Saturday, December 30, 2006

Week end Spotlight

Hey everyone.  I didn't post a question yesterday as I was busy with family... and  as usual I don't post questions on weekends.

So once again I'm going to do the journal jar spotlight.

The journals I'm doing today are by the same person.  Donna  aka Nightmaremom has a graphic journal which I love and get lots of goodies from her.  She is talented in PSP and such (once again where I'm not!)  I haven't requested anything unusual from her yet but I will at the end of this entry (lol you knew that was coming huh?)  I love her graphics and the special touches she adds. 
Here is her Graphic journal link:
D's Designs


Now she also has a journal she writes about all sorts of stuff, Her life, HOCKEY lol.  Just about anything.. I've gotten to know a lot about her through this journal and she is so funny I love the twist of humor she adds to it. She also has some nice graphics in this one too... not sure snaggable.  I have also been getting to know her in emails and we seem to have a lot in common.  She's a great person so stop by this journal to get to know more about her.  I know you'll like her as I have. 
Here is her journal link:
This and that, and hockey!

Thanks D for being a person I have enjoyed reading and getting to know... and also for accepting me for me.. no strings attached.

Have a great day everyone. 


If you'd like to have me check out your journal leave a link... I love reading new journals although I'm very behind in the regular ones I read... But I will get to yours.

Oh yeah I forgot that request...  well since you enjoy making tags I really need a different spot light thing ... I got the ones I use by searching the Internet and they are starting to bore me! If you (or anyone else who is NOT PSP challenged like me) would like to make a spot light tag for me I would SOOOOO appreciate it.

Oh and I just remember this will probably be my last entry in 2006 so:

And yes this was made by Donna :)

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Question 111

Describe a favorite vacation.

Well, I used to go to some many places and do so much stuff.  Lately not so much.  Thinking of all the vacations I've had (when you think I guess some were not so much vacations as going to visit people) I loved when I went to New York to see J.  Those times were always special times. Never having to cook (which is ALWAYS a vacation for me) going out.  But the time J and I and his friends went to Las Vegas was probably my best vacation.  We stayed in this beautiful hotel... seen a few shows.. played in a few casinos but most of the time we were in the room... and it was soooo nice.  That was our best time together... even though people kept coming to our room... we still we're a couple then.  He was important to me and I to him.  I remember the feelings.  Yes it was fun but I think the love we had for one another was so intense on that trip.

Now when I was young we used to spend a few weeks every summer up at the same lake ... we rented cabins up there.  Those were good days.. when we were away from the everyday life ... we were a family back then.  I real family. Somewhere along the line that got torn apart. But thinking back to our days up at the lake. My dad (step dad) teaching me to fish.. I couldn't bait my hook (worms gross) I wouldn't take the fish off myself (eewww I wasn't touching that!) but my dad did it for me.  Must not have been too much fun for him.  This Christmas we got him a shirt that said "shut up and fish" He never said shut up.. just shhhh but it fit and brought back memories of fishing with my dad.  Yep I never stopped talking.  So he would say "shhh you'll scare the fish away". 

So many good times this question brought back a lot of great memories!  Hopefully I'll be able to take a vacation some time in the near future!  Maybe try and get the whole family back  up to that lake!  (not that I can recreate the past.. but I can bring the past back at least the feelings and the fun)


** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Question 110

Thinking back, was there a teacher or class that had a great influence on you?

Yes, my English/creative writing teacher.  She taught me about not giving up... being myself.  Always looking at making myself better.  Not allowing things in my life to bring my entire being down. 

For a while in my life I left that. I forgot about her and what she taught me... but it came back.  You really are as good as you want yourself to be. If you don't put effort into your own life, it won't be much.  She also taught me no matter what happens in life I'm always going to be okay. She also taught me  that it is okay not to have all the answers... no one does.  That it's okay to ask questions (and I did always).

She changed my life then and now!


** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **



Tuesday, December 26, 2006

109 ~ Marriage AGAIN!

