I remember bugging my mother over and over about this. She was too "nervous of a woman" she had said. She was right, nervous and over protective... said if she let me drive and I got into an accident she could never live with that. She said that about a bike for my child too. SIGH. When I moved out, at 17, my boyfriend and his roommates taught me to drive, without hitting stuff! :) I still cannot drive a manual (stick shift) I have tired, many have tried to teach me. Everyone says "oh you just haven't had the right person teach you! I can teach you," within 10 minutes they are usually yelling "Pull over!!" I just can't pay attention to all that stuff...
** Most of you know the drill, but if you want to answer the questions too, you can answer here in the comments or in your own journal.. but be sure to comment with a link so we will know to go read you.
I would like to welcome Sandra to the journal jar. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
Well....technically, I learned from the driver's ed course that was offered through our high school. But dad was mostly the one who would take me out driving when I had my learner's permit. Mom took me out once and she had a HUGE Pontiac station wagon. It was so big, it had a third bench seat in the back. Here I was, used to driving this little Dodge Dart. Well, driving with mom didn't last long. I was too nervous trying to look over that big long front end that I ended up pulling over and telling mom, "You do it." Dad was more patient though and the Dart was just the right size for me. Unfortunately, when it was my younger sister's turn to drive, I was the one who got designated to take her out for driving time on the learner's permit. Hmmmmm, I'll have to email her today and ask her if she remembers that. I just remember that she was a little hard on the brakes and once she realized that she was making me sick, she did it even more!!! Sheila
I was too scared to drive at 17. Which the age we get our licence here in the UK. When I was 34 I decided it was about time I stopped using buses and relying on friends for transport. So I took lessons with a driving school. I had a very good lady instructor called Margaret. She was an army instructor years before and an excellent teacher. I have never regretted learning as it changed my life, but now I`m just one of the many who get angry with other drivers and sometimes am happy to be driven by my hubby ! Sandra x
My Dad taught me to drive. He chewed a lot of tobacco, and would wave his hands a lot. I had to take the learners test three times before I could pass it. I had to take the driving test twice. It was a little intimidating to me to sit next to a state trooper for the driving part. My dad said I put about 50,000 miles on the car trying to learn to parellel park. And, I learned on a Ford Fairlane 500. The kind that was about as long as a city block. For some odd reason, my sons were born learning how to drive. I had to learn to drive a standard in Florida because that's the only vehicle we had. I finally learned how to ease off the clutch the right way. This was many many years ago. Boy, I would never want to go through that again!!
Myself.. when I was 21.. I bought my first car before I even knew how to drive!! It was crazy...I was crazy...what can I say?? :0
My J: http://journals.aol.com/mum24boyz/mum24boyzhouse/
I was taught to drive by my dad, a retired Air Force sergeant, and it was as fun as you might imagine!
My husband taught me to drive....
I got married right after I turned 16.And wasn't worried about driving for a long time! But I was 20 yrs. old and desided it was time....So Dale took me to the school and gave me lessions 3 days.Then being a man,he took me to The worst place to drive in town,a back road that was a twisting road that I still dont like to drive....It wasnt no time and I was on my way to being free on the road.....
I was taught by my best friend, we were both 13 and would take his parents car when ever they went out, we would drive around the local cemetary, that way we couldn't hurt anybody but ourselves, we also choked on a lot of cigarettes... we were learning how to do that too! lol
Several people have tried down through the years to teach me to drive...to no avail. I do not know how to drive, didn't learn how to ride a bike until I was 32 either. I'm big on taxi's...can hail a cab in several languages...oh well its just me.Sandi
Driving changed my life and the first time behind the wheel of our tan Ford station wagon strapped with wood was right up there with getting married, and having my first baby...total fear, excitement, and trepidation; but, I was a N A T U R A L!
Took to it like a duck to water. I would back down our long driveway to the point where it met the street...the car would crawl forward to the garage and then I would go into reverse and do this all afternoon until someone would come and pull me out of the car and say,"Alright that's enough!" The next day I would be at it again.
I had six sisters and six brothers so there were alot of cars around...when they would sit down to supper, I would sneak out and arrange all the cars in a way that I could draw up alongside and park between them. By the time I took my driver's Training Education in High School, I was proficient. Those first days of driving a vehicle were some of the happiest days of my life......Thanks for reminding me.
