by the boy behind me when he hit me).  I could rewrite the report and TRY to bring my grade up, but since it would be "late" it would be knocked down a grade... or I'd have to repeat the class.  I quit school shortly after that.  (I did go back to a different school) but that was a life changing moment. 

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! **

To Monica aka Monkleeozz at Losing my mind
and Cherry aka Cherry2sweet2eat at Just Getting It off My Chest!

Friday, April 15, 2005


                                                 Graphic by:Awen Graphix
So today is going to be my catch up day. There will be no question today.  I have a lot of Journal jar entries to read.  I figured I take a day or two to get them all read.  Have a great Friday!

I'd like to welcome a few new members and readers:
Tiffany aka tle33
at Things change...
Angie aka sharkie412 who will send me a link when she can
Stina575 no link yet
I also got a wonderful email from
Martha aka LIFES2GOOD, who no longer has aol, but is a faithful reader and a big fan of us here.  She is starting to do this with her family and do some of them on video..what a wonderful idea!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

question 35 ~ babysitters

Did your parents ever have a baby-sitter for you?  Were you ever left in someone else's care.

   I really do not remember any baby-sitters when I was a kid.  She may have had one now and then, but nothing I would remember. Mainly when my Mom went out my older brothers took care of me.  Oh what a treat!  They would torture me constantly.  I had this stuffed dog (named Cotton) and a really fluffy kitty (dang if I can remember her name)  probably kitty.  Anyway, they would tie Cotton's ears together so tight it wouldn't come out, they once cut off the kitty's tail.  I was told never ever to tell my Mom or when she left the next time it would get worse.  When she had to try and get those ears untied I had to say I did it myself.  They were mean... they would lock me out side and hold my animals and blankie in the window doing mean stuff to them all.  I would be out there crying... sometimes they would let me in.  Other times they would let me in just a little bit before my Mom got home, making me promise not to tell.  I didn't of coarse ... they were bigger and had more power then me. 
When I got older... and would come to family Christmas, they would hold me down and tickle me I HATED THAT!!  And then force oysters down my throat (I didn't like oysters at all) 
You'd think I would be hating them.. but they did good things too, just not when they were baby-sitting.

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! **

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Question 34 ~ secrets!!

What are your beauty secrets?

  Now this thing has me giving away secrets. :)  Well, I've always had a great complexion even as a teen.  I wash it with those facial cloths every night, and sometimes in the afternoon when it's hot, but in the morning I don't use anything but water.  You have natural oils on your face that are actually good for your face.  So I just rinse with warm water, then ice cold water (I have been doing that for years without knowing why other then the wake up factor).  Moisturize!! That is so very important.  Even people with oily skin need to moisturize they just need a different kind.  I give myself an oatmeal facial, Just plain oatmeal and water.  My grandmother used to do that and I got that from her.  I do have an Avon facial mask I use once in a while, it's some milk thing.  I like the oatmeal better not so tight on my face.  Drinking lots and lots of water is great to keep your skin beautiful, help so you don't gain wait, keeps your hair in good condition.  I drink a lot of water.  I've been told I have great hair, it's getting harder and harder to keep that shine!  I wash my hair once a month with eggs and mayo.. I know sounds nasty, but it strips the crap that stays in your hair out, Not color (at least I don't think) and in the summer I put lemon juice in my hair when I go outside, gives the blonde a brighter highlight. The biggest secret I have for beauty is to be yourself, stay true to yourself, always trust, love and respect yourself.  That's the beauty that matters ... the beauty within!  I guess that's all my "secrets" I'm willing to give up. 

Just a note to the guys here, You have beauty secrets too, lets call them hunk secrets.  Or if you want you can snitch on your wife's secrets :)

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! **

welcome to Robin at  These are the Days of our Lives... to the journal jar.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Question 33

What political party comes closest to representing your own view?  How do you feel about politics?

As my grandmother used to say OY-Vey.  Now why this question!! lol.  For me there isn't ONE political party that comes even close to my own views.  I think politics have gotten way out of control.  They are stepping where they have no right and they aren't taking care of what needs to be.  I don't even understand most of it.  There is one thing I wish they WOULD pass into a law.  If someone says something during their campaign to get elected it should be a low that he has to follow through with it... otherwise, some sort of punishment.  If it's sever enough he should be just taken out of office, for example if he keeps NONE of his campaign promises.  I don't know I think if there were a law like that... they would think twice before just saying what they THINK we want to hear.
Other then that I'm sort of ignorant to politics. I vote, but lately it's hard to even know who to vote for with all the crap they pull.  So to wrap this up, I dislike politics. 
I'm really looking forward to everyone else's views on this though.