(I found the question while crawling under the desk for the 100th time to retrieve a cat toy and like magic there it was!)

What were your fears, expectations and anticipations about getting married?
     (if you are not married or have never been I'll ask a "off the top of my head" question at the end)

Marriage.  Hmmm I've been married more then once.  But I usually just answer for the first one.  I was very young when we got married (and I was pregnant) My fears were that he wasn't really who I should marry, that we were just getting married because I was pregnant (although we were engaged before I found out I was pregnant).  Expectations naturally were that we would stay together forever (didn't happen) that we would always love each other.. I believe we do.  That we would live like story book married people (didn't happen) that we BOTH meant our vows. Anticipations, well the whole planning of the wedding lead to my anticipation of the wedding itself... it was a beautiful wedding despite my mother (she planned almost all of it) lol.  As far as the marriage itself I don't think I had any, we lived together for awhile before we got married.  I thought life would just stay as is only we would be together forever.

The other question... for not/never been married people:  Is there anything you got for Christmas that you'd love to take back but you can't as you will hurt the person who gave it to you?  (if anyone wants to answer both that's good too)

This is easy for me to answer NOPE lol. 


** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **

Saturday, December 23, 2006


Well as Christmas is fast approaching (please no one remind me how close it is) I am at a point where everything I do seems to turn out crazy... but I AM going to do my weekend journal spotlights.


This first journal I just found recently.  His entries always make me think. And I mean think.  His opinions on life and life's events always either sway me to a different way of thinking, rack my mind lol.. or I nod my head in agreement (not many people think as I do) I love this journal because it is about daily stuff.. some stuff I didn't even understand.. yet he writes in a way that I do understand it.  I'd say his journal is not only entertaining for me but it also makes my mind work .. expanding my mind.  I hope you find it as refreshing as I do.

You can visit Sinned1234 at Face down looking up I think the name says it all.

The next journal is Brooke's journal .. she is has just recently returned to journalism and I love her journal too.  She writes about her life.. she writes from her heart. Which I always feel is the best way to write.  True to herself, true to life. Just daily stuff but she adds some humor too.  We all should do that, as life sometimes can bring us down.  She is real.  And I like journals like that.  I've gotten to know her by reading her journal and find that she would be the kind of person I would "hang" with in real life.  I always see a little bit of either myself or someone I know in her entries.  She has her "venting entries" but even those seem to bring me closer to the woman writing the.  I hope you also enjoy this journal.

You can find Brooke's (Msluckymonkey) journal here: Life goes on Now also her journal name says it all about the journal!

Both of these journals have been sometime I go to daily as I haven't caught up with them yet as they are new to me... I look forward to them both everyday and I hope you all do too.

Have a good day and a wonderful Christmas.


Friday, December 22, 2006

It's almost Christmas so...

I just want to wish all the journal Jar participants a very Merry Christmas.  The one's who answer the questions to the ones who just enjoy reading this.

This year has been a tough year and so many of you helped me through it.  Be it just saying you care to understanding when I couldn't post questions. (Yep this was supposed to take 365 days lol)  But I guess we will be bringing it into 2007 but I will work harder to post everyday (week days)  I've enjoyed your answers and love everyone of you in a way you may never fully understand.  Just having this journal .. knowing it's cared about (most missed nomination!) gives me joy.  And that would not be possible without all of you.

So Merry Christmas and I will be back posting questions after Christmas (I do have a spotlight I will be doing tomorrow) then I'll be on a Christmas hiatus.

Tag made by:
Sazzy Kreationz

Much love and respect,

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Question 108 Fourth of July

Tell about Fourth of July traditions in your family while growing up.  Were you ever in a parade?

Well a 4th of July question at Christmas time... I won't put questions back though... I'll lose them lol but anyway.

