Describe a typical day in elementary school as a child:
Well it figures I would pull a question where there isn't a simple answer. First there hasn't been a typical day in my whole life. I wish I could say there were.
We moved around a lot when I was a kid, I was in a different school almost every year as a child ... I believe 3rd and 3rd (yes I flunked 3rd grade please don't ask how as I just don't see how that's possible but I managed) were the only grades until 7th grade I was in the same school.
I would say school was pretty much just my social gathering... I liked art and music but the rest of my school day I spent usually getting into trouble for talking to much (can you believe that?! lol)
So no day was the same... since most of the time I was the "new girl" and with every school that meant something different.. sometimes a good thing sometimes not so good.
I do remember few things that I find funny that happened. And I will write about them as I copy these entries into my paper "journal jar" and find this will be something funny for my children to read about.
I think I was in 2nd grade, my sister and I had just started at this new school. We lived two blocks away (city blocks so not too far) our mother walked us to school and explained how to walk home. Well, we finished the day .. my sister met me at the door of the school we walked left as we were told then turned down the first street and walked to the next block... where our house should be. It wasn't. We turned around and tried so hard to find home. I remember crying as it was getting dark, my sister kept saying she knew where we were and we were not lost. My mother had been out looking for us and finally found us. How could we get lost only two short blocks from school? We went out the back door instead of the front where we had came in.
Now two years later in my second attempt at 3rd grade, I had a very bad headache (migraines run in my family and I started to get them around that time) so I went down to the nurse who tried to get a hold of my mother but couldn't so she told me just to go lay down and try to sleep. I woke up it was dark out and I was the only one in the school. Yes, the nurse had forgotten about me and left me there sleeping. My mother was going nuts searching the neighborhood for me (this time I just didn't get off the bus) I didn't even know my home number to call... I eventually remembered someone's number and called. The police came then my mother then finally someone to unlock the school. Believe me I never fell asleep in the nurses office after that.
Okay that's all I have to write about this lol...
you know how this works.. Either answer in the comment section or your own journal... be sure to link back though so everyone can read your answer.