Monday, February 28, 2005
Question 14 - Precious belongings
I had a teapot of my great great grandmothers, it was very pretty. My mother was going to throw it out. Which surprised me since my mother is a "pack rat" but she wanted this gone, so I took it. A few years later I lived with a room mate that had an iguana and the dang thing knocked the teapot off the shelf it was on and broke it. It wasn't fixable. I do have the cup still.
Because of all the moving around we did as children I think my mother lost a lot of stuff. Then because of my past abusive relationships, when I was moving around and sometimes into shelters she didn't want to give me anything. I know my sister has a few things, but not many.
I do have some two glasses my aunt had given me shortly before she died, the are not heirlooms just glasses from her last cruise before she got sick with cancer. So they have wonderful memories with them, when she was lively and fun.. before the pain. I have the put away in the far back of the cupboard, although sometimes people well find and use them, but I yell!! I guess it's what keeps me close to my aunt.
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! **
Welcome to Chris our newest participant!
Sunday, February 27, 2005
Sunday catch up!
this graphic came from:::Sparkling Creations::
Today is a wonderful day for catch up. We have new people that want to start at the beginning and we have other's who have slipped behind. So no new question today. Hope you all had a great weekend. I'll be back Monday to post a new question.
I want you all to know that I am learning so much from your entries, and they also remind me of things I had forgotten in my life, So thank you all!
Enjoy your day!
Sheila had a wonderful idea. So I'm going to link all the questions that were already asked here on Catch up days:
First question
Question 2 - Games children play
Question 3 - flowers
Question 4
Question 5 - scouts anyone?
Question 6 ~ life with others
Question 7 ~ all alone!
Question 8 ~ Hope and dreams
Question 9 ~ Talk to me
Question 10 ~ let is snow!
Question 11 ~ Baby you can drive my car!
Question 12 ~ Attention sports fans!
Question 13 ~ 911!
Thanks Sheila for the great idea. If anyone else has ideas for the journal jar I would love to hear them.
I would like to welcome the following people who are new to the journal jar:
Michele Call Me Mattel, Ms. Hell, or Michele its all the Same
redonionsauce See America
BGirlsMustang Am~ I~Crazy~Or~Am~I~Sane
And welcome back DORN, You've been missed.
Saturday, February 26, 2005
Question 13 ~ 911!
Do you remember any special events that took place in your Neighborhood while you were growing up? (deaths, fires, accidents etc)?
There are a few I remember. Once two cars crashed right on our corner, we lived in the corner house. People were gathering around the one car and I finally persuaded my Mom to go out, the lady in the one car was dead. I think I was about 5, it was my first time seeing someone who had died. Nightmares for a lot time.
We also had OUR house catch on fire. I was about 6 or 7. We had found baby duck eggs and decided to try to hatch them. My brother had them in hay and a heat lamp over them. One night I heard my mother yelling and screaming. The lamp had fallen over onto the hay and our basement was on fire. I remember bits and pieces of this. I remember no one was able to wake my dad (my biological dad, not the one I have now) who had fallen asleep on the cough .. passed out drunk actually. I remember my brother carrying me outside and looking back and only seeing fire in the windows of the basement. I remember so many people standing across our street watching this. The firemen got there before much of the upstairs was engulfed. But the smoke was very bad through out the house, and we couldn't go back in until the next day. It was so scary, since then I am terrified of fires. Needless to say the ducks fried as did my oldest brother graduation gown that was hanging in the basement. Other then that we lost some stuff we had stored down there, Holiday stuff, boxes of curtains and fabric. We all survived, even my father who woke up when the firemen were putting those big fans in our house to blow out the smoke.
to Hestiahomeschool & jcole16757 who just started the journal jar. Hope you love it :)
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! **
Friday, February 25, 2005
Question 12 ~ Attention sports fans!
What kind of sports did you play when you were young? What was your favorite sport? What IS your favorite sport now? (playing or watching).
In 9th & 10th grade I was on the girl's basketball team. I also was in gymnastics and played Tennis (not on a tennis team). Somewhere in the middle of the basketball season in 10th grade I had decided I just didn't want to do this anymore. I ended up becoming a cheerleader (a sport to some). Cheerleading then became the only thing I did. I quit playing tennis and I stopped gymnastics. I was a great cheerleader, I actually still have my outfit and pompoms hehe. :::doing cartwheels around the journal::::
I love playing baseball and basketball, although I'm not very good at either. Due to my health right now, I'm not going to be playing much, but I'll go to the games, and do what I do best CHEER!
I love watching Baseball, football, basketball and Professional wrestling (It's not fake it's just predetermined!!) I'm a very big Twins fan and of coarse the Vikings. It's hard to pull me away from the TV during football or baseball season, but it can be done.
