Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Question 85 ~ Toys
Memories of childhood again ugh. I DO have a few of toys, a couple faded spotty ones and one that really stands out. There was berri Bear (I wrote about him before when I couldn't remember his name yet he was so important to me) I had this big doll that I loved until I left her in the wadding pool and her eyes turned yellow and everyone teased me about her, can't remember her name. I do remember I turned on her like a snake because no one liked her anymore.
Then there was my little horse on wheels, he was fuzzy gray and white and I named him Honky Tonky. (my parents listened to a lot of country music) I loved him. If I was sitting on him wheeling him around I was trying to carry him and dragging him around. I was teased by my brothers but I didn't care. He was my friend. (I was a strange child) I would talk to him as if he were real... in a way he was. Then came the Promise betrayal. I do not know which parent had put him in the cubbie whole in the wall one day I think it was because I was being bad. But I had sort of learned to deal without him, well they were cleaning it out and said "do you want Honky Tonky anymore, or have you grown up?" Me thinking OMG I can get Honky Tonky back.. but feeling I wanted to be a big girl said "no I don't need him anymore" Out to the trash he went (he was in bad shape... but still. I cried myself to sleep many many nights over it. Thinking why didn't I just say I wanted him. Poor Honky Tonky. hehehe What a dork!
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **
Monday, August 29, 2005
Bad promise!!!
& a big ....
To SINS...You have emailed me your link, once it was in my saved mail, then I made an entry and totally forgot. You are NOT forgettable at all... so this time I'm just making your own entry.
So everyone check out SINS journal at:sour grapes
Question 84
I have so many favorite authors. Danielle Steel, Sandra Brown, Dean Koontz, Stephen King. They all have a different style of writing and different types of books. I can't pick a favorite. Which book I read normally depends on my mood at that time and whether I thirst for horror, mystery or romance.
As for favorite books. I know I had a few favorite books as a child I loved "the Cat in the Hat". There was this one book and I believe I still have it packed away somewhere in a box but I cannot remember the name. Maybe someday when I'm ready I will be able to look into that box. As a teen I hated to read, didn't have time for it, so any book I was forced to read was a hindrance so there was no favorite books.
Now I love to read. At this time my favorite book and this is usually the case if it's a good book, is the one I am reading. And I am currently reading Stephen King's Everything's Eventual. It's 14 different stories in one book. Right now I'm on All That You Love Will Be Carried Away. I just started this story so I do not know much about it. His stories often give me the chills. I love to read before I go to bed. Yet, reading this book is often the reason I can't sleep. I know it's just words on a page, but I always put myself into what I'm reading or watching. So it's best to read stuff during the day.
I love books. I can escape. Just not too far.
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Finally I'm getting to this...
Welcome to the new participants I am so glad you have all joined the journal jar.
Shelly at XX Roxy Mama XX
Dawn at Dawn's Disorderly Diary
Susan at My Journal Jar & the world as i know it
Jenny at The Loss of a loved one to MRSA
Jerseyjean333 No journal link
If I have missed anyone I am sorry I lost my saved mail.
I also want to note a "members" name and journal change. Pittsk615 is now SkunkyRip and her journal is now New Beginnings
Have a good night everyone!!
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Want you all to know
Graphic made by: : : : Made By Nae : : :
Just want you all to know that I've decided to not post questions on weekends. Weekends are really tough around here. I have visiting with Frankie.. and all kinds of crap (would love to use the SH word proceeded by the F word lol) going on. So I am going to post Monday-Friday. My hopes are that I will do new comer links on Saturday and spotlights on Sunday.
Now since the computer crash I have lost almost all my saved emails (where I kept the newcomer comments I had saved) So if you have never been linked or welcomed PLEASE for me email me or comment here and let me know. Also if you'd like me to check out your journal for spot light, email me with the link.
I love you all and hope all our readers come back soon. I miss you all!!
Luv ya
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Question 83 ~ Life Lesson
Today I was going to have a completely different answer to this question when I first pulled it. But I just deleted the whole entry. The first one was on being honest no matter what.
But I just got back from a funeral. And I learned a very important lesson from this. Never turn your back on someone. Never think they don't offer you anything, never take life for granted... yours or someone else's. Don't think because someone annoys you that the rest of them didn't mean anything to you. Because when they are gone, you may just find they meant more to you then you realize. When they die you may suddenly remember little things they called about that helped you through a time in your life where you may not have had the courage to stand tall or even make it through. You may remember something they did for you that at that moment meant nothing, but thinking back meant so much. Never telling that person ... well it's too late to actually tell his physical body now, but I know he knows. My last conversation with him was "if you want to be friends and just friends that's fine, but if you keep hitting on me, asking me out or touching me when I don't want to be touched I don't even want to speak to you or have you speak to me again ... so it's friends or nothing" That was the last thing I said to him.. then I turned and walked away. He came up to me about 15 minutes later and said "Friends it is then" I said "hmmmkay" Not really believing him. My lesson is, always treat that moment like you may never see that person again, it MAY be your last moment with that person. Don't leave things unsaid, don't stop believing in second chances.
RIP Pete! I did care! And in my own screwed up way, I did love and care for you.
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Question 82~ Birth order
Well, I am the baby of the family. I was well protected being the baby, however, I was also closely watched (still am) Most of my family was very over protective of me, my parents still are. My oldest brother was very very very over protective. I used that to my advantage later in life.
I did however "pay for their mistakes" in ways. Like I couldn't do some things because they messed up. I should correct that, I wasn't supposed to do them. After everyone moved out and I was the last child at home, I became spoiled. I got my own phone line, the clothes I wanted, was able to do things I hadn't been allowed to do. I took advantage of that and went a bit wild. That's a lie, I went totally wild. I have to say since I don't know what it's like to be the oldest or middle child I think I had it the best (although that whole baby ... overprotective thing does make me crazy at times) But I know my family loves me and I guess if I look at the good in it and not the hassle it's all okay.
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **
Just a little note: My computer still isn't well, but I will do my best to post everyday. If I can't open my word document I'll just post the question and return to answer it.
Tomorrow I'll link the new participants (there are quite a few)
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Big sigh of relief
I've done some testing around and I can do just about everything again. I do get kicked off line if I have more then one web page open or if I get an IM while doing anything other then staring at a blank screen (I never look at a blank screen so my away message must stay up until I figure out why that is happening) So I'll come back tomorrow and begin posting questions.
My question to you guys is, Do you want me to pull a week's worth (which is about what we missed), post them all tomorrow and let you answer them when you want/can or just start where we left off. Let me know either in the comments part of you can email me at PromiseLuv372@aol.com
See you tomorrow, I'm going to bed now. Niters.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
I am having major computer problems. I can't stay online if my life depended on it. If I get an IM I instantly get booted. If I pull up a web page same thing. I haven't been able to access any of my journals and at first I thought it was AOL but I was wrong.
I am hoping my friend can fix this but he isn't sure since this computer has been on it's way out for awhile. He is going to try. So if I'm away for awhile it's because I'm without a computer.
I'm very sorry, hope to be back soon, and I hope you are all here when I get back. I know there have been a lot of missed days and for that I am sorry. Hopefully things will be alright soon.
So due to technical difficulties I will be away ...
Sorry if there are spelling errors but I am unable to use any of my word or text program and I can't spell check.
(tried three times to put this entry in) I hope this time it works.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Question 81 ~ Christmas
Now this confuses me, do they mean the town I grew up in or the town I live in now.
Well, since we moved around so much when I was a kid I don't have just one lol. So I'll go with the town I live in.
Christmas time... there are lights put up everywhere, there is a tree in the town they decorate and they hang some bells on the street lights. That's about it. It's not a big deal, or a wow look at that sort of thing. This town gets more excited about Halloween. Hmm means what? There are a lot of witches, ghosts and goblins here?
I normally don't even shop in this town. High prices. So I spend most of my "downtown" time in the next couple of towns over.
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
To my Readers....
I'm making a Journal jar for an anniversary gift. It's there first anniversary and that's the "paper" anniversary so I thought it would be a good idea. I haven't decided yet if I'm going to by to journals for them each to answer the questions or just one and they can do it together.
Anyway, I doubt I can come up with 365 questions about their first year of marriage, so I thought maybe I'd do a weekly one. Anyway, I have 29 questions already. So if anyone has a thoughts or questions to put in please either leave it in the comments or you can email me.
Here are the questions I have so far.
What was your wedding day like?
Did anything out of the ordinary happen on your wedding day?
Tell about your honeymoon?
Describe a special event that happened during this first year.
What was your first fight about? How did you resolve it?
What's the biggest change in your relationship since the wedding?
What is the one thing that has changed the most about your husband/wife?
What is the biggest change you have seen in yourself?
Tell about the home you lived in when you first got married?
What was the greatest joy? the greatest sorrow?
What one thing did you expect to change since being married but it didn't?
What do you two do together now (hobbies, games, etc) for fun that you didn't do before getting married?
Do you spend more or less time together since getting married? How do you feel about that?
Who did most of the cooking in the first year?
Did you start any traditions? What were they?
What was your most embarrassing moment?
Any memories associated with music?
Describe your typical Sundays?
What was the first purchase you made together as a married couple?
What was the worse wedding present?
Who was the worse behaved of your reception guests? Tell about it.
Where there any serious illnesses or injuries?
How did you become engaged?
Tell about any interesting or important visitors to your home
Tell about a frustrating experience you had with a car
What was the biggest compromise you had to make?
What was the color of your first home as man and wife?
Question 80
Describe the perfect spring day and activities done on that day.
I had a really really long day, so I'm going to come back and answer this tomorrow when I post tomorrow question. I just don't want to skip many more days.
So if you want to see what I have to say about this stop back by. Otherwise you know what to do, but in case you don't. Put your answer in the comment section or in your journal and leave the link so we can read your answer.
Have a good night....
This answer posted 8/11:
Here in MN the winters seem to be getting longer and longer. Fall is 3 days then winter is FOREVER! So when spring comes I love it. It also doesn't last long .. them summer hits. I have a feeling soon we will have two seasons, winter and summer. But for now Spring IS my favorite time of year. The first day the weather gets springish, I open all my windows and clean! I love spring cleaning (I know I know!) but it's like a fresh start to life where everything is shiny, clean, and that stale smell of winter is gone!
After cleaning, it's time to go for a nice long walk. Oh I love that first spring walk. Just being outside without a heavy coat and those ugly boots (really my boots are cute but by the end of winter I hate them) I love seeing the birds celebrating the weather, going up to the lake and seeing most of the ice gone, knowing soon I can swim. The smell of spring is wonderful... but then comes the rain and I go to sleep lol. So my perfect spring day is mostly the cleaning and airing out. And knowing the winter depression is lifting. I'm an odd one!
Tuesday, August 9, 2005
Question 79 ~ Another favorite...
I loved all my aunts, I have faint memories of my aunt Jenny. She died when I was a kid. My Aunt Dorothy would probably be my favorite since I got to know her most. She was a bold, vociferous, funny, loving .. in your face kind of woman. She said what she meant and meant what she said. Some people found her to be harsh. She told me things other's were afraid to say. Like "you're acting like a spoiled brat"
She had breast cancer and had a double mastectomy. Once at a family reunion she jumped up to catch a ball and her false breast fell out. Without missing a beat she scooped down and picked it up and said "See I don't only drop balls" She had a way about her, nothing was going to beat her. In the end we lost her to cancer. It was such a loss to me. At her funeral I ran into the minister and he asked who she was to me, I said proudly my aunt. He said "Then you know she's up in heaven right now.." Then he added "running the place" The next Christmas I was writing Christmas cards and came across her on the list. My heart broke all over again. I don't think I ever told her what she meant to me. Now at times, I look up to the sky, KNOWING she knows how I'm feeling and just smile. I know she's up there taking care of me.
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **
Monday, August 8, 2005
Question 78 ~ Where is your Peace?
A few things bring me peace. My cat of coarse. Just cuddling with him and listening to him purr. Having all my children under my roof at the same time... I feel content and know they are all safe and well. My room, when I'm stressed or the world is overwhelming to me, I retreat into my room, it is cozy and MINE.
Prayer, That brings me the most peace. I know no matter what I'm going through He is there. He may not give me the answers right away or the answers I want but eventually the answers do come.. it's when I fight it that I'm in the most turmoil.
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **
Saturday, August 6, 2005