When I was "growing up" not even sure I'm done doing that yet, we used to always have picnics.  We'd either go to a park or a beach or sometimes it would be in our back yard.  The one thing I remember is there were never enough deviled eggs ... and this has always been the case even now.  So next Fourth of July I will make a whole bunch so no one complains (you know who you are! lol)  My brothers always came up with fireworks that we would shoot off before we actually went to the public ones.  There are many times we'd rent a cabin at a lake over the fourth weekend.  Always a good time then.  So many memories of that.  One time our cousin had bought a HUGE rocket along with a bunch of other "illegal" fire works. Well he nailed the rocket part to the dock thinking fire works just shot out of the rocket. Nope the rocket shot up in the air and it took part of the dock with it.  Good times fun times.  
As far as a parade,  nope at least not a fourth of July parade .. other parades but since it didn't ask that and maybe there is a question in the jar about that I won't get into it. Today I will stay on topic lol. 


You know how this goes, if you want to answer in your own journal please post a link back.. or use the comment section I look forward to your answers. If you're new to the Journal jar please let me know that and leave a link to your journal no matter where you answer the question.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

added question

Okay I still can not find that question. They are on these little slips of paper and I'm sure it was tossed... or maybe it will turn up someday.

But since I can't find it we will only have 364 questions haha which will bug me.  I know the site but how will I know what question it was as sometimes I pull one and swear we have already done it...  we'll see if it turns up.  That is why I am not numbering this question.  This just came to me this afternoon when I was opening a box of strawberry pop tarts

Do you toast your pop tarts or eat them right out of the box? (yeah a question from my head..which is in an odd place today lol)


For me it really depends on the kind.  I like the s'mores slightly hot but normally I like them cold.  I like some of them in the refrigerator like the blueberry ones. 

So tell me to you toast your pop tarts (giggle) you just gotta answer this one in the comment section but if you want go ahead and do it in your journal LMAO!

I will be back to a REAL question tomorrow. 

Monday, December 18, 2006


Sorry today's question has been delayed, I took it out of the jar set in on the desk and was going to post it when I got back home.

I can't find it. It HAS to be around here somewhere.  I'll find it tomorrow.  Talk about an airhead!


Sunday, December 17, 2006


As most of you know I don't post questions on weekends... I do journal "spotlights"

I was a little behind on getting permissions so I only have one this weekend.  Just because I procrastinate too much lol.

This weekend I'm spot lighting a wonderful journal....


well I'm sure many of you already know about this one but if you don't it's so worth checking out.

I've known these two women since I began here and they are both the sweetest most caring women I've ever "met"  They have their own journals but for Christmas they both are doing this journal.  I've enjoyed it, learned a lot from it and I find it very special.  Almost as special as the two that write it.

Val and Krissy's: Joy To The World! 

It's a fun journal yet teaches a lot of things that I didn't know.  So I hope you all enjoy it as much as I have. 


If you'd like your journal "pimped" here send me an email or comment with your link.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Question ~ 107 ~

Describe your favorite outfit as a child, as a youth, and as an adult:

Goodie ... this question seems like an odd one.  I do not really remember if I did have a favorite outfit as a child.  I pretty much wore whatever my mother laid out for me to were.  I know I had these pj's with little gray kittens on them.. my sister and I had matching ones.  I think my mom made them.  I loved wearing them ... and whenever I could I would put them on.  Sometimes just the bottoms and a t-shirt. 

I hated most of the clothes my mother bought me as a teen... and if we wanted something we liked (at least until I was the last one at home..then I got what I wanted) we would have to buy it ourselves.  I like to wear skimpy clothes... I am not sure if it was to piss my mother off or I just liked them.  I had this silk red shirt with lace in the front ... I got in trouble for wearing it to school.. I got in a lot of trouble for my clothing in school.  LOL

As an adult, I don't know if I have a favorite outfit. I have a favorite dress that I love to wear in the summer, I have a favorite dress I just got recently as a present, it's short on one side then slants down to about just below my's strap less, black and has a lot of sparkles.  If I am able to go out New Year's Eve that's what I'm wearing.  Other then that I don't have really anything that is that GOTTA wear thing.  I have a tank top I like it says "MILF" on it.. and when it was given to me I didn't even know what MILF meant LMAO.... So I guess I'm just a jeans and t shirt kind of girl... although most of my favorite clothes are either t shirts with sayings or silk or lace.  Sort of extremes. 


** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **

PS. For those that emailed me your answers that's okay if that's what you want, I understand but really I don't think YOU will be bothered by the person that was bothering me.  If you are I will put this private and just add the people that want to be here. Luv, Promise


Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Question 106

Do you remember any special feelings you had as a child? (fears, joy, embarrassment)

It took me awhile to post as this was the question I drew days ago, I just wasn't sure I wanted my "stuff" out there .... but I decided if other's find amusement in using what I write to hurt me so be it... other's can really only hurt you if you let them.. if you care what they think.  On that note:

I don't have a lot of memory of my childhood, I never thought much about it until other's talked about their early years and I often wondered why I couldn't remember mine.  It was because of the trauma I went through as a child. Working in therapy for many years memories began to come back .. bits and pieces ... good and bad.  To answer this question honestly I would be really put myself out there.  I had many fears, I feared my father.  I feared him coming home or after the divorce the weekends with him.  I did have some joy in my childhood but that is also cloudy.

I remember one Christmas my mom said "we won't have much of a Christmas this year"  I don't remember if I cared or not.  I do remember going to see Santa and telling him it was okay that he wasn't going to bring me anything because I was bad (I wasn't really bad but I thought I was LONG STORY)  but Christmas morning my sister woke me up and said "Santa did come"  We ran down the stairs and there were so many presents.  (My mother wasn't playing a joke on us... she didn't have much to give.  But I guess she ended up getting a bonus at work or something.) When we opened gifts from her there wasn't much... but we got a load of presents from Santa. The thing I remember the most was a little vanity with a mirror and the chair opened up.  I was thrilled.  Of coarse at the time I believed mom didn't get us much which I was okay with... but when I think back now she did it .. she gave us all that stuff.  Maybe I should call my mom and thank you for being Santa all those years! It's tough I know ..when money is tight and Santa gets the credit for the good stuff.  LOL.  Or years even Santa gives crap.  I wonder if my little ones think they have been bad... Okay I have to call mom then the kids! :)


Well if you've been here before you know to leave your answers in the comment section or if you prefer put them in your own journal but remember to leave a link.  If you are NEW here let me know and link your journal no matter where you answer.


Monday, December 4, 2006

Spot light

(Just a little note before I begin... I have decided not to let this person bother me.. she must have a mental disease to keep on with this.. she's even found my myspace page and is defacing a drawing board I have on there so I shall give her my pity not my anger So I'm going to keep this journal open)  Sorry I made such a quick decision and just went private with no warning.  Thanks for the emails of support.  If I should have more of the same I will let everyone know I plan on going private to give you a chance to let me know you wish to be a reader


Today I won't be pulling a question from the jar, today I am doing a journal spotlight.  I used to do this on weekends before but my weekend was busy and I wanted to get permission first so I'm doing  it today.

On to the journals I've picked:


The theme today is Graphics.  I found this first journal a bit ago and just love her work.  She does special little things for me ... but I won't share that so she doesn't have to do that for everyone (hehe Sorry Dianna) If you haven't heard about her or been to her journal you should check it out. She's doing a lot of Holiday tags now and they are excellent. Some of the tags she does just amaze me. They are so cute ..

So here is Dianna's graphic journal:

Sazzy Kreationz
You won't be disappointed.

The next journal I actually found through Dianna's.  She is new at PSP but you wouldn't know it from her graphics.  She has some beautiful graphics and tags on her journal as well. Right now she is going through some rough times so she isn't posting as often but her journal is worth the time to go through.  I can't believe she just started PSP!! I personally wouldn't be able to figure those things out.  She tries new things and they look so pretty. 

So go check out Terry Ann's graphic journal (Now Terry Ann didn't give me permission but Dianna gave me the go ahead) so give Terry Ann a little luv while you're there!