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! **
We have a few new participants
Mom24boyz mum24boyz house
DumDumwannabe Life of a mother and wife!
and debbi4873 Life in Harts Creek
Hope you enjoy the journal jar!
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Question 11 ~ Baby you can drive my car!
I remember bugging my mother over and over about this. She was too "nervous of a woman" she had said. She was right, nervous and over protective... said if she let me drive and I got into an accident she could never live with that. She said that about a bike for my child too. SIGH. When I moved out, at 17, my boyfriend and his roommates taught me to drive, without hitting stuff! :) I still cannot drive a manual (stick shift) I have tired, many have tried to teach me. Everyone says "oh you just haven't had the right person teach you! I can teach you," within 10 minutes they are usually yelling "Pull over!!" I just can't pay attention to all that stuff...
** Most of you know the drill, but if you want to answer the questions too, you can answer here in the comments or in your own journal.. but be sure to comment with a link so we will know to go read you.
I would like to welcome Sandra to the journal jar. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Question 10 ~ let is snow!
I grew up in MN so yes it snowed a lot here. I loved the snow back then. Not so much now. We use to have snowball fights, build snowmen, and snow forts. I remember one time I got trapped in the snow fort when someone stood on top of it while I was inside, it just caved in. They had to dig me out.
We also drove snowmobiles.
My favorite was making those snow angels, I was a perfectionist even then, I hated foot steps around my angel and would work very hard for them not to be close to mine. Of coarse that didn't work very well, I would usually end up wrecking my angel by falling back in it. So I'd start over. What an obsessed child I was :). I also tried to ski TWICE, I had a hard time staying up! And of coarse there was Ice activities: skating, broom hockey, falling down! :)
** I would like to welcome TRACY & COURTENAY to the journal jar, I look forward to getting to know you.**
If you'd like to participate you can leave your answers in the comments, or in your own journal (but leave a link so we can all read what you have to say)
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Let's Play catch up
There won't be a question today. I know a few have commented on being behind on the questions so I thought some of you could use a day to catch up. Plus I'm not feeling very well, AND I am having some computer problems.
Will post new question tomorrow. Hope that's okay with everyone.
Have a good day
Monday, February 21, 2005
Question 9 ~ Talk to me
Do you speak any other languages? What are they? Have you ever taken classes to try to learn another language?
I really can't speak any other language, I took Spanish & French. I took spanish for two years. French I left the class with in two weeks. I don't know ANY French, and hardly remember any Spanish. I guess English is just good enough for me. Maybe some day I'll take another class to "relearn" spanish. We have a lot of spanish speaking people that come into were I work (at least I think I still work there!) it would be nice to be able to talk to them and not have to guess what they are saying.
Hablare quiza algun dia solamenta haha espanola!
(maybe someday I will only speak spanish HAHA)
And I cheated I used this site ... AltaVista - Babel Fish Translation
Sunday, February 20, 2005
Question 8 ~ Hope and dreams
I have many dreams & hopes for my children. I hope they are able to "overcome" the past and heal. I pray they become productive adults, and that their future world isn't as gloomy as it appears to look. My dreams for them are to able to go to college (if that is what they decide) and find their nitch in life. I hope they find their way, are strong, caring and good people. I want happiness for them in whatever they chose to do. I want them safe and free from overwhelming pain. I have few expectations ~ I do expect them to do their best, try their hardest and have their own goals - not to be followers. I also hope they will have respect for those that deserve it and to always be honest. I hope I have already begun to instill good values and morals, and given them the power to make good choices. I hope they have learned right from wrong and know how to choose right even if everyone around them are going the other way. I hope they will stand up for what they believe and never let other's put them down for it. I hope when it's all said and done and they are out on their own, I have done my "job" right and they will be all that they are capable of, no matter what that is. The choice is theirs. Because I love them and want them to be themselves, always!
**if you don't have children I would guess you could use this question any way you want, dreams/hopes for yourself or for a child related to you. Or not answer this.
** I would also like to welcome a few new participants!
Mystafymeal4me, Hadonfield78 and Redclard44 aka Steven. Glad that you joined us!
Saturday, February 19, 2005
Question 7 ~ all alone!
I am hardly ever alone.. but when I get some time alone here, I like to put on one of my favorite CD's, turn it up very loud, and dance. Now I CAN do this when everyone is home and often do, but when I'm alone I don't get those "you're a freak" looks. A few other things I enjoy are watching a movie (NO interruptions!) reading, and cleaning. I prefer to clean when I'm the only one home. Like I said though I don't have much alone time around this zoo. So when I can I try to enjoy it!
