Sunday, January 22, 2006


Well I AM making progress transfering these entries.... I'm up to 49 over on the mirror jar at blogspot.  It's so time consuming!  But it's looking pretty just not as easy to page through like this one. 

Here's the link if you want to see it so far.

  Not sure who's all going over there..

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I know it's Wed lol

Sorry it's taking me longer then I though to move this over to blogspot and I want to be on the same number question over then as I am here... I'll work on it tomorrow...hopefully I won't be so sick then. 

Thursday, January 5, 2006

Welcome back

Hello everyone!  I'm a back after thinking about this for a long time.. going back and forth in my mind about it.  I couldn't decide if I wanted to move the journal jar or not.  I have finally decided to leave it where it is.  This is it's home. 

So starting Monday I will begin to post questions again.  As many of you know I still have my personal struggles yet I will try and get this thing up everyday (expect weekends as those will be my family time)  So since tomorrow is Friday it maybe a good day to do a little welcome back time.  If you have a journal jar journal leave a link and I'll re do my side bar. 

I've miss you all.

Much luv,
Your Promise :)


Okay  what I've also decided to do is mirror this journal jar over at blogspot for people who have left aol or at least no longer journal over here.... but still want to be apart of this so you can do it here or there.  It will take me a few days to copy the entries that have already been posted here to blog spot so bare with me. 
here's the link for the "mirror" jar:
Mirror Mirror of the Jar