Here is Terry Ann's graphic journal:

a girlnexdoor creation

Both of these women are very generous with their graphics and that means with their time! these girls have skills!!

So thank you both for all the wonderful tags you've given me.. personalized for me .. and all the hard work you do.

Tomorrow I will be posting questions again...


If you would like your journal spot lighted (which I hope to do every weekend) let me know by sending me an email at 

Monday, November 27, 2006

Question 105 ~ Birthdays

Do you remember a special birthday party you've had, given or been to?  Describe it along with the people, food, games:

(haven't we had this one before? I put the slips into an envelope when I've done them but this seems like a question we've answered oh well)

I have had and given so many birthday parties so it was hard to pick which to write about... But I thought I'd write about the one that first came to mind. 

My mother's SURPRISE party.  I thought I would give her a big surprise party as she tends to always feel left out on her birthday.  "ungrateful kids" lol.  Anyway, this was a while ago when my oldest brother was still alive. 

I invited my mom over for a birthday dinner... just me and my parents (wink wink) I did tell my dad about it as they tend to show up early for things so I had to fill him in to stall her.  I said be there at 2pm.  I told the people that were invited to come by 1 so we can set up and hide etc. 

I lived in the upper part of a duplex and most everyone always parked in the front on the street. I to take the alley and park in the back.  The guy that lived down stairs even cleared out his cars so that there was plenty of room.

Well, first my oldest brother pulls up about 1:30 IN THE FRONT.. as they were dropping off a chair for me ... but then I look out and there is my mom and dad!  NO ONE was there yet.  Outside I see my mom hug my brother and sister-in-law.  I was thinking please make it seem like it was a coincidence they were there.  Nope my sister-in-law says "surprise" ... bless my mom's heart but she didn't really get it.  In the mean time a few people arrived in the back like they were supposed to.  In comes my mom and dad... a few of us say surprise... which was pointless as we were all just standing there looking stupid.  (I later found out it was my father that was antsy to get going and HE was the reason they showed up early)  My sister (love ya sis!) came at 3pm.  The rest staggered in somewhere between 1:30 and 2:30.  It ended up to be an okay party we had lots of food, cake and fun and drinks... no games (the surprise really was on me)

So the next time I threw my mom a surprise party which was two years ago, I didn't tell my dad!!! And it WAS a surprise! 


** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Monday, November 20, 2006


I'm sorry but I won't be posting questions for a few days.  They put my father in the hospital today.  Found a large mass (blood clot) deep in his brain.  I'll probably be at the hospital most of the time.

Keep him in your prayers please.  And I'll be back when I can.

Love to you all!


Question 104 ~ Water

On a personal note... before I get to the question. I want everyone to know that I never put a question I draw from the jar back.  However, last week my father had a stroke.  I will be spending as much time with my parents as need be.  (without over doing it, thanks Brandy for the reminder!) Anyway, my first thought was to put this on hold for awhile until things got better.  I am not sure things will get better with my father plus this may keep my mind off of it.  So I will keep going.  However, for the time being until I know things are okay with him if there is a father question I probably will be putting it back into the jar.  (For most of you that have been with me for awhile you know this is my step dad  and father questions are always tough as my bio-father was a jerk long history of abuse) But I can't bring myself to answer questions about either of them right now.  I am brought to tears when I see him as he is so altered from the stroke.  So we may have a lot of father questions later on in a row :)  Hope you all understand. 

Now for today's question:

Tell about your experiences on or near water:

(and I did pull this one lol)  Well, I don't know of any experiences I've really had on or near water that would be worth writing about... I have swam since I was a kid.. love being at the lake.  The beach is my favorite little get away place.  I live in MN so wintertime I don't go to the beach well that's no surprise! I used to spend a lot of time just reading or writing in "my spot" by the lake near my house.  It is peaceful and secluded.  
             Preview   (my little ones enjoying my private spot!)  