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! **

I'd like to welcome the following to the journal jar, I hope you enjoy this as much as we all are.  Thanks for joining:
Kristina at
Bottle Rocket
Celeste at Celeste's Journal Jar
Rose at Rose's Journal
Beckieramos at  Beckie's Bright Beginnings (who's been with us for awhile but somehow I missed ... thanks for the reminder hun!)
Also welcome to Alsovine94 (no journal link yet)

Monday, April 11, 2005

Question 32 ~ wow 32 already!

What is your favorite animal and why?

This is sort of a tough question to answer because I love all animals.  If I could I would have a zoo again here in my apartment (I did when I lived in my house.. we had cats, dogs, bunnies, snakes, mice that I had grown too attached too to feed to the snakes, even birds that would get hurt outside we'd take them in and nurse them back to health)  So just picking one.  I guess I would pick cats, although I love dogs equally (even though some people say you are either a cat person or a dog person, something I do NOT believe)  but I can only have my cat and I'm pretty fond of him!!  I am actually teaching him to do tricks, which is odd for any cat I've ever had.  He can sit on command and roll over.  I'm trying to get him to do a somersault which he did once out of the blue, got such a reaction from me he did it again, but never since. Maybe one day you'll see us on that "stupid pet tricks" show :) My favorite mystical animal (lol had to throw this in) is the Unicorn.  I have so many glass unicorns, pictures of unicorns, even a tattoo of a unicorn.  When I was about 7 I played  unicorn in this dorky play my sister and I put on for friends and family.. it was in our pool and I had a paper "horn" that got all wet and fell off my head.  It was so dumb, but funny now. Well, I'm rattling my mind isn't really focused today.  So there's my answer.  Cats, Dogs and of coarse Unicorns :)

a picture of my cat, Makeveli ... of coarse watching TV :)

Yay! Danielle has joined the journal jar.. So glad she finally did! check her out at: Danielle's Journal Jar
and also welcome to AsmalltownAngel (no link yet).  Hope you enjoy the jar.
Someone emailed me joining the jar, somehow in the mess of things I cannot find the email (hope it wasn't a dream lol) If you emailed me drop a link here or email me again. I'm a little distracted these days.

Sunday, April 10, 2005


I'm sort of back... I'm going to catch up on the comments and entries in the other journal jars today.  I will post a new question tomorrow. 
Feeling ok, not great but hey, take what I can get.

See you all tomorrow!

Luv ya,

Friday, April 8, 2005


I'm very sorry, I haven't posted questions in a couple of days,  I have been very sick.  I'll get back here as soon as I'm feeling a little better.  Please be paitent with me.

Thanks, and I'm missing all of you!

Tuesday, April 5, 2005

Question 31 ~ Military

Did you serve in the military?  Where and when? Share an experience.

This may be a short answer for me.  No, I was never in any sort of military branch.  I have had family in the military, and oh I have strong opinions on war.  Since we are in war time and I have lost a few friends to this war, and as the days go by it is appearing to become a senseless war.  I mean WHAT are we over there for?  Is there a point?  I guess I'm not clear on what's going on.  I guess I wish we could just leave these other's to fight their own battles.  Yet I do understand that we don't want the war on our land.  But, personally I'm tired of having our men and women die for other countries, then we spend billions of dollars to rebuild that country while many of our people are homeless and hungry ... and a lot of those are people who have fought in previous wars.  :::: jumping off soap box now::::: Guess this was about military and not just wars.  I do have high admiration for our men and women in the military,I respect them to the fulliest, they are wonderful people who I thank God for daily.. they keep our country safe.  This I know.  I just wish it didn't have to come to war.  Sigh.  Nope this wasn't such a simple answer now was it?  hmm, I wouldn't want to be in the military, I'd cry! And I'm obviously too opinionated! And a big chicken!!

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! **

to Pixiedustnme at In my opinion, and Yes I have an opinion on EVERYTHING and nbladylions at Ashley Rene' 

Have a great day everyone....

Monday, April 4, 2005

question 30 ~ oh I luv the rainy nights

Do you like rain storms?  Do you have any memories connected with rain or storms?

