Thursday, June 30, 2005
Question 67 ~ Fathers
Great, I really can't answer this question. In all honesty my father was a drunk and did horrible things ... I am bowing out of this question. Maybe someday I can write about him... but I don't think I ever will (at least not in a public setting)
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **
PS. I lost the email from someone who had requested to be a journal jar spotlight journal. So would the person that emailed me please send me a link again... I can't even remember who it was. My memory is shot!
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Question 66 ~ Holiday
What is your favorite holiday and how do you celebrate it?When this subject comes up (and oddly enough it does very often) most people say Christmas. Not for me Christmas has become too commercialized and lost the true meaning... it is also causing me major stress, beginning around Oct. Although I love Christmas and the decorating, having to buy presents for everyone and their mailman is a hardship.... I love giving, but the cost is crazy. So I stress.
Having said that my favorite holiday is Halloween! Going door to door and getting chocolate, come on what can be better then that! hehe. I love dressing up and just being whatever I want for the day. It's the day I can wear odd things and no one looks twice (even if it's one of my everyday outfits!) I love the smell of pumpkins, I love the feel of the goo in the pumpkins when you're cleaning them.. Yeah, I have been told I'm odd. I like my kids and I to dress up in themes. One year my son was a vampire and everyone else were his victims.. We all made ourselves look half dead and had bite marks on our necks. I was a bitten prom queen. We have a blast. Staying out late, running across yards, talking to people we hardly know, having strangers take our pictures.
Then coming home and playing games and eating pizza. I usually make sloppy Joe's or hot-dogs before we go out.. but we are always hungry when we get back and order pizza.
It's just a holiday where I can have fun with the kids and not have all the stress of making it right. If Halloween goes wrong... well.. then we can patch it up! There is no patching up the other holidays around my mother!!
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **
Welcome to Kelly aka happysunshien you can visit her journal at: Kelly's Journal Jar
Monday, June 27, 2005
Question 66 ~ College
Did you go to any college or technical training? Where? what did you study?
Right after high school I took a coarse at the technical college in our town, I studied to be a Medical secretary. My dream was to take some law classes, sign language, and Spanish, So I would be a very sought after secretary... that didn't happen. I got married soon after and had a baby.
Years later I began to take paralegal classes. I loved it, however, my funding was pulled so I was only able to complete one year. I hope someday I can go back...
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **
I know of two new members since I've been gone.. if I have missed someone please let me know...
Welcome to Ms O at: Miss O's Soapbox
and dshelestraci at: My life as a transplanted Yankee
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
I just want you all to know that I haven't continued with the questions because I'm unsure how things will be going. A lot will be answered in the next few days for me... I will hope to continue then. I don't want to keep starting and stopping.
I did want to throw in a journal jar spotlight....
Today it shines on Heather and Hadon:
Heather is amazing....I love this girl. She too is having her own struggles yet she is always supportive of others (like very many people lately) Her journal is one of courage, growth and humor. She has great audio entries and has even sang some on them. She has an amazing voice. So Heather ... I hope you have your shades on because the light is on you.
Check out her journal at: A Second Chance
Hadon: I've been reading his journal for a while now. He is such a talented writer. I'm in awe of this man's writing. He puts things in words that have been in my head unable to come out. When I read his journal I always leave there with my heart full. Not only is Hadon a great writer but he is also a very caring and supportive friend.
You can check out his journal here: The Hadonfield Myers Experience
I love both these journals!!
Sunday, June 19, 2005
To the journal jar fathers. Hope this day is filled with love.
This isn't a journal jar question so don't feel you have to participate....
In one sentence what would you say to your dad if she was reading right now?
>>>> Dad, Thank you for your patience, without you stepping up, I wouldn't be who I am today!
I won't comment on what I would say to my Biological father :)
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Hey all,
Please know that question 66 in the journaler's journal who suddenly decided to take over the journal jar (who did so without checking with me) is NOT the next question.. as most of you already know there was a question like that a few questions back. She does not have the jar, she is making questions up. I do not know why anyone would want to do this.
I do wish to have the journal to come back to. But right now I need to work things out in my life and I need everyone's understanding.
If she was just asking questions and not saying Journal jar quesiton 66 I would pay no attention to it other then to post to her. I do not want my new readers to get the two confused.
I'm sorry I'm away. But if I were to try to do this I would be missing days at a time not consistant. That isn't far to you all....
Also if newcomers want to catch up it's a win win situation.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
I can send out an email to those who do not read my private journal and would like to know what's going on. I do not want to post it publicly. So if you want leave a comment and I will send out an email.