Just as I wrote about the MN winter.. I guess this would qualify for on water. ... My dad (here we go ugh) took me ice fishing for the first time when I was pregnant.  Naturally being pregnant I felt like I weighed a ton.  We were on this very large lake that had lots of waves (I didn't know with all that ice on top the waves would still be flowing) but they were and when they did the ice would make this horrible sound.  I screamed like a little girl, kept telling my dad I would fall in.  He kept telling me I was NOT going to but the way that ice sounded plus the fact I felt I was the heaviest thing on that lake, I just knew I would fall in.  We didn't last long out there before my whining got to him and we left.  I have since went ice fishing, but not standing out on the lake.. in an ice house.. This memory does make me sad.. as I hope to someday go ice fishing (even though I'm not a fan of it) again with my dad.

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **


Preview I have to give a big welcome to the journal jar to Devilletteinme... who's been working very very hard the last few days answering the questions staring from the first one.  Check her out at: The Devilette's Journal Jar I'm looking forward to getting to know her and I hope you all do too 

Friday, November 17, 2006

Question 103

What instrument do you play or wish you could play?

I'm so glad it's an easy question today!  I can play the guitar a little.. my guitar teacher was a perv .. so once my mom found out I quit.  But I can play free bird.  Funny I think anyone who even knows a little can play that song.  This guy taught me it at a party. 


I wish I could play the drums. I just think I would make a great drummer! lol.


** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **



Thursday, November 16, 2006

Question 102 ~ Fantasy lol

What do you fantasize about being or doing?

Well I'm not getting into SOME of those fantasies lol.  I do "dream" about being healthy... having a better place to live and getting that job!!  I don't care if I go back to what I was doing for work or not.. I just want to be able to work again.  Anything would be better then what I'm doing now.

I am sick of Dr's and all that so I really do dream of being well.  Growing up with my children (hehehe) and moving to AZ, which is in the works.  However, I'm the one dragging my butt about it. It's such a big change and I'm not good with change. 

I have to say if I pulled this question out before my long absence I would have said simply ALIVE! 

Lots of other hopes, dreams, and wishes.  But those I need to keep private for now, don't want to jinx it!


** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal.  If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can  enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Question 101

What color was your house as a child? Your Bedroom? Describe your room.

Love this one.  We moved around so much when I was a kid I can't say what color my house was as there were too many of them.  We moved at least once a year and one year we moved twice.  And then there is the whole "lost years" where I can't remember much of anything.  I've accepted that but some of these questions make me wonder WHY can't I even remember a color of a house.

We did stay at one place for a few years but I'm stump about the color, I think it was either white or gray.  My room was always white, until my mom married my step dad and they bought the house they now live in, I was 13 at the time and we painted it (much to my mother's disliking) a dark blue.  They can't paint over it they say it's too dark!  So to this day it's about the same color. They have repainted it but still blue and still dark. 

My room was always a mess.. when I shared a room with my sister she hated it.  I wasn't a pig like F is now, but I did leave clothes on the floor.. toys all over the place. When I had my own room, at first I was neat... after all I wanted to show my mom it was my sister who was the messy one lol.  But my social life got in the way of the room cleaning and there was the mess again.  No toys this time, but books, clothing, music, makeup.  Girl stuff all over.  Once in a great while my mother would make me clean it... other then that it was SHUT YOUR DOOR! lol.  Now I'm a total clean freak.  Maybe there IS hope for F yet!

Well since I'm just coming back if you want to "join" and answer too you can either answer in the comment section or in your own journal.. if you answer in your own journal please leave a link so everyone can see your answer.  If you are new to the Journal jar please let me know that too.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

And here I am... where are you?


Well it has been a very long time since I've written here.  I guess so since I was nominated for Most Missed Journal.  Which I thank everyone that voted for this journal.  Thing that got me was I didn't realize this journal would be missed that much... at least not enough to get the nomination.  So I better get my butt back to it.

Thing is I just can't seem to start a "new" thing in the middle of a week.  Yes, I know it's only Tuesday lmao.  I will start to break old habits by posting tomorrow! Middle of the week beginning. 