I love rain.  It is soothing, IF it is just rain.. a light thunder. I sleep best when there is a NICE soft rain storm. However, when it gets bad... heavy thunder, lightning, tornados, hail.  I get freaked.  I was never like this. Well, I've always been afraid of tornados.  I've been in the middle of too many of them to count.  I've had some damage to trees, cars and other yard stuff, but never my home (knocking on wood as tornado season is here) I was never afraid of lightning...  Until last year.  When my apartment building was hit by lightning.  It was a nice day when all of a sudden the sky got dark and the rest of the night was full of hail, heavy winds, and lots of lightning.  We heard this loud BOOM. Then lost all power.  To make a long story short, I lost everything.  Three TV's, two cordless phones, two stereo systems, my computer, my DSL modem, two VCR's, my microwave (was gone but it now takes 3 1/2 minutes to heat a cup of coffee) The one TV does work now but the bottom 1/4 of the picture is green. The outlet where the computer was plugged in was black,  to think of what could have happen sends shivers down my spine.  I have an old borrowed computer that I unplug the second it begins to rain, along with anything else in electrical.  Lightning can do so much damage.  I'm still not recovered, but we lived.
I DO have some good memories of just rain storms though... out dancing in the rain.  Running around splashing in puddles.  Always fun.  As long as I don't see lightning.

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! **

     Welcome to:
Mollie1107, hazelstrz30, & pihsk615

So I do believe I have caught up on all my email/alerts for this journal from when I was gone.  Hopefully I have welcomed all new members.  Of coarse we are constantly growing which is great!  So spread the word! 

Have a lovely day all!

Sunday, April 3, 2005

Off day

There will be not be a Journal Jar question today.  It's one of those days.  Hope it's a better day for the rest of you.
  (Sunday graphic by:
::Sparkling Creations:: )

I would like to say welcome to our new members:

mpnaz58 at My Thoughts
jbenjack at Moments in My Life 
and Stupidsheetguy (lol to that screen name!)  no link at this time.


Saturday, April 2, 2005

question 29 ~ housework

What household jobs do you like and dislike the most?

I spent all of yesterday cleaning.  So this question is a good one.  I can't stand cleaning the bathroom!  My cat loves to lay in the bathtub (no water of coarse) and in the bathroom sink.  Trying to clean with hair all over the place is like trying to clean sand.  It's awful.  Even if he didn't get his hair everywhere I would still dislike cleaning the bathroom the most.  I also don't like doing the laundry, I think when we had our house and our own washer/dryer it wasn't as bad.  Now that I do my laundry in the apartment laundry room it's a chore.  I can't just throw a load in and forget about it... and then folding yuk.  I do like to vacuum... which is sort of an obsession with me. I vacuum twice a day.  I think I like it partly because it cuts off all the other outside noises.  I also love to cook and bake.  That has been therapy for me.  Stressed out got whip up some brownies.  I get up in the middle of the night and will make a pie, if I can't sleep or am worried. However, all the clean up afterwards is the downside.  If I only had someone to do the clean up I would cook all day :) 

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! **

And we have new members!!  Everyday our journal jar family is growing!  So....

Judypearllove at Moments of Judy Pearl

Hellzhotlilangl at The Road I've Traveled...HAPPINESS OR BUST

Have a great day everyone!

Friday, April 1, 2005

Question 28 ~ living differently

If you could live your life over, what would you do differently?

I considered all the "what if's" in my life.  It's no secret I've had some really awful things happen to me.  From the abuse as a child (which I could do nothing about) to being married to a crazy abusive man, who abused me in every way shape and form.  To our homelessness, losing babies, wild teen years of constant parties and guys, not getting help for my bipolar when I knew I should, the list goes on.  I am looking back at this and thought, it's all a chain reaction though.  What I went through has made me the person I am today.  Somedays I don't like me.  Most days I do.  I may not like a lot of things in my life right now.  I may not always be happy with my behavior or circumstances but over all I am happy with me. I'm learning that I'm a strong woman, I'm caring, loving, and funny.. and dang it people like me :)   So if I were to change even one thing, I truly believe that would change who I have become because everything was a step to who I am now.  In order to have become ME, I had to go through the pain. So in the end my answer then is nothing. Am am who I am..... 


** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! **

to Derflinger, no journal yet, for joining in the journal jar.