I'm sorry and hope to be back soon.
question 64 ~ The teenage years
What do you remember most about being a teenager?
My teenage years were the point of change for me. I went from a sometimes difficult but mostly willing to please child. I mean I had my times when I was a brat.. but I always felt bad about it.
My teenage years were different. I did whatever I felt like doing.. drinking, smoking, sex.. etc. Not caring who I hurt, actually I don't believe I thought I was hurting anyone. It was my ME ME ME years. It was also when I experienced mania for the first time. I was out of control, yet I thought everything was fine. I wore out everyone around me (family) they eventually threw their hands up.. until years later when I began to see what I was doing. After my first baby and then my marriage. I finally realized something was so wrong with me.
I know I had to go through all that stuff to be who I am now. The pain I was in doesn't really give me a second thought.. however, the pain I put other's through does. I have made amends for most of it. I know I am forgiven... but I still wonder.
So what I remember most about my teen years was I was a devil!
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **
Welcome to our newest participant
Emily aka Therealslimemmy at Emily's Purple Pages
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Journal jar Spotlight
Well, it's Sunday so I thought I'd do another journal spotlight....
I came to know Steph when she joined the journal jar. I have to admit she is pretty new to me but I still enjoy reading her journals. She has a little bit of everything. She can hold my interest and my attention. I'm very glad that she joined I may not have had the pleasure of getting to know her if she hadn't. I haven't caught up with all my journal reading so I'm a few entries behind. Check her out and catch up with me :)
Her journals:
Welcome to my life!
These Days
Steph's thoughts
My second person to spotlight is someone I had "met" before I came to J-Land. I have talked to her on the phone and she is someone I always look forward to hearing from. Her journal is actually the second journal I had ever read. She has very moving entries.. all about her life. She's funny and talented. My life is better for having "met" her. I love her like a sister. So RayRay meet J-land ... J-land here is Ray!!
Better Choices
Have a great night all!!
Question 64 back to childhood
As I have said before I don't have much memory of my childhood. I'm figuring eventually the reason for that will come out in an answer or two for this thing. I have fragmented memories at best.
So what I can remember about Sunday's as a child... I know it was wrestling night (we watched wrestling) I loved that! We sometimes got to eat in the living room which was forbidden normally. If we were good in church we would get to stop off at the store and get a candy bar.
I think my best memory is the rides to DQ with the top down on our convertible. My sister and I would get blueberry shakes just so on the way home we could watch the blueberries blow off our spoons!
I would say those are good enough memories. I have learned to treasure the few I have. Sometimes when a new one comes back to me (good ones that is) I get so thrilled. I have a notebook just for that.
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **
Be sure to check back later, I will be spotlighting a journal. Is it yours? hehe
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Question 63 ~ Doctor doctor!!
When they are in the room for 10 minutes with you and have their hand on the door knob for the last 5, it's hard to think they have your best interest at heart.
I remember my doctor when I was a kid, he was great. Too bad he is not longer practicing medicine.
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **
to Rachel aka sangriablue3151 at: Rachel's Warm Fuzzies
Friday, June 10, 2005
Question 62
I have no idea about my "natural" grandparents. Only my step grandparents. However, I want to write this about my biological family so I'm going to need to talk to my mother about this. I will update with my answer later. I wanted to get the question out....
Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Question 61 ~ life after....
Well, my first response to this question was "Yikes I'm not answering this right now" That just won't work though. I need to look at how I'm feeling about this.
Death doesn't frighten me as much as it used to, I'm not wishing for it anymore either. I think my feelings about it change from day to day... moment to moment. Sometimes I feel if it's my time so be it, then other times I fight like the devil to keep myself alive... Giving it to God is actually where I'm at right now. If he's ready then I can't do anything about that. I guess I know there will be peace, my suffering will end.
Now for the "afterlife". I have just as many mixed feelings about that too. The only thing I truly believe is that there is something after.. this is not it, and it has to be better then this.
I sometimes feel we come back... sometimes to "fix" our wrongs, sometimes to have a better life. Maybe we just keep coming back until we get it "right". Either way I hang onto the fact that there is a higher power, there is a heaven... My body will stay here and my soul will go somewhere. Lord only knows.
I rest easier knowing this isn't it!
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **
To Charley aka cdittric77 at: Courage
Jaclyn aka iloveshopping17 at: Welcome to my colorful world
ibeetsmartkidz Advice from fat men a many (homepage)
hotty8242 (no link)
Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Sorry I didn't post a question today, I had a very full day.. wish I could say full of good things. But hey, the day's not over yet. Hmm is that good or bad? ;)
Hope you all are having a good day.