Naturally though I am going to not post on Saturdays or Sundays.

See you tomorrow.

Missed you all
Much love,


Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Question 100

What is your secret to good health?

Well, oddly enough I don't have one.  And when I first pulled this question from the jar I laughed.  My health sucks as everyone knows... although it could be worse.  So I am grateful for everyday.

I'd have to say water is most important to me, my medications and of coarse my drs.  There is no secret there.

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **

Can't believe we are at question 100 already!  Woohoo.  Took me more then 100 days though.  

Monday, June 5, 2006

Question 99

What are your favorite hobbies?  What have you made or accomplished with them?

I have many hobbies but just not enough time to enjoy them as I used to.

I write poems and that is a hobby yet therapy for me.  I get a lot out when I write them.

I love to paint... I paint abstract mostly, the colors seem to tell the story I'm trying to tell.

I also love to cook and bake.  Of coarse that is the hobby of mine that thrills my family the most.  They benefit from that more then I do. I don't like to eat a lot. Also I hate the clean up. If only I had someone to constantly clean up after me I would cook and bake all day long.

My computer is a hobby, I do so many things on it.... and lastly the Sims.. That's a big "hobby" or I should say addiction.  I lose track of time when I'm playing the Sims. 

Also I collect unicorns.. anything with a unicorn, key chains, plaques, figures, pictures... I sometimes just go drive around to anywhere and look in all the shops along the way to find something new to add to my collection.

As far as what I've accomplished from my hobbies, well the most important part is I've released a lot of emotions in them instead of at other's or myself.  I have had a few of my poems published in various places.  Right now I'm working on putting them all together in a book, and hopefully I will be able to have it published someday.  One of my poems has been turned into a song by a local band.. that was pretty cool.  Someday if they become famous maybe I'll be listening to the radio and say "OMG that's my poem!!" lol.


** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **

Friday, June 2, 2006

Question 98

What special things did you do with your mother?

I wasn't going to post today, something has happened and I'm in a very upset mood... want to know about that you can visit my blog (I'll give link after this) but I think maybe getting my mind off that stuff is what I need. I'm glad this isn't a pet question today though. (fake laugh)

Normally mother/father questions bother me.  But I spent most of the day with my mother.  And she was very nice today.  My mother and I have such and up and down relationship.  But that's a whole different thing so I shouldn't be getting into that here.

My mom and I really didn't spend much time doing "special" things when I was growing up.  My sister and I spent most of our time together doing sister things.  But a few times that I remember (my childhood is foggy and I have gaps in my memories) my sister and I used to put on little plays mostly involving me being a unicorn (HAHA) and my mother would come outside and watch our plays.  Since my mother  was sort of distant with that stuff it was nice when she'd watch and look proud of our stupid little plays.  She also always had an animal hospital for my poor stuffed dogs and cats that my brother's would rip ears, tails and eyes off.  She would pretend to rush them to the hospital (her sewing room) even making the siren sound.  Then she would bring them back after the "dr" had operated on them. 

We also played board games but that was more of a family thing then a mother and me thing. 

Now we do the mother/daughter game day.  We shop and once in awhile I will go with her on her casino trips.  I never have extra money to gamble but she usually gives me some to play, or we will play on the same slot machine... this probably doesn't sound fun but it actually is, we take turns pulling the handle and even if we win a buck we woot and holler like we've won big.  My mother can be fun and funny.  Even though there are times she gets on my nerves looking at her today and thinking back she means more to me then I really realized.  So special things sometimes are just sitting and talking and getting along... a hug when you leave... a smile when she knows exactly how I'm feeling.  Special can be anything you want it to be.


** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **


Now if you want here's my blogger link: Promise's Tiger

Thursday, June 1, 2006

Question 97 ~ Writing....