**Hope you are all enjoying your weekend!
Friday, February 18, 2005
Question 6 ~ life with others
When I first moved out of my house I was 17. I moved in with my boyfriend (who I eventually married). We lived with three other guys. Talk about a testosterone filled house. It wasn't THAT hard living with four guys, but sometimes being the only female wasn't fun. There was Kurt, Tony, Iving, and of coarse my boyfriend. I don't see the other three anymore .. of coarse I still see my ex-husband from time to time.
Kurt was friendly, open, very funny. While Tony was crabby by nature. He always expected things his way. Now Irving he just drank, that's all he did.
When I first moved in, the place was nasty. I don't think they ever cleaned their toilet. They had an engine in the middle of the dinning room. This place needed a woman LOL. So one day when they were all at work, I scrubbed, polished, rearranged, hung pictures. It looked really nice when I was done, except that engine. Which I finally talked them into putting into the garage. They had their stuff still there, so I didn't totally overhaul it. I mean naked girls still hung in the kitchen and bathroom, but what are you going to do. Everyone except Tony liked the place. He said he didn't want to have to worry about making a mess, wiping his feet. However, he managed. I managed.
I learned living with those guys to accept people's "bad habits" and not to let that stuff bother me. It was a whole lot of compromise. I also learned when you are the only girl in the house, to put the toilet seat back up... that way you always know you have to put it down before you sit. It took many days of splashing to draw that conclusion.
** if you want to participate you can answer in the comments or in your own journal.. but leave a link if you'd like to share it, so we can all read it.
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Question 5 - scouts anyone?
Did you belong to girl/boy scouts? Tell something about that?
Yes, I was in this club called the "bluebirds" where eventually you become a camp fire girl. We did a lot of stuff, camping, crafts, plays (we went to some and put on some) and of coarse our annual candy sale.
When I had my "blue bird fly up" That is a program at the end of blue birds where we enter into the campfire girls. We each had to go on stage and read a speech. We were told to pair up and help each other learn the lines. Well, I was so nervous, my whole family was out there, and there was a part in my lines I just couldn't say, I couldn't say the word specific we practice and practice the word specific. (I still can't say that word). There I am up on the stage struggling when I got to the word specific. I got so embarrassed and frustrated that somehow I began to recite the girls speech I had worked with saying something about Rumpelstilskin ... I ended up saying the first part of mine and the end of hers. She had just went before me so they had already heard her. No one really noticed or at least they didn't laugh. Although my brother K asked why they would have two of us say the same things? I eventually lost interest in the campfire girls. We had a lot of fun, but we always had to do stuff I just wasn't thrilled with. I think I had grown out of it. But it was fun while it lasted and I have lots of fun memories from it!
We have new participants!! Welcome!
Lahoma who I've read very often, her journal is about her life.. sometimes her days seem like mine. I also enjoy and snag her graphics. She hooked me up with Johnny Depp (okay it was a graphic!)
Rachel Is another real life journal writer. Sometimes I just want to hug her!! But I know she's strong!
Life as I live it who I only know by her screen name (Demandn) Another life journal but she has some very pretty pictures and wonderful poems there. She has a lot of insight I enjoy discovering.
Vickey She is probably the smartest "young" person I know. I read her often, about her life, she's funny yet there are things she goes through that I'm always surprised she can handle so well. She's got a good head on her shoulders
Nikki I don't know her yet, as I have just now been to here journal, but I can't wait to get to know this new journal!
MUSINGS Is a new journaler here at jland. He's jumped right in to the journal jar! I've had the pleasure of a few conversations with him.
Here are a few that just started putting these answers into new journals they made for this purpose!
Penny2 ~ Question Carafe
Glopsey aka Glopsblink ~ Glopsey's Journal Jar
If I've missed anyone sorry, but those dang alerts!
**If you wish to participate, you can put your answers in the comment section. Or in your journal, but put a link to your entry in the comment section so we can all read it!
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Question 4
Between the age of 5 & 10, what was your favorite activity?
My favorite thing to do was swing. I don't have a lot of memories between those ages. So I asked my Mom what I did a lot back then. She said she could never get me off the swing. It's strange because the second she said that I remembered! I love it! I remember sneaking to the park, I think I was 6 and my brother's were all looking for me. They finally found me when it was already getting dark. There I was on the swings. Finally my Mom put in a swing set. I can remember that day. I don't think I got off that swing all day. I remember swinging as high as I could go and jumping off. I still love to swing... although I don't jump off high in the air anymore. Maybe I'll go try that today :)
We have some new participants!
Dorn Who is one of the funniest women I've read, she keeps it real, she says what she means and means what she says!
Sheila My computer guru! She helps me whenever or whatever my problem or question is. The woman has patients! and good recipes too!
