Did you have a childhood "hangout" or "hideout"? Describe it. When I was very young we use to hang out in the neighbors tree fort. We would have sleep overs up there and play a lot of games. I remember it was falling apart and I was forbidden by my mother to be up there, but that didn't stop me. I loved it up there, even if there were holes in the floor.
Then when I was a teenager we all use to go to this old abandon house. We called it "the barn" it wasn't a barn, I don't really remember why we called it that. Of coarse the things we did in "the barn" were not the innocent things we did in the tree fort. It was sort of a party place... I was a wild teenager so I'm going to leave it at that. The windows were all broken out. The walls had wholes in them and spray paint on them. It was a mess and each year it got worse and worse until they finally torn it down. But we all remember that place fondly.
After that was torn down, we moved our group to this old abandon building farther away, found out later on it use to be a state mental hospital. Which of coarse made it more appealing... what can I say we were freaks. Then one night we heard this howling (I'm sure it was a dog) but when we told this story it was a ghost lol.
As an adult I've driving past that place and it does look spooky. The teenagers around there would dare each other to go into that at night. One night someone set that place on fire... I'm not sure if it was an accident or on purpose. Either way it's gone.
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! **
to Meangirl glad you joined us!
Done & in record time :)~
Grande Hugs!
In elementary school, I liked to build forts with one of the boys on the block. When I was about 11 or 12, dad brought home these huge wooden crates and fashioned a door and window in them. One was mine the other was my sister's. Didn't spend too much time in them though because I hated bugs and they always seemed to get inside (I still hate bugs but am more tolerant of them). When I was 14, I had a friend who had a little "fort" in the top of her garage that her dad made her. It was neat to just go up there and hang out, read or study. In high school, it was my bedroom or my friend and I would hang out in her basement. After high school, for a short time, it was a dive bar in downtown Detroit. I was dating the bartender. From there it was an Italian restaurant. On weekends they didn't close until 3 or 4 in the morning. It was the perfect "after bar" place to go. My friend and I became such regulars there that I got to know the family that owned it (even got invited to their exclusive table a time or two) and I could go there alone if I just wanted to get away for a while. Yeah, lots of memories in that place - mostly good ones. Thanks, Promise! Maybe my next trip to Detroit, I'll have to stop in there for some lasagna. Sheila
As kids me and my friends would build play camps in the nearby fields. Sometimes we would change the location of the camp so other kids wouldn`t find out about our little group ! We would all take sandwiches, lemonade and sweets so that we had plenty to eat so we didn`t have to rush off home. It was like living in our own little world ! Sandra xxx
When I was very young (Grade school), my father had built me a make shift tent in the back yard. It had a plastic tarp floor and flap entry door. I called it camp swampy. The tent was affixed to the fence, so no one could sneak up from the back. And because it had a floor, I could play in it even when it rained.
When I was that young, my older brother was sexiually abusing me.
So I would spend hours hiding out in the little fort.
From the entry door, I could see all of the back of the house and back of the yard,
so I could see if he was outside, and that would be my cue to hide.
Camp Swampy became my castle. My Fortress.
I felt safe there.
my parents live in an old house and the barn that used to house the carriage, horses and even an old two-seater outhouse toilet still sits on their property- my folks use the barn to store garden tools, lawnmower, etc. the neat thing about this barn is that my parents painted my name on the wall as i was only two when we moved to this house- so ive always thought of the barn as a special place for me. the hay loft is where i used to hang out- there was a wooden ladder leading up to it- my friends and i used to climb up and spend hours up there just talking and playing. it also had a door that swung open and a pulley anchored into a beam- so often we would attach a rope to the pulley and haul anything and everything up to our hangout- we attached a bucket to the rope for small things- we even made it our personal elevator and hauled kids up to the loft from the alley below- there was also a window up there which faced the west- so as the sun set at the end of the day- the sunshine streamed thru that window. i can see the dust swirling thru the sun rays as it reflected onto the floor. i got my first kiss up there- talk about butterflies!!!! every now and then i climb back up there just to remember.
When I was smaller my cousins and I had a tree fort, and it was in a very old, big pine tree. The ladder to the thing was nothing more than some boards nailed to the side of the tree. I was one of the younger cousins and was afraid to climb that high up, so when we first built it, I stayed on the ground. Well, this tree was on my Grandpa`s property and he was cattle farmer, if there was one thing that scared me more than heights, it was these cows, I was only about 7 and they were like these huge beasts to me(what can I say I was a paranoid kid LOL) so the 2nd or 3rd day we went to the tree house, sure enough a bunch of cattle were grazing near it. Suddenly all those ladder rungs represented my escape route from the awesome fury of the mighty bovine beasts of death, and I was up that tree quicker than a squirrel! After that, I know lomger feared the tree fort it was my safe cow refuge!
I would hang out with my stallion when know one was looking and stay there as long as i could,anouther place would be at a creek were know one could find me I loved to here it going down streem
newbie here!!!!
Thanks for entering my contest at my journal. I love this format of the journal jar concept and using an online blog instead of traditional writing. I have one of those joural jars but I never really did anythng with mine..perhaps I should dust it off and give it a whirl!
I'll be back often to read!
Wow!!! You have had some of the most exciting hang-outs I have yet heard of!!!
here's mine...I can't stop doing this!!! --Annie :-)
Hmmm... This is a tough one! I liked to climb my favorite tree and sit there a while, just watching people go by. It was on the side of our house, so when my mom came outside, she couldn't see me immediately. It was my special place.
You are going to get tired of my comment alerts today, sorry!!! :)
Not as a child but yes we had certain "haunts" if you will that I cannot speak of, lol. It was kind of like Vegas, what happens there stays there, lol. Brandy - dark, seedy, secret past, lol I am trying to figure out how to exponge some of it so I can run for office, lol.
Oh the memories that came flooding back with this entry. I am so addicted to the journal jar now, and I will be caught up just as quickly as possible.
I had completely forgotten about this hangout until I started writing - thanks - I love this journalling of my life and my memories. In one day I have already made 16 entries. I hope to get caught up and some point.
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