Do you like to write letters?  Are you a good writer? Who do you correspond with?
Wow, Guess today's question is a three part question.  I do enjoy writing letters most of the time.  There are times when I get behind and it seems like so much has happened and I don't feel like writing all that much so I put it off.  Also sometimes it seems I have so little to say then I suddenly realize that the person that wrote me wrote me three months ago and you'd think I'd have something worthwhile to write about.  I guess at those times, because I enjoy writing poetry and journaling I just don't want my passion to turn into a chore.

As for if I'm a good writer or not.. I'd say my poems are good, I like them, been told they are great (although some people don't get them).  It took me many years to even allow anyone to see them... I just pour my thoughts, heart and soul into them and for so long I didn't want people to know that part of me.. I would never imagined a few years ago, that I would actually have a lot of my poems on the internet for the world to see.  Seems I've come a long way.

I write a few people, an old friend from school, a girl I used to live with, and I have two pen pals whom I've never met.  One is a solider, the other I got off a pen pal site.  Those are usually the letters that pile up and I have to answer three or four at a time. So for me when I'm in the mood I love it... otherwise I just don't bother. 

** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **

Thursday, May 25, 2006


I will be away for the weekend leaving tonight, not sure if I'll post at all until Tuesday.

If not have a fun and safe memorial  weekend.


Question 96

What church jobs have you enjoyed the most?

This question seems sort of odd.  What if people don't have church jobs.. or never had.  Well I guess not all the questions are meant for everyone.

The only time I've had a church job was years back when I helped out in the nursery.  So since that was my one and only church job I guess I pick that one lol.

I did enjoy it, I love kids and playing with them, they are always so real and I love that they say whatever is on their minds... I wish grownup's could do that.  Now changing the diapers ... totally different story.  But as with everything we do there are always going to be good and bad things about it.


** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Question 95 ~ Graduation

Tell about your graduation.

Well I didn't graduate high school.  I quit the end of my 11th grade.  I don't feel I missed much since I had already went to senior prom etc etc.  I did go then and get my GED at night school. 

We did have a sort of a graduation there, no graduation gown but the cap and tassel.  There were about 200 of us.  They do the GED ceremonies twice a year.

I remember I wore this really pretty white dress, my family all came (which was unusual for something involving me at the time) I was pretty much the black sheep and no one thought I'd bother to finish my education when I dropped out.  Maybe, just maybe that was my driving force.


** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Well, I'm finally done transferring all the questions from here over to blogger.  I know some people have been waiting but I've had some health problems that stopped me from what I was doing.  I've work the last few days on finishing so I can start pulling new questions from the jar!

You can do it here on AOL or Mirror Mirror of the Jar there at Blogger.  I noticed blogger is a little bit harder to go back to question.  But I will try to link when I have some time. 

It will be good to be back and together again.

Much luv,

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Well I AM making progress transfering these entries.... I'm up to 49 over on the mirror jar at blogspot.  It's so time consuming!  But it's looking pretty just not as easy to page through like this one. 

Here's the link if you want to see it so far.

  Not sure who's all going over there..

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I know it's Wed lol

Sorry it's taking me longer then I though to move this over to blogspot and I want to be on the same number question over then as I am here... I'll work on it tomorrow...hopefully I won't be so sick then. 

Thursday, January 5, 2006

Welcome back

Hello everyone!  I'm a back after thinking about this for a long time.. going back and forth in my mind about it.  I couldn't decide if I wanted to move the journal jar or not.  I have finally decided to leave it where it is.  This is it's home. 

So starting Monday I will begin to post questions again.  As many of you know I still have my personal struggles yet I will try and get this thing up everyday (expect weekends as those will be my family time)  So since tomorrow is Friday it maybe a good day to do a little welcome back time.  If you have a journal jar journal leave a link and I'll re do my side bar. 

I've miss you all.

Much luv,
Your Promise :)


Okay  what I've also decided to do is mirror this journal jar over at blogspot for people who have left aol or at least no longer journal over here.... but still want to be apart of this so you can do it here or there.  It will take me a few days to copy the entries that have already been posted here to blog spot so bare with me. 
here's the link for the "mirror" jar:
Mirror Mirror of the Jar