Heather has also joined us and made a separate journal for the jar! Heather is one of the first journals I started reading and always has something worth while to read! You can find her journal jar here... Everything You Wanted To Know...
**If you wish to participate, you can either put your answer in the comments or use your own journal but please leave a link!
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Question 3 - flowers
If you could be a flower, what would you be and why?
I guess I would pick one of my favorite flowers the Lilac. They are purple which is my favorite color, they are beautiful, and they smell so pretty. If there is a lilac bush near by it's fragrance is all over, you can smell them for blocks. I've never had a lilac bush, even when we had our house. However, neighbors have and have always allowed me to pick them. Just a few on a kitchen table can make the whole house smell so sweet. Even though the lilac bloom is short the quality is great.
To me that means the length of my life isn't as important as the quality of it.
I would like to thank the people who joined me in this journal jar, it's great to be sharing this with you guys. You're making this more fun and I love your entries:
Glopsblink Here journal has always inspired me. she has some great graphics too
Nuts or Nougat? Penny1 (Rant) She can make me laugh and cry in the same entry. She's a very funny woman with a great heart
Diane's Journal Jar Diane. She's got some stories to tell!!
Reflections Kel (our drama queen) she always makes me look inside myself, such a great woman.
A Fatman's Blog I don't know him very well yet, but I'm sure with this we will get to know one another.
Fresh Cup...Move Down Penny2 - She always has some wonderful things to say. Her journal always makes me think!
My Life As Soap Opera Bruce, he has such a gift of writing. I really enjoy reading his journals, and his emails. He's always helped me when I've need it most.
I would also like to welcome and thank... Debbi and Scott (who didn't leave a links to their journals) hint hint, for joining in!
You can either write your answer here or in your own journal but please leave a link :)
Monday, February 14, 2005
Question 2 - Games children play
What games did you play in your house or neighborhood?
The neighbor kids and I would get together all the time and play games like Red Rover, red light green light, flash light tag, a lot of freeze tag, and of coarse hide and seek. We had a lot of kids in my neighborhood and would take over the whole street at times. I remember one time hiding under a picnic table with a friend -why we always hid together I don't really know - but we would see people's feet walking by us and hold our breath. It was dark out which made if harder to find us. When they would walk away we would giggle about hiding in the best place. Well, we were under there a long time and we finally noticed no one had been around for a while. Well, they had all went home, and just forgot about us. I guess you could say we won that game, but no one really knew!
At home my brothers and sister and I would play monopoly a lot those games would last for days. We'd leave the board set up and get back to it later. We also played Yhatzee. Now, one of my older brothers "taught" my sister and me some pretty funky rules. We were young at the time and looked up to him... so we believed his "rules". Us girls had to play in the score board order.. 1's, 2's, 3's then 4's and so one. On the other hand he could play all over his card (the way you are supposed to play) and if we got yhatzee out of turn? Well, the rule WAS we had to give it to him and we had to cross ours out. He always won! One day finally one of my other brother's decided to play with us. We found out very fast the REAL rules.
This was a nice memory, however, I think I'm going to give my brother a call!! :)
** you can write your answer here or in your journal but link it please :)
Sunday, February 13, 2005
First question
Discribe your first job. What did it pay? What were your duties? What was your boss like?
My first job was at McDonalds. It was through the school work program so I worked half days and went to school half days. I started just making french fries ... that was so boring! Then after a couple of weeks was trained in on the window. I eventually ended up permanently working the drive thru. I don't even know my exact pay. It was minimum wage, I think it was 4 or 5 something an hour. After I quit school, I started working full days, and went to night school to get my GED. I had two bosses that were complete opposites. One was friendly, outgoing, understanding, and very funny. He seemed to care about his employees. The other was a complete jerk. He yelled at everyone about everything, even things that were HIS fault. He was overly demanding.
I ended up getting fired by the creepy boss because there was money missing out of the drawer, although three people worked that drawer because I had left early that day. He called me into his office and told me they were short $27. He told me it was coming out of my pay. Me being me, questioned whether he was going to take part of it out of the other people's check. He said "I know those two they aren't theives" Well I got mad because to me he was calling me one. So of coarse I speak before thinking, and say "Listen you SOB, if I was gonna steal from you I'd take more then 27 bucks" DUMB! He then fired me on the spot.
Welcome to the journal jar! I will get started on this tomorrow or later today with the first question. If you plan to participate with me. Leave a link now so I can link you up with this journal. Also when you write your entry leave me a link to it on that day.
I'm pretty excited about this... this should be a lot of fun. I am going to write my entries in a notebook then copy them on here. Just in case... you never know what will happen to anything online. So I think a hard copy will be a good idea to keep also.
Let's tell our stories