What is the angriest you have ever been and how did you resolve it?
Geez it takes a lot to make me angry in the last few years. Hurt yes... angry for a moment then I realize life it too short to hang on to the anger. However, in the last few months someone (who I will call JJ as I will probably mention his name a lot) has made my life a living hell.
First in Dec when a friend of mine got a new cell phone account he added me on there as a second number so that when I'm driving my broken down car (which I'll get into in a bit) if I break down I will be able to always contact someone. Well JJ asked to please be added stating he would pay his share of the bill 1/3 and whatever he downloads etc... promising not to go over as we split the minutes three ways. Okay so my friend said fine... however about two months into the contract we notice $355 in download charges ... ring tones, caller tunes and games. When we spoke to JJ about this he said "I can't have access to that as I guess I'm not responsible enough for it" so we were going to turn that part of his plan off. However, within a few days he said "I no longer want the phone" So he returned it (yes I made him sign a paper of all he was responsible for and that he needed to pay it before the bill was due) Nope he didn't pay it. The night he was to return the phone he downloaded MORE stuff.. now he knew he was to return the phone so we could return it (it didn't cost anything WITH a 2 year contract) but if we canceled his contract it would cost us $238.00... so he returns the phone in really bad shape ... so we now owe not only the early termination fee, his bill but also for the phone. He also didn't return the charger or any of the things that came with the phone. If he had returned the phone in good shape and with the stuff we may have been able to get someone to take that phone over and pay each month. Thus not having a termination fee. But he still would owe us the rest of the money.
Now about the car, I allowed this same person to borrow it and he smashed it up .. saying first someone hit it in a parking lot. When I told him to call the police he said "no they will think I did it" I argued with him then he said "well I really hit a dumpster" I find out about a month ago he hit a parked car. The damage is pretty sever and the repair on it is higher then what the car's blue book value is.
The car wasn't the best car so I figured if he would just pay what he owes on the cell bill I would just chalk up the car as my fault for being too trusting and allowing him to use it. He told us he would pay the bill when he got his taxes. The last time I talked to him he said "I'll pay when I judge tells me to" I AM anger about this. As his bill was so high I couldn't pay it, my friend can't pay it.. so our phones were shut off and my car dies all the time.
How am I resolving this, well I'm taking him to court. I have IMs from him admitting to owing the money, I have a screen shot of his my space admitting to the accident. And the signed agreement. I think I will win. And that is how I am trying to stay calm about it. When I drive down the road and he drives by he points and laughs. I just bite my lip... keep BOTH hands on the wheel tightly so I don't flip him off.
I think this is the most mad I've been since most things I can be angry for a day or so and let them go. This is a hard one to get over. I believe in karma and that the other person who really screwed me over will get hers someday (since I can't find her to even ask for my stuff back) I try NOT to think of her.... I also think of that as a lesson learned. Not to just trust everyone that comes into my life. I hate that as I AM a trusting person but sometimes someone that is so trusting gets kicked down too many times and needs to close that door!
Okay how about you... Either leave your answer in the comment section or your own journal but link back so we can see your angriest moments! ;)
I'd also like to welcome back Stephine who used to participate but now has a new screen name and is starting over.
Welcome back Stephine! You can visit her journal jar at:Stephanie's Journal Jar