My Dad had no patience. My mother tried to teach me, but lost hers as well.
Then my older sisters freind (Wendy) taught me how to drive. I was 16 and she was 24 years old. She had a sports car.
We spent the entire summer going out at night, while she let me drive her car and learn how to drive.
By the end of the summer, she took me to the DMV. I passed and got my license.
That night she picked me up and brought me to her place for a pizza celebration for becoming a new driver.
She was in the kitchen preparing the pizza. I was in the living room. She called out to tell me it was ready. When I walked into the kitchen, the lights were off and there were candles burning. I found out later that she had , had a crush on me,
a younger man for quite some time. Needless to say her car wasnt the only thing that I took for a spin that night !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello! I'm going to get caught up on the jar later today, school has been taking up a lot of time, and I had a late doctor's appointment. See you later! :)
Teenage boys taught me to drive when I was about thirteen. In the country it was easy to drive on back roads. :-)
Who? First, my Dad did. He didn't have the patience. Then my mother tried and she didn't have the time. I took driver ed in high school and it had no bearing on my ability to drive. My mother's father tried. Alost failed as he let me drive across a county line to the exam post. I learned a few things from him, especially how to parellel park in one shot. I can do that in a school bus and get it 3" to the curb. The man who really taught me how to handle a car was my father's father. That journey began when I was 6. From Virginia to Miami, he would let me sit on his lap and hold on to that 1950ish Cadallac down US 1 and what was finished of I-95. Hey, back then there wasn't a speed limit. As long as you were driving safely, 110 120mph. Imagine driving down US1 at 110mph!!! He taught me how to drive and control the speed. He said it isn't the car that goes out of control, it is the person driving the car that looses control.
my dad taught me to drive- the man with so much patience LOL!!!!! i remember i had to practice right and left hand turns forever. and of course they wouldnt let me get my license on my birthday-i had to wait until march- 3 months after my december birthday. i never have mastered parallel parking. i used to be so angry with my parents for making me wait- but maybe just maybe they knew me better than i knew myself back then- because i sure did get into plenty of trouble the first few years that i started driving. my dad and my husband tried to teach me stick shift, but i never got the hang of it, nearly crashed thru my parents garage door- somehow everyone gave up on me teaching me stick HA HA!!! oh well could be worse- my cousin totalled the driver's ed car!!!! see i look like a regular angel!!!
who taught me to drive?
Hmm got to say my dad I cant remeber the first time I drove but at 10 I went solo.lol had a blast to .
here ya go... http://journals.aol.com/neemom1977/MyJournalJar/entries/1154
My mom taught me to drive, but I also took driver ed.
I remember the first time my Dad took me out to drive in his Chrystler 98. Darn big car, and I put it into a fence. I thought my Dad would cry. He was so nervous, that when I drove he sat in the passenger seat and shook. He started to teach me when I was 16. He couldn't handle it. Finally at 21, I hired a driving school to help me get my license.
I liked your question!
I can say i had a pretty go teacher..I wrote in my journal about it take a look...Be free to read anything you want! THANKS!
Here I am!
I am now forty years old and just learning to drive! I realize now why you should learn when you're a teenager and you have no fear. I grew up in NYC and always used trains or my feet to get to where I had to go. Now we will be moving soon to a more rural area (AAAAHHHHHHHH, and I will have to drive in order to get around. John,(my best freind with benefits),tried to teach me but, when I asked why I couldn't just drive by lifting my foot off the brake, he got a little frustrated. He thought that it would be better for me (and our relationship)if I took classes at a driving school, so here I go...
Honestly, no one. Down here you just get in a car and drive and if you make it to the destination you must be the winner, lol. My mom can't drive for s*%^ so I wouldn't allow her to even think of teaching me, my brothers drive like her and my father had passed away so basically I got in my then boyfriend's car and took off, lol. When I got my first car the following year after getting my license, it was a stick shift, which I knew nothing about and good gosh it was a nightmare until I just got pissed about the situation and then I could drive the hell out of that car and could all the time after that, lol. Frustration and anger can be used for good, it doesn't have to be for evil all the time, lol.
Are all mother's to nervous to teach there children to drive? Mine are still so young, and I already know that there is no way that I could do it. LOL Guess I'll be paying for a drivers's education course unless someone else steps in and is willing to teach them.
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