***Opps sorry everyone (who has the Journal jar on alerts) for just posting that entry in here, it was for my other journal.
Monday, June 6, 2005
Question 60 Childhood vacations
Tell about a favorite childhood vacation.
I think all we really ever did for our vacations when I was a child was to go camping. Sometimes in tents other times in cabins. We always had fun though. I don't really have a favorite because they all sort of blend together.
I remember going to Duluth a lot in the summer to spend time with my aunt and uncle and their children. That was a lot of fun (for the most part) and I looked forward to going back.
We also spent a lot of time in Hibbing with my mother's (now ex boyfriend's) mother and aunt. She was like my grandmother.. I loved spending time with her.
Still no one memory stands out for me. Blocking most of my childhood out, I am hoping some more vivid memories come to mind even after I post this.
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **
We have quite a few new participants so welcome to:
Shanon aka forpounds at: Shanon's Weekly Assignments
Barbara aka bhbner2him at Life & Faith in Caneyhead
Royrie62 at: Hillbilly Granny
Bearanbananasmom at: Odd Liquid
Willingdreamer at: Specializing in the impossible
Gabbygranny60 at: Emmie's World...Welcome
Brandy aka Brandyp0508 at: My world, my rant.
Elisa aka Happinessdreams (no link)
Sunday, June 5, 2005
Pimpin' is easy :)
We interrupt our regularly scheduled question for something little different.
I'm spotlighting a journal (or in this case two). I will probably be doing this from time to time, with or without a question. I think there are so many great journals out there and hope to share some you may not already be reading.
So this evening I am shinning the journal jar spotlight on
Kel is a great woman she's real, down to earth, and isn't afraid to say what is on her mind. Her journals are real life stuff and can be so funny. Her entries make me smile.
So stop by her journals:
Confessions of a 20something Drama Queen
The Mountain Life of a Yankee Wife
If you would like to have your journal spotlighted and you don't think I'm a regular reader feel free to send me your link in an email.... I may already read your journal.
Hope you enjoy Kel's journal's as much as I do, her pictures are awesome too!
Saturday, June 4, 2005
Friday, June 3, 2005
Question 59... OUCH
How do you feel about dentists?
When I pulled this question, I busted out laughing. I have no clue why, guess I didn't expect a question like this...
I do not like going to the dentist, however I love my teeth MORE then I dislike the dentist. So I go every 6 months. I don't like the smell of the office or the sound of the drill. Just that sound makes my teeth hurt.
My dentist told me I brush my teeth too much, NEVER thought I'd hear that from a dentist. But I guess you can brush your teeth so much it wears away the enamel so, I resist the urge to brush them constantly.
So although going to the dentist freaks me out, I'm glad he's there. SMILE!
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **
Thursday, June 2, 2005
Question 58
What a thrilling question. I've been married three times... engaged a couple that I never married. And now single. I can only say I'm have no clue why I picked the men I did. I know that I didn't pick them for the right reasons or pick the right men. Guess I have no real answer for this. I do know one thing, do NOT get married when you are drunk (if you weren't engaged to begin with!) It won't work LOL.
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **
Lori aka Fitzzer at: Purple Snapdragons
Willow2178 at: Like sands through an hourglass....
Hibbysoccer66 (no link)
Terri Webservant2003 (no link)
Wednesday, June 1, 2005
Question 57 ~ Lessons learned
What was the hardest thing for you to learn in life?
I would say the hardest thing I've had to learn, and I'm still learning... is that I am human, I can make mistakes. I get very upset at myself when I do something wrong, or it turns out to be the wrong choice. I expect myself to be perfect, I can't seem accept myself at times for who I am. I'm better then I used to be. When I was in college I HAD to get A's.. I wore myself out, I would stay up all night to study. If I messed up (and got a B) I would feel like a complete failure. Perfection is not something I even NEED to reach. So that was very hard to learn, just being myself and happy in my own skin.
** You know the drill... you can answer in the comment sections, or your own journal. If you are answering in your own journal please link your entry below so everyone can enjoy your writing! If you're new to the journal jar please let us know that also! **
We have a few new participants. Wishing a warm welcome to:
Melissa aka beachmellissa3 at: A BEACH GIRLS DREAMS
Gina aka Motoxmom72 at: No More Appetite for Destruction
Katiegrace16 at: Step by Step