Memories of childhood again ugh. I DO have a few of toys, a couple faded spotty ones and one that really stands out. There was berri Bear (I wrote about him before when I couldn't remember his name yet he was so important to me) I had this big doll that I loved until I left her in the wadding pool and her eyes turned yellow and everyone teased me about her, can't remember her name. I do remember I turned on her like a snake because no one liked her anymore.
Then there was my little horse on wheels, he was fuzzy gray and white and I named him Honky Tonky. (my parents listened to a lot of country music) I loved him. If I was sitting on him wheeling him around I was trying to carry him and dragging him around. I was teased by my brothers but I didn't care. He was my friend. (I was a strange child) I would talk to him as if he were real... in a way he was. Then came the Promise betrayal. I do not know which parent had put him in the cubbie whole in the wall one day I think it was because I was being bad. But I had sort of learned to deal without him, well they were cleaning it out and said "do you want Honky Tonky anymore, or have you grown up?" Me thinking OMG I can get Honky Tonky back.. but feeling I wanted to be a big girl said "no I don't need him anymore" Out to the trash he went (he was in bad shape... but still. I cried myself to sleep many many nights over it. Thinking why didn't I just say I wanted him. Poor Honky Tonky. hehehe